The Spectator Mode - could be more organized if...
Germany Join Date: 2016-02-11 Member: 212895Members, NS2 Playtester

1. Play the Voice-Talks for Marines on the left ear and the Alien ones on the right ear... If 2-3 people are talking in both teams you can't understand anything.
In this way a spectator can even choose (if he uses a Headset) to put one earshell (dunno whats the right word) from his headset away to listen to one team.
2. Display who is talking centered at top of the screen below the res counters and not behind the alien team names.
3. Move the minimap on the bottom left more into the screen so it is not partially behind the marine team names.
4. Shrink down the player buttons on each side so more names can be displayed correctly on NS2Large servers. As spectator you have plenty of time clicking on a name.
The buttons don't need to be that large.
5. Another cool option would if you click on the commander in each team to actually see his view and what he is building and so on. Like this a new player who wants to
command can learn from watching what to do before getting in the command station themselves. By clicking the logout button they could get back to normal spectator
If I have more ideas I will edit them in the OP.
So now the question to the PDT and the community what do you think of my ideas and have you more?
In this way a spectator can even choose (if he uses a Headset) to put one earshell (dunno whats the right word) from his headset away to listen to one team.
2. Display who is talking centered at top of the screen below the res counters and not behind the alien team names.
3. Move the minimap on the bottom left more into the screen so it is not partially behind the marine team names.
4. Shrink down the player buttons on each side so more names can be displayed correctly on NS2Large servers. As spectator you have plenty of time clicking on a name.
The buttons don't need to be that large.
5. Another cool option would if you click on the commander in each team to actually see his view and what he is building and so on. Like this a new player who wants to
command can learn from watching what to do before getting in the command station themselves. By clicking the logout button they could get back to normal spectator
If I have more ideas I will edit them in the OP.
So now the question to the PDT and the community what do you think of my ideas and have you more?

6. The techpoint chart could be centered between the evoutions and upgrades for aliens and marines and could be a litte bit smaller, too.
Yes it would steal some sight on the screen but its the spectator mode. You can't be killed or miss anything important by not seeing this
part of the screen.
#1 sounds like a disaster though... not sure it would help distiguish teams at all by having voices in different ears.
These all sound like awesome ideas... not sure when we'll be able to commit time to doing them though.
So there are the teams on the left and right. If you click on a player the camera will follow that player. It is the same for the commander. If you click on the commander, your camera will follow the commander's view. You will see what he sees. You won't get his GUI, but you will get his POV.
Hearing the teams on different ears can only help if you can hear stereo. Since most people can I think this could be helpful. It's like 3D in the cinema. Some people can see right to see the effects properly and some don't.
I know this function. This is how I got the idea. But I mean with the GUI, pointer and everything. Sorry if this wasn't clear at the beginning.
Since you only have his POV you only see the cam moving around quickly and see him meds and ammo dropping. But that does not help learning something.
Edit: @BeigeAlert: The hearing thing could also be achieved came to my mind right now by implementing a button showing who you hear. Like: Marines Only - All - Aliens Only and changing description and channels by clicking on it
You'd need highlights on key presses too. Otherwise there is no point when the commander just hotkeys. The only thing you'd see is selection menu change if they don't select with their mouse. If you don't pay attention you might not notice them upgrading stuff, especially when you don't know what to look for.
Looking at a first person stream/recording of a commander should highlight any potential problems or improvements to be made for spectating them.
I personnally tend to follow specific players or just click here and there.
It practically the same problem what you say like when people don't read the chat. I always read the chat because not everyone has a mic to give status updates and I don't want to miss something that's going on. Others never read whats in there. That causes tunnels or Phasegates not being used or rushes on the own base or outposts go unnoticed...
I like the idea to look at a recording of a commander for a search of problems
AFAIK. it will only centre on his view, so you have to keep clicking on his name or hold down spacebar to continually centre on his view.
Also @ChrisStark, because you are in Germany you probably have not had the pleasure to play on the tactical gamer server in the US. They have a mod there that allows you to select: Marine voice comms, alien voice comms, both comms, only spectator comms, and no comms at all. It is done as a shine plug in so theoretically, someone could pull it out of the tgns mod and use it elsewhere.