Lost river shark?
Netherlands Join Date: 2015-09-10 Member: 207871Members

So on trello, 2 new cards have shown up. One is about implementing the warper (yay)(https://trello.com/c/caZFWIuF), and the other about implementng the "lost river shark" (https://trello.com/c/nXBuwu3f). Anyone have any idea what creature we're talking about here?
I'm assuming it will be are reskin of a bone shark, like the blood kelp variants of biters, cave crawlers, etc.
Was about to say boneshark, but then I heard the sounds later on. Damn, that shit's creepy.
Also, I would be disappointed if they only did a reskin of the boneshark. The very least could be something like they did with the cave crawlers, nearly the same, but with a slight twist.
EDIT: The first sound is definitely a boneshark, but the second one, no idea...
its definitely big judging from the megafar roar
Thats the Spine Eel http://subnautica.wikia.com/wiki/Spine_Eel
That's... not a bad idea actually. That might be it in fact
The noises are from the sea emperor. I know because of the scream at the beginning, if you remember when the sea emperor was in the game but had no animations and was to small but when it hit you it made the exact same noise.
Good thinking but no, in the beginning the developers didn't have sounds for the Emporer so they just used Bone Shark noises. Also, the later sounds are completely new!
I rather think that's another creature, like, a Ghost Leviathan or something else, but defo not the LR's Bone Shark.
was replaced by this
and you should read about the time coordination of both events I wrote above - the Spine Eel spawnable after the first update of Trello telling the shark is now finished. You might also know that the reaper leviathan is internally labeled as shark_04 final at sketchfab.
Of course I'd favor this ghost leviathan if it would come. Spawned the Spine Eel and the Crabsquid. While both were good, they only attacked with about 40 and no special effects. They were also not that big or fast. I wouldn't fear them much at Lost River. They're just nice additions to the Lost River art concept and environment.
My favorite wishes for the creatures:
@zetachron I thought the crabsquid would be added to the grand reef instead of the lost river, which I approve of because the biodiversity of the grand reef is absolut dog shit.
@LeonDOGE Oh hi! First time seeing you in the UWE forums 'cause I'm used to seeing you on Wikia. How come it took you so long to make yourself an account?
But I miss creature specialization with the new Spine Eel, Crabsquid and the old Mesmer. Not just bite like a shark and look different. Why couldn't the Mesmer hypnotize by giving you a blurry double or tripple vision to make it harder to see. Or slow your speed down. Or the effects stacking until you're helpless and get eaten slowly by the Mesmers.
What exactly do you mean by "creature specialization"?
The new creatures seem to need diversity if the can only strike hard (big health drain) so far:
checked in game, the first sound is from the bone shark, the second is from the sea treader
How it functions so far:
The shark dives into sand, but still keeps moving below, so the player can see his sand cloud. The shark has no natural prey other than the player.
How the devs want to change in their own emergence proposal:
The shark should lure near food of its prey, like plants fish get near or near ore the player seeks.
(WTF - There are no fish near plants as the devs forgot to put in natural prey for this shark. And predators don't hide near supermarkets or ore just because they magically know humans gather there.)
How it should be:
The devs would need to put special plants into the sand weeds that other fish visit regulary. The sandshark dives into sand and keeps still near the plants under the sand. Then he strikes and gets some fish. Around those plants we would have valuable ores (maybe the plants need those minerals and only grow near these ores). So when the player grabs for the ore he falls prey to the shark. That's what I call a natural setting. Of course it would be better if the Sandshark couldn't get shocked under sand, because it would then be too easy.
And this was only the sandshark mistake. The devs need to tune creature behaviour a lot. Stalkers and biters are already quite good, needing only a bit of change. Bonesharks need more other prey I think. But the implementation difficulty would be that too many prey would mean the player could just use the prey as shield. Goals might be easy to define, but programming results hard to achieve. Mesmers might be good symbionts if they paralyze, while another predator uses paralysation to kill and eat the helpless prey. The Mesmer then eats the rest, as itself it is weak. But the devs didn't think of that and just made the Mesmer a normal biting predator with a minimal paralyzing effect. I could go on with this, but the fact is - you're right, but missing the fact that the devs are miles away from your wishes. I just talked about natural behaviour and symbiosis. Group coordination will be much harder to achieve. Will we ever see it in the game?