Getting On Top Of The Hives
Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11957Members

I was in a server the other day and us aliens were down to our last hive barely holding out. Along comes a guy with a jetpack and an HMG, gets on top of our hives and blows it to hell. After we lost everyone was in the ready room bitching, moaning, and whining that the said player was exploiting and that it was an exploit to get ontop of the hive. Personally i think it is not, and another guy was saying that it was and 1.04 was going to fix it and stuff.
I'm new here and this topic has probobly been beaten to death...i looked but didn't find another topic about this, so i'd prefer you save your "LOOK FOR THE TOPIC N00B!!" <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> and either don't reply or a simple yes/no answer.
I'm new here and this topic has probobly been beaten to death...i looked but didn't find another topic about this, so i'd prefer you save your "LOOK FOR THE TOPIC N00B!!" <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> and either don't reply or a simple yes/no answer.
I am considering placing clip brushes in my map, as I see it a little unfair that the marines get to place Turret factories and com consoles in positions that prevent anyone getting behind them. but the aliens have almost no way to get up there to even attack the guy, withough him seeing them and getting plenty of time for a shot.
So, I see it as a valid last ditch effort to try and take out a 2nd or 3rd hive.
I know, I'm rambleing, and I know marines are gonna come up with some excuse or way to beat this with 2 hives (though I highly doubt they can come up with one for 1 hive, and don't say lerk, cus with 1 hive a lerk is a joke). Also I don't nessasarilly mean that the marine has a HMG, this can be used to good effect even with a pistol or LMG. My point is, why should marines be able to be far more mobile than a lerk while possessing heavyer armor and far better firepower? My segestion is to lower the amount of time the marine can stay aloft based on what weapons they are carrying, specifically HMGs, Shotguns, and grenade launchers. This of course won't fix the problem as a marine with level 3 upgraded armor and level 3 upgraded weapons is going to be deadlyer with a jetpack than an unupgraded HMG marine, however it should help somewhat.
I think once cieling-surfing is fixed it will be less of a problem... but wouldn't the ns_nothing Power Silo hive be a candidate, given the rough edges? You can get up as a skulk, sure, but it's sometimes tricky... And the Great Viaduct hive is just so damn BIG... <ramble ramble ramble>
<!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo-->
This tactic was used against me once, we were losing so the comm gave me a JP and a HMG, and I jetted off to sit on a hive. As I climbed up to the top I realised there were 3 OC's on top, and reacted slowly as I was NOT expecting them, and they killed me.
The point is simply that instead of complaining about things like this, you should learn to counter them with good tactics.
And a marine that stays in the air is more annoying then one on top of a hive. atleast the skulks have a chance when theyre not airborn
As for killing the flying jetpacker, I suggest using a lerk, it's really hard as a skulk. Even 1-hive lerks stand a good chance against flying hmg/jetpackers. You just need to stop trying to fly and bite and go anti-air against him, spikes being hitscan and all, with some accuracy, you should gun him down.
Also, build OC's in the hive location will do very little except discourage the jetpacker to a) slow down or b) land. Otherwise, the OC's inaccurate flying will do little.
Also, if your a gorge with the 2nd hive, then you can web the jetpacker out the sky or web the vent he came into (most jetpackers hit the hive and run).
But, as a consequence of not building defense chambers to increase the hives life-time, a jetpacker will have little trouble welding it.