
Need839Need839 Join Date: 2016-03-22 Member: 214692Members
i don't know about you guys, but i feel like there should be pets implemented into the game, Especially the ones you can hatch in the aquarium. For instance, I have a 3 story aquarium in my base and i have a bunch of stalkers and sand sharks and a bunch of other Fishes, I sent 1 stalker out and he now roams my base waiting for me to leave so he can bite me, anyway, i think you should be able to have a pet stalker with you to scare away the other ones, same as the sand shark

I feel like pets implemented into the game would be a huge step forwards for the game its self, Anyone else feel this way?


  • GlyphGryphGlyphGryph USA Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201435Members
    Look at the transfuser dev tickets, and I get the feeling that's exactly where we are going.
  • ADM_NtekADM_Ntek Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214456Members
    Cute Fish
    in the trivia section it says this
    The Cute Fish will be available as a pet for players having bought the early access version of Subnautica.
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    Can't you also tame stalkers by offering them peepers? Doesn't that count as petting?
  • OrkaOrka Join Date: 2007-06-07 Member: 61157Members
    Maybe something like a cute seal or something similar? Something that follows you around, but can't die/get hurt?
    Would be interesting if they would swim around and you could tame them with some fish. Could make the game feel a bit more lively
  • Cyan_ideCyan_ide South Africa Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 209992Members
    I think being able to tame a creature that you raise from birth in the aquarium is a great idea. Maybe certain creatures have different uses like:

    -stalkers can fetch those metal scraps around an area

    -Sand sharks could be like your base defense where they hide in a location (In the sand) and if something dangerous comes near it jumps out and attacks it.

    -Bone sharks could be like your guard dog that follows you and will attack anything you command it to

    -Reefbacks can.... be your... mobile boat?

    Point being I think it would be an awesome idea to add pets and tame the wildlife around you.
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