[bug] No fragments [30230]

RevassinRevassin Belgium Join Date: 2016-03-20 Member: 214577Members
edited March 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
After updating to 30230 I was still using my old save but all of a sudden my rescue pod starting drifting away before I could set up a habitat with energy. So I decided to start up a new game I delete my old save and then started a new game (Suvival mode). Right after I got my scanner I went to finding some fragments. I looked through multiple domes but I couldn't find any. I tried restarting the game and also starting several new games in different modes hardcore/freedom still nothing. I even tried to validate my files (no problems found) and reinstalled the game still no fragments anywhere.


  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    Fragments appear in the game after the aurora explodes. Even then the first few minutes after it explodes theres not alot of fragments to be found, but as time passes by more and more spawns up. Im not certain but i think the reason it is so is that they want us to use the first few minutes of gameplay to gather ressources, create a few tools/equipment pieces so that when the aurora explodes you are ready to survive the other biome's threats when looking for fragments
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