TGNS Approvals Word Cloud
Pot Pie Aficionado Join Date: 2002-12-04 Member: 10447Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue

TGNS has a feature that allows players to "Approve" each other for any reason. Anyone may click or type to +1/Like/ThumbsUp someone, and optionally specify a reason (freeform text). Approval reasons range from social to competitive, genuine to joking, and everything in between. The bottom edge of everyone's HUD briefly and unobtrusively shows when someone has been Approved -- it's a great, fun way to foster fellowship while we play.
I took the various reasons that players have given when Approving players over the last 18 months and threw them into a word cloud generator:

If you've played on TGNS recently, reasons others have targeted you with are displayed on your TGNS Portal My Settings page.
I took the various reasons that players have given when Approving players over the last 18 months and threw them into a word cloud generator:

If you've played on TGNS recently, reasons others have targeted you with are displayed on your TGNS Portal My Settings page.
That's pretty rude m8 and rude is a pretty much of a children act so i guess you should play mine craft
Not sure if trolling...
This has to be a joke right? Some of the best 8v8 games I've ever played have been on TGNS. There are very few rules and absolutely zero inappropriate ones;
If you think the above rules constitute 'policing someone' then I'd hate to see your idea of relaxed rules, because it must be literal chaos. There's plenty of servers out there that will let you do whatever you like, regardless of if it ruins the game for the rest of your team. Stick to those I guess.
I find it hilarious that you correct his spelling of the game when that butchered string or words you wrote makes zero sense :P
You missed being kicked for a reserved slot holder with zero warning whatsoever as if you were playing on KKG.
Not true. Plenty of explanations and warnings if you bother to read them.
Also, a full reserved slot is a reward you only get for donating to pay the server bills, so damn straight people should be able to play if they want to. Even then, if you're the longest playing 'stranger' on a team in a round (new to the server, haven't signed the primer, don't donate) then you're protected from being 'bumped' (having your place taken). Also, the longest playing primer signer is protected too.
There is also a huge custom karma system employed that means if you contribute more and do more helpful things, you're less likely to get bumped in the first place so whereas some servers just kick you so someone else can join, TG actively keeps a mix of all kinds of people on a team.
So its not for casual players to that server. Got that. Also, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the last guy to join the team, so everyone who joined after me were registered or donors? And the implementation sucks. There isn't a warning or anything. One moment you are playing, the next you are in the ready room. And muted because ready room people can't speak to ingame players, so you can't even tell your team what happened if you were doing something for them like building a forward phase gate.
I don't see how other servers kicking people changes anything, and for the record, I've only been kicked (sent to another server) for reserved slots from the now defunct KKG.
If it suits you, the slots logic is documented:
The logic is complicated, but I can answer any questions you have if you find me on Steam or PM me somewhere (here, TG, Discord -- whatever works).
No, its fine. I'm just not joining your server or Wooza's server or any other server I don't like as there are other servers to play on. To be clear, you are both swell guys along with all the other server providers. I wasn't going to post anything, but I'm just tired of this circling of wagons.
I hope you don't join my servers because of other reasons. I never supported reserved and this is why I achieved now 3000+hrs in ns2
Anyway I really like some of Wyzcraks plugins, they are really intuitive. I hope his server get's more attention and people to join during the rush hour.
You're just as entitled to your opinion that you support and like the system as someone else is to their opinion that they consider the system to be silly. Mods that kick non-afk, non-toxic players out of a running game don't fly for me, and apparently not for others either.
it's the point!
i'd say "follow orders" shouldn't be a thing. His judgement should not supplant my own. If he makes a suggestion and I think it'll help us win, yes, otherwise I should be able to make the appropriate call on my own.
Nothing in the 'follow orders' rule implies that people lack the required judgement to make a tactical decision or that the commander's judgement is better and in practice, You don't actually get many explicit orders from the commander on TGNS, only when he has a very specific idea of what he wants to achieve next. But that being said, when that order comes, you follow it or you play elsewhere. I think that's fair.
A good leader knows to welcome new information and make adjusted decisions based on it, or set their ego aside in order to listen to their subordinates who may be acting on information that requires immediate action - not communication - to take advantage of.
For those that outright refuse to listen to orders constantly throughout a round, ok, that's where the rule makes sense, but that could just be explained by another rule like not employing teamwork.
We've only had to use that twice, though.
TIL how to get out of listening to poor commander calls on TG. "Sorry com, I have to pressure this node or else I'll die in real life from a sense of defeat"