Bug reporting [Update Feb.2016] - Blueprint Scans Stuck at 99%; Animal extinction (...)

PeterManizePeterManize Pandolite Join Date: 2015-12-28 Member: 210458Members
Hi everyone.

I decided to leave a complete bug reporting regarding the "Farming Update" [Feb.2016].

Well i am going to be honest... I did rage and quit rage many times. But i will not bring out "my rage" to the forum, because i will lose my reasoning, everyone will not understand or they will simply troll me.
So keep in mind that this is a simple bug report on my end. Some of them are literal bugs some are glitch's other's might be a problem with the game configuration in my end, either way, if this helps out with the game development i will be happy and relieved.

So.. I am going to start with the most annoying and game breaking of them all:
#1- Blueprint Scans Stuck at 99%

In my gameplays, i have been witnessing and i literally get stuck [Sometimes in early days in game, and more frequently in later days in game], with the fragments scan's.

In one controlled gameplay, I found out that if you don't scan completely one fragment it can cause a big devastating effect in game with the other fragment scans.

It happened with one of seamoth fragments i scanned it, but i already had it unlocked, and so.. i didn't completed the scan and left it.
A few moments later i found 2 seaglide fragments [the quantity required to unlock the blueprint], i scanned both but it didn't unlocked the recipe.
I checked the blueprint progression, and it was stuck at 99% - Even though i scanned the 2 necessary fragments - I found a third fragment and scanned it, but it didn't do nothing.
Neither it unlocked the recipe nor gave me titanium.
I kept going for a while and it never unlocked the recipe.

When i started scanning other fragments i got the same bug all over again, every single one got stuck at 99% and never unlocked any recipes, and i scanned all fragments necessary to unlock the recipes.

In another controlled gameplay, i started playing the game but never managed to complete my goals.
For some reason the bug, started to affect even though I scanned every fragment on my way, either by mistake or not, i just didn't want the bug to appear.

What i did noticed was that every time i paused the game, it seems the blueprint progression gets broken somehow, and again gets stuck at 99%.
There is no way for me to get around this, unless i cheat and spawn a seamoth in front of me. But i am not a big fan of cheating and i just erase the save file and start all over again.

#2 - Animal extinction

Eh.. i think i overreacted with the title lol, but it literally happens.
Everytime i save and exit the game, and on later date reload the game. All animals disappear.
Can't find any animal in any biome, even in the kelp forest there are no stalkers.
I think what it gave away this bug was when i built a base in the "reefback biome" and when i reloaded the game, there was no reefbacks, sandsharks nor other animals around.

Funny thing it happens as well if i leave the game paused for long periods of time.
On the positive side it only happens in the "loaded regions of the map" if i go to another biome everything is fine.
Side Note: Not sure if this is a bug or if it is another problem on my end to be honest.

#3 - Broken Pots/ Aquarium - related to farming vegetables or random weeds

Another of the major bugs that i encountered, happens whenever i start farming.
Whenever i destroy a vegetable plant in a pot, and after i try to access the pot it gives me a Blank PDA it happens as well if i leave for long periods of time and go back to where the pot is.
The animation works well, only the information doesn't show up nor even works.
- The only way around this problem is to destroy the pot and rebuilt it. Same happens with the aquarium, and the other "pot related things"

?Side bug or bad programing?

I don't know what to make of this next problem that i found out.
Whenever i try to destroy a plant that is in a pot inside of the observation deck or in the multi-variety room, sometimes it doesn't work.
Instead of destroying the plant, or even hitting the plant with the knife - I actually hit either one of the rooms [depends where ever i put the pot] the consequences are pretty obvious the water starts to get in.
This is another of the most annoying things that happens frequently.

4# - Pausing the game = Game Breaking physics

I think this is not new.
I noticed from time to time, during all of my gameplays that whenever i pause the game. Some game breaking physics happens.

Related to the life pod:
It is always moving, the life pod has for some reason movement. Every time i get in it and start building things i notice that my character "moves" but in fact is the life pod that is moving away.
I don't know if this is on purpose really. But this leads to the next problem.

