Some ideas I would like to see implemented in the game
Canada Join Date: 2016-01-02 Member: 210787Members
I am sure some of these were talked about here in the forums:
End Quest/Objective: Perhaps one of the goals could be to launch a satellite beacon, send a signal, or distress call by finding parts/room on the Aurora warning others of the crash and perhaps to send for help. (Although that could lead to more ships shot down...) This doesn't require us as a player to rebuild the entire ship, but it would give some closure to people looking for an objective besides stopping the radiation from the ship. Perhaps this would trigger a further event later like a storm (if they can implement weather) or show a cause for the initial crash (sentient beings? alien tech? some weapon?) shooting a beacon out of the sky.
Would our attempt be successful? Would it cause further problems with the locals (If there are any?) Would another ship be on its way to save us? Maybe that could be an ending of sorts. We try to send for help and the aliens show themselves and take us out?
Flora/Fauna: Great so far, would love to see how some of them interact with each other. Like do small schools of some small fish follow reefbacks? Do some species of aggressive fish get territorial with others? (like sand sharks not liking bone sharks or something like that.) I like how for example the crabsnake and the Jelly Shrooms are symbiotic or at least have a home with each other. It would be cool to see if like a Stalker went after a gasopod, or if some species schooled or hunted in packs once in a while as like an event. As for new critters, there are lots of good ideas out there. We don't necessarily need an ocean full of giant monstrosities, although a really big one in the depths would be ok. I would rather see a focus on how the existing creatures fit together or see each other as food/enemies/rivals/symbiotes as we see in nature here on Earth.
Locating Rare Recipe Ingredients/AI: Most people had to look up either a map or a guide to find certain items in the game. When I first played I got frustrated when I was looking for silver and had to find a guide where to look for it online. (you know, leaving the safety of the corals and venturing past the kelp forest into scary deep water eeeeep) It would be nice to have some AI help within the game suggesting locations to try searching for items prompting us to seek for it. I mean this is an exploration game but if we have to look outside the game for help it's troublesome. Maybe there could be a locate rare item option in the fabricator or perhaps you could fabricate a little AI module to locate things like more silver, gold, lithium, magnetite, diamonds, etc. (the harder to locate nodes) "Computer, locate some gold for me. Gold detected at x meters due x direction and x meters down." It will still be difficult without a compass but it would give us a vague idea of where to search. We know there is an AI to some of our devices since they all greet us, it would be nice to use that a little more. "Computer voice: Warning, hull breach imminent" when you build your base too large or sprawling. "Warning: Hostile life form detected" if your base is under attack. I am sure some of us are sick of hearing the warning for oxygen but there's a strange comfort in hearing another humanoid voice in an alien world stranded alone, even if it's synthetic. (Do they still have that voice actor and will she do more?)
That's all my tired brain can think of for now. I'm hooked on this game. Can't wait to see what future updates will bring! Hope my two cents are helpful and please feel free to comment on my ideas.
End Quest/Objective: Perhaps one of the goals could be to launch a satellite beacon, send a signal, or distress call by finding parts/room on the Aurora warning others of the crash and perhaps to send for help. (Although that could lead to more ships shot down...) This doesn't require us as a player to rebuild the entire ship, but it would give some closure to people looking for an objective besides stopping the radiation from the ship. Perhaps this would trigger a further event later like a storm (if they can implement weather) or show a cause for the initial crash (sentient beings? alien tech? some weapon?) shooting a beacon out of the sky.
Would our attempt be successful? Would it cause further problems with the locals (If there are any?) Would another ship be on its way to save us? Maybe that could be an ending of sorts. We try to send for help and the aliens show themselves and take us out?
Flora/Fauna: Great so far, would love to see how some of them interact with each other. Like do small schools of some small fish follow reefbacks? Do some species of aggressive fish get territorial with others? (like sand sharks not liking bone sharks or something like that.) I like how for example the crabsnake and the Jelly Shrooms are symbiotic or at least have a home with each other. It would be cool to see if like a Stalker went after a gasopod, or if some species schooled or hunted in packs once in a while as like an event. As for new critters, there are lots of good ideas out there. We don't necessarily need an ocean full of giant monstrosities, although a really big one in the depths would be ok. I would rather see a focus on how the existing creatures fit together or see each other as food/enemies/rivals/symbiotes as we see in nature here on Earth.
Locating Rare Recipe Ingredients/AI: Most people had to look up either a map or a guide to find certain items in the game. When I first played I got frustrated when I was looking for silver and had to find a guide where to look for it online. (you know, leaving the safety of the corals and venturing past the kelp forest into scary deep water eeeeep) It would be nice to have some AI help within the game suggesting locations to try searching for items prompting us to seek for it. I mean this is an exploration game but if we have to look outside the game for help it's troublesome. Maybe there could be a locate rare item option in the fabricator or perhaps you could fabricate a little AI module to locate things like more silver, gold, lithium, magnetite, diamonds, etc. (the harder to locate nodes) "Computer, locate some gold for me. Gold detected at x meters due x direction and x meters down." It will still be difficult without a compass but it would give us a vague idea of where to search. We know there is an AI to some of our devices since they all greet us, it would be nice to use that a little more. "Computer voice: Warning, hull breach imminent" when you build your base too large or sprawling. "Warning: Hostile life form detected" if your base is under attack. I am sure some of us are sick of hearing the warning for oxygen but there's a strange comfort in hearing another humanoid voice in an alien world stranded alone, even if it's synthetic. (Do they still have that voice actor and will she do more?)
That's all my tired brain can think of for now. I'm hooked on this game. Can't wait to see what future updates will bring! Hope my two cents are helpful and please feel free to comment on my ideas.

