Random Suggestions

LaokiaLaokia TN, USA Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213570Members
edited March 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I have a few random ideas/suggestions for SubNautica. I love this game to bits and often thing of some random stuff so... well, some of this may be really weird. These are just thoughts, basically, though I am going to try and make sense with them. I'm also super exhausted so there are likely several MAJOR flaws or craziness with these, sorry! This post is long, but I split everything into sections to try and keep it organized.

PDA 'radar' Mode:
This one actually came to mind from the blank-PDA bug in the aquarium planters. You can see through the PDA, and it seems like that could enable some neat gameplay mechanics. Perhaps a translucent ('invisible') creature that you can sorta make out without the PDA, but using the screen the radar will show the dimensions of it. Since you can swim but not turn/rotate while the PDA is open, your movement would be limited; the seamoth could also be upgraded, or use the radar upgrade that already exists, to show it as well.

This screen could also show the name of the biome you are currently in and possibly the distance to the seafloor. Or, even have a map toggle that shows the world layout, like the simple biome map. To keep emphasis on exploration, the map could be hidden with parts being revealed as you move through the world. The range for revealing the map could also be small and maybe even require being within a certain distance from the seafloor. Caves, wrecks, bases, etc. could be revealed and displayed after the player goes through an entrance or so far into it (so they couldn't reveal them just by swimming nearby).
-Just remembered seeing something in the plans about a map thing, derp.

Abyss Notification (& Monstrosity):
I'm not going to go into detail on the abyss monster as it has been suggested. Simply, a monster that eats you if you venture too far into the Abyss. I do think that you should be notified when you enter the abyss, or go a certain length into it. I am not sure how many people have actually just swam/drove off into it for what could seem to be an eternity before either realizing that they must have left the map or freaking out and turning around. Yeah, the inky blackness should be a big clue but... speaking personally, well, when you are new to the game it is an easy mistake, especially if you do not look up maps or information online. Perhaps say something like 'Warning: Reaching communication limits' or something sorta vague so you could still mistakenly continue venturing and reach the monstrosity. This notice could also be disabled for hardcore mode.

Colorful Glow Lights:
This idea is for a new craftable light, like a small glowing orb. The color could be set/changed and the light would emit a glow of the specified color. It would be bright enough to illuminate things, specifically the walls or rooms of bases, but not bright enough to cast glares on your eyes or the windows. Kinda like the creepvine clusters. I know certain plants do emit glows, but this would give players more control over the color and placement and for being something simple it would enable a good bit of creative base development, at least it seems so to me. At the very least, it would add a bit more color to the bases, and the effects could work well with biomes that players may already try to build in due to the light ambiance (like the jelly shroom caves or the lava zone) so that building in those places could be enhanced rather than becoming pointless.

New Base Building Options:
Just some random base ideas. A large rectangular room (like the moonpool, without the... pool...) allowing placement of more items, especially with the new farming update, without losing room to move and walk around and minimizing the chance of getting stuck and fighting to navigate through your home (the aquarium rooms... those hatches and stairs, ugh). Would also allow easier placement of more power sources. An even larger square aquarium could also be implemented, or the round ones could still be placed inside. The room could have a glass variation, perhaps.

Adding some color to your base with a tool or something, essentially painting it. Could add a feature where you can gather DNA from or research samples of various plants within the game and take the colorations from them to paint the base. Like, the luminescence of the jelly shrooms, the pale glow of the blood kelp, the (kinda sorta) starry blue of the koosh, the red cone plants dark and light red with blue glowing accents. This idea is probably the most crazy, but I still wanted to add it.

Ultra-Creative / Custom Mode (Sharing Custom Games):
Adding a mode where players can actually create the world. Giving access to models (such as wreckage, abandoned bases, supply boxes, etc.) and perhaps terrain tools to allow players to create their own SubNautica world that they can then share with others. This would give the game extended playability and allow people to be really creative with it. This mode could even be a DLC or something; though it should allow players to PLAY custom worlds without the DLC (or maybe have some custom assets that would require the player to have the DLC, but only IF that asset was used in the custom world). That's just me based on some things that I hate about certain games big on the DLC that I won't rant about here; currently SubNautica requires a semi-expensive computer to even run and making a pricey DLC would essentially add a big limitation on this idea which is meant to remove some limitations.

It seems like one of the major things to do with SubNautica is be creative, and adding a bit more of that while ALSO adding in the main draw of exploration (being able to explore what would essentially be a new world with new surprises) seems like it could bring more people to the game and give those that have exhaustedly played it something to look forward to and play it again.

Well, I can't remember anything else at the moment and I think I need to end this anyway. Sorry again about the length. If you read all that, well, kudos to you I suppose? Thanks regardless, lol. Again, random and crazy. ^^'


  • xXDogeLordXxxXDogeLordXx Doge bed Join Date: 2015-08-03 Member: 206713Members

    Ultra-Creative / Custom Mode (Sharing Custom Games):
    Adding a mode where players can actually create the world. Giving access to models (such as wreckage, abandoned bases, supply boxes, etc.) and perhaps terrain tools to allow players to create their own SubNautica world that they can then share with others. This would give the game extended playability and allow people to be really creative with it. This mode could even be a DLC or something; though it should allow players to PLAY custom worlds without the DLC (or maybe have some custom assets that would require the player to have the DLC, but only IF that asset was used in the custom world). That's just me based on some things that I hate about certain games big on the DLC that I won't rant about here; currently SubNautica requires a semi-expensive computer to even run and making a pricey DLC would essentially add a big limitation on this idea which is meant to remove some limitations.

    This is a good idea.. But we could also name our planet?
  • bwoodfieldbwoodfield Canada Join Date: 2016-03-08 Member: 214017Members
    Laokia wrote: »
    Abyss Notification (& Monstrosity):
    I'm not going to go into detail on the abyss monster as it has been suggested. Simply, a monster that eats you if you venture too far into the Abyss. I do think that you should be notified when you enter the abyss, or go a certain length into it. I am not sure how many people have actually just swam/drove off into it for what could seem to be an eternity before either realizing that they must have left the map or freaking out and turning around. Yeah, the inky blackness should be a big clue but... speaking personally, well, when you are new to the game it is an easy mistake, especially if you do not look up maps or information online. Perhaps say something like 'Warning: Reaching communication limits' or something sorta vague so you could still mistakenly continue venturing and reach the monstrosity. This notice could also be disabled for hardcore mode.

    If you have the thermometer equipped the temperature drops to 0c once you enter the abyss, however I don't think you start taking damage at all from it. Maybe a notice that hypothermia is setting in, and you eventually start to freeze.
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