If i pause the game, and leave it for more than a few minutes. Lets say more than 3 minutes, the life pod moved away considerably a few meters away from its original place.
This effect gets worse if you leave the game paused for periods longer than 3 minutes.
What happens after 20 minutes, when i was eating, was that the life pod was so far away [probably out of the map] that it was just impossible to get to it. Another thing that it might happen is that the life pod "jumps" out of the water, and again gets so far away that it is impossible to get to it.

My worse experiment was when the life pod got permanently stuck in the sky [Lmao!] There was no way that i know to make it fall down. I even cheated and went to it flying in the sky, entered it but nothing happened the life pod never came down.

Same happens with the seamoth and cyclops.

What i noticed is that Seamoth is much more stable than cyclops.
Cyclops almost behaves like the Life pod, and it has a higher chance to get "stuck in the sky".
Seamoth only moves away, but this problem can be fixed if you dock it in the moonpool or if it is close to a wall.
Side-Note: If there is a wall far away and the seamoth "hits the wall" it gets damaged or even destroyed. It did happened to me when i went to the aurora and paused for a long time.
when i unpaused the seamoth was side by side a wall and falling down - got destroyed -

I still don't know why the game has this effect, i consider it a bug to be honest. But if the game will have proper physics regarding ocean currents and this is only a early development stage for that, then i don't know what to think about this.


I know that this is an early development game. The fact that i bought it and agreed to the terms, I acknowledge that the game has "problems" and can never have a fully game play experience during this early development stage. For this reason i am not complaining, nor showing any aggressive signs if it seemed that i did show up those agressive signs. I can only say: I am sorry it was never my intention.

Regarding my conclusion of these "most common bugs" the first one, it is the most game breaking one. It doesn't let the player to fulfill their objectives, in fact the player gets permanently stuck and limited.
The other bugs are bad as well, but they have a lesser impact in the gameplay. Except for the 4th one, if that bug happens in the early days in game, the consequences are similar when comparing to the first one. However if it happens in later days in game (when a player already built a base) it is completely irrelevant at this point.

I don't know why pausing or even saving and exiting the game, has such high repercussions and higher chances for the bugs to show up. But every bug that i encountered it is related towards the fact that:
- I paused the game || - Or I saved, exited and reloaded the game.
I do sure hope that this gets fixed.

If any of you can get around these bugs, please leave a comment bellow.
If you have encountered another bug please leave it in the comments as well.


  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    Since the Farming update i experience alot of problems regarding scanning fragments as well, more precisely the new fragments created recently (those that arent ''safe'' looking frags like the Living wall, spotlight, planting pots/trays, the observatory ....) they often glitch out and never completes, breaking in the process the ability to scan other fragments correctly.

    Im betting they are working on this right now (ive personally reported these problems ingame using F8) and we'll surely see improvments towards this soonish, well, i hope :)
  • PeterManizePeterManize Pandolite Join Date: 2015-12-28 Member: 210458Members
    @Rainstorm Thanks for the feedback ^^

    I always report the bugs using F8, just made this discussion just to see if someone was able to get around these problems - legitimately, without cheating - but as well, to give a heads up for the bugs in the forum.

    I also did encountered bugs regarding those blueprints. The part that you told is completely true - Annoyingly true, got stuck so many times because of that.

    Another bug i encountered is related to the Living Wall [It Just so happened that the bug showed up about 5 minutes ago when i was playing Lol]
    Its in the Spoiler Tab - Since its not related to your comment ^.^'
    Make sure when you build the living wall in the "Multi-variety room" that it is highlighted with the green color in a wall.
    What happened to me was that i wanted to built it fast, and moved to much the mouse and for some reason the Living wall did not appeared in the multi-variety room.
    Later i glitched myself out of the map [It was on purpose really xD] and saw the Living Wall Gray-ish "ready to be build" but it was about 10 meters away from the multi-variety room.

    If anyone encounters this bug, you are going to have a hard time, since:
    - You can't build nothing more inside the room, without completing the bugged living wall..
    - You can't destroy the room as well, since that bugged living wall will still count has an attachment..

    The only way that i explained is to find the bugged living wall, and destroy it. I am guessing if it gets built out of the room, you will not be able to destroy it afterwards.
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