Love the idea about the Rare Recipe Ingredient Locator, and I'm on board with seeing some fluora fauna interaction.
@terraformer004 oh i love me some deep sea critters! I think they are still rolling out some creatures so we may have to wait and see what they unleash on us next. I hope its somewhat balanced between agressive/territorial/predatory creatures and some passive ones. Not all of them have to be huge, just fill in some of the gaps and niches as they go.
I just hope they continually add things, once all the tools are more or less in i want to just see lots and lots of expansion on sea and (the limited) land life, just about 1000 total would be great considering how many different species alone exist in OUR ocean. So long as they're kept original it could be neat. Hell, even slight variations such as sub-species.
Its a daunting process I am sure to balance the game mechanics while giving us all more of what we want.
For example i was reading some comments in here about giant monsters that would dwarf what we see now. I wonder if some people realize the graphics and data you would need to get that right. I just wonder if less is more, quality over quantity. Make sure the base creatures already rolled out work flawlessly and don't cause crashes. We can all sit and wish for huge and awesome things but at the end of the day I think they are pretty limited to what they can achieve and get into this game.
It would be cool to see a bit more creature interactions besides directed towards the player swimming or intruding into the environment. These creatures all eat something and reproduce somehow. It would be cool to see the predators at least hunt once in a while. They have the biomes down pretty good though. I saw somewhere someone suggested trying to have a mixture of biomes or sub biomes. I just wonder with a static map how that would roll out. Will the map ever change?
At least one other submarine. I'm thinking something in between the Cyclops and the Seamoth. While I'm on the topic of subs...more submarine upgrades. Like for the Cyclops, increased speed. Just things that we can personalize it with.
More Seabase modules/placeable items. Bed: Sleeping. O2 Generator: Gets O2 from surface or by filtering H2 out of water. Cyclops docking. Maybe even something that just attaches to the Cyclops' hatch. More realistic hatches (airlock). I feel like Seabases need a real function. With sleep and O2 restrictions, seabases have real function. Because right now, the Cyclops could be a mobile base. Maybe that was intentional, maybe not. But at this point, seabases seem like an afterthought. Workshop: Built in fabricator, worktable, analyzers, and storage. Maybe used for the story: building other things. Submarine Creator: Replace MVB. Seabase room used for crafting submarines.
That's all for now.
I'm just going to leave this here: ;-)
1. That I got everywhere to fast. I just skimed non shallowes biomes since there was really no reason to be in them more than few minutes. Stayed longer just to admire views. I was able to explore all in hours. Build cyclope in 1,5 hour of a game and only because i didn't got how to get stalkers teeth.
2. After getting cyclope there is no point to play except exploration. I visited other biomes but diffrent reactor types or not so thrilling. We need something to get us going. A hint of another surviver? or a seacret of an energy pulse?
This is only my humble opinion.
P.S. In the top 5 best games I played in my life. I want to erase my memory and play it once more. Discover all of it again.
Agreed, much of the problem is Subnautica does not seem to know what it wants to do. On one end the devs seem to want you yo enjoy and interact with the environment, but at current it seems to be too "shallow" and simple to do that. yes we have some sea life, but as water is the birth of pretty much all carbon based life, there should be LITERALLY THOUSANDS of species of creatures. At current, the game has maybe one, two hundred creatures? Once the main story is done and a goal is set, I could admire there being some sort of reward for discovering new species beyond resources, such as usefulness in a symbiotic nature. Sort of how you can tame stalkers temporarily, something similar like that.
Generally so long as all that's done, they can keep adding species and the game will just become more and more fun to explore. For the most part we could use more fish, because at current we have about eight that are capturable, recycled;
1. peeper
2. boomerang
3. garryfish
4. holefish
5. reginald
6. spadefish
etc. So long as there's more things like that, and more life in general along with maps that can repeat different biomes to become larger over all. that, and a greater random spread of various lifeforms, as having five different bundles of acid shrooms all together in a single view seems a little unnatural.
Progression and balance seems to be very much something that's WIP right now (as shown by them moving the filtration to a findable blueprint). So I will not be surprised if we see the Cyclops become a bit more difficult to reach in the months to come.
I agree that there should be another buildable sub option. I was a bit disappointed to see how much the depth mods currently stack for the Cyclops and Seamoth. I think a specialized sub for high pressure environments would have been a more interesting way for the player to deal with the issues of depth and pressure. I know there's the mech suit, but it's obviously not needed to reach any of the biomes currently in game.
I agree- in 1.5 hours you can really see it all, once you visit all biomes. I want to see micro-biomes- areas with unique, cool, interesting plants (and animals). these biomes would be much smaller or harder to find than the other biomes as a whole. they would contain super rare blueprints or super-quantities of a certain resource.
I also want to see more story after you fix the radiation leak in the aurora. i'm sure they are working on that.
In this tweet, they discuss gating:
another feature i'd like to see that would make the game more gated is if there was one more hostile enemy that makes it impossible to enter some of the biomes without dying quickly, but later after studying their DNA you are able to become impervious to their attacks. that's another example of gating.
finally, id like to see a peaceful mob that is dolphin like: large, travels in packs, migrates across biomes, and is friendly/rideable.
also, if sleep gets implemented, id like to see it be optional or only on hardcore mode, but alwasy have the following reward: falling asleep and then waking up wins you a "hint" in the game. When you wake up, the game will give you a hint about something you haven't discovered in the game, maybe in a log you keep by your bed? i dont know... long-shot idea.
This game is becoming pretty epic. I can't wait to see what else they are going to work on next!
P.S. the AI hinted that short range and long range communications were down but they could be re-established! I wonder if that is going to be implemented later as like a "goal" of sorts? The aurora's engines can be fixed enough to stop radiation so I wonder what else they will do?