story ideas. (endings more so)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204558Members

i have a fun idea. what if the energy pulse came from the next planet over that we see in the loading screen?
anyway i have some fun ending ideas, feel free to shit on my ideas XD
-an ending where you decide to live amongst the fish and amphibians of the planet
(this ending you simply continue as you started after a cutscene or something.
-an ending where you signal for rescue and get picked up by a passing ship.
(solid ending to the game)
-an ending that you get when you die in hardcore
(cutscene or ending speech talks about the waste of life lost on the aroura mission)
-an ending for building your own vessel to leave the planet
(again a solid ending to the game)
now here is where thing could get interesting. depending on how much side research you put into say, figuring out how to talk with a sentient species or discovering why the aroura went down, ect. ect.
you could get variations.
say, if you didn't sufficiently figure out what the energy pulse was or where it came from, the ship you call to pick you up gets hit by a second pulse because you never warned them to raise their shields or something.
or if you are trying to leave in your own ship it gets knocked out of the sky.
if you don't communicate with the aliens, a new ship lands (without weapons since that's how the game is going so far......) and gets wiped out by this species defending their world.
should you establish peaceful relations, the new colony would be aided by these aliens in setting up.
if you wipe out the life, a cutscene talks about how barren of life the planet is in comparison to before humans arrived. (p.s this could be a good way to balance weapons....just sayin)
and just for the hell of it, i thought about a really weird one. say you become really friendly with say, the warpers as our sentient species. what if there was an alien style weyland yutani corporation that would try to use them as like a science experiment so you have to decide to either let the animals suffer and go home or stay on the planet alone forever and save the lives of the warpers.
feel free to add or ridicule.
anyway i have some fun ending ideas, feel free to shit on my ideas XD
-an ending where you decide to live amongst the fish and amphibians of the planet
(this ending you simply continue as you started after a cutscene or something.
-an ending where you signal for rescue and get picked up by a passing ship.
(solid ending to the game)
-an ending that you get when you die in hardcore
(cutscene or ending speech talks about the waste of life lost on the aroura mission)
-an ending for building your own vessel to leave the planet
(again a solid ending to the game)
now here is where thing could get interesting. depending on how much side research you put into say, figuring out how to talk with a sentient species or discovering why the aroura went down, ect. ect.
you could get variations.
say, if you didn't sufficiently figure out what the energy pulse was or where it came from, the ship you call to pick you up gets hit by a second pulse because you never warned them to raise their shields or something.
or if you are trying to leave in your own ship it gets knocked out of the sky.
if you don't communicate with the aliens, a new ship lands (without weapons since that's how the game is going so far......) and gets wiped out by this species defending their world.
should you establish peaceful relations, the new colony would be aided by these aliens in setting up.
if you wipe out the life, a cutscene talks about how barren of life the planet is in comparison to before humans arrived. (p.s this could be a good way to balance weapons....just sayin)
and just for the hell of it, i thought about a really weird one. say you become really friendly with say, the warpers as our sentient species. what if there was an alien style weyland yutani corporation that would try to use them as like a science experiment so you have to decide to either let the animals suffer and go home or stay on the planet alone forever and save the lives of the warpers.
feel free to add or ridicule.
I'm pretty new to this game, but it's got my imagination working.
I am very curious about these warpers and if they're connected to the energy pulse. they sort of look like they'd be the most intelligent species, but that might be because they have an upperbody layout kind of like us (arms and a head). I haven't met one in game yet so I'm basin this all off pictures.
I was thinking about how this game could work and was playing with the idea that your actions could dictate how the story plays out. Say you clean up a lot of the scrap metal, don't destroy everything around you, don't over fish. Basically if you clean up after yourself and don't abuse the environment, but try to fit in, then the warpers (or other intelligent creature) will approach you in a peaceful manner. Maybe leaving you things you need or otherwise trying to help or get to know you in a peaceful way.
If you destroy things and leave trash all over, terraform a bunch of phallic shaped islands, never take care of that radiation leak and just human it up (gotta be some oil out there somewhere right??) then the intelligence hinders you. Lays traps, damages your base(s), herds aggressive animals into your area. Stuff like that.
You could get a variety of endings this way.
Good - You're invited into an amazing end game area with tons of resources and food and you can build an epic base to welcome more humans into later from a second ship coming or something, which is allowed to land and not destroyed.
Sorta Good - You started out messy but changed your ways, for this you get to stay, but you're not fully trusted and are banned from the amazing area above. No chance of a second ship landing, more humans are not welcome
Sorta Bad - You're surviving, but not really fiting in. You seem like a liability just waiting to happen, your tech is too powerful, you can change the planet, and they learn that more of you are coming. They toss you to something that wants to eat you, but feel bad about it, or disappointed. Kinda like "We're sorry we have to do this, but it's for the best" sort of thing
Bad - You're a jerk and they enjoy watching you swim for your life from some terrible monstrosity.
Some ideas in there i like, some ideas not so much. Mostly id enjoy the open endings and the one where you die in hardcore.
Now here comes my weird idea. Say its stupid all you want but id love an end game biome that has one large creature, from which the beam originates. Its kind of an endboss but ofc not really in a common sense as this is subnautica. But not only did it do the beam thing, but also its a huge beast that produces alot of salt just by living (which is why there are so many salt deposits around) and the sea on the planet gets saltier and saltier until no lifeform could survive in the waters. This is why your endgoal, once you have found the creature, Is to make the creature stop the salt production i dont really know how, i guess killing it would be possible, but then ofcourse not with an underwater minigun but something like a syringe, or maybe that injection doesnt kill it but just stops its destructive behavior. Its an open ending cause then you can just continue living on the planet. And its a goal to work too, lets say you need all the subs and really special material to get through the end game biome to the creature and then get to it to inject something could be hard aswell, so you dont get to the end too fast.
I disagree. Subnautica isn't a game where survival itself is enough for the game, like DayZ. And what happens when you have explored all of the game, when you have visited every cranny and every nook and did everything?
I do agree that there should be an "endless" mode for those that don't want to bother with the story and just want to mess around. But the game clearly has a story in the works and stories need endings.
You need at least 50 different adults of a species to prevent the problems of inbreeding causing the extintiong and 500 adults to prevent the species from unable to evolve to their environment. This is general a rule of thumb, but two people are not going to start a colony, even if they live to a ripe old age. They need more people to come.
All that junk and radiation is going to do far more damage than what the player can easily "fix", even if they plug the leak in the Aurora right away.
I kind of like the idea that the player's activity is a test of some sort, but the thing is that it's actually difficult to be not environmentally-friendly with existing mechanics.
You are bound to pick up junk because they are an easy source of titanium, titanium you need lots of. The player exploring around would tap different herds of fish. The player has no reason to pollute the ocean by dropping stuff, everything is usable (except fragments of stuff you already researched). Fixing the leak on the Aurora gives the player a reward, so they have a selfish reason to do that too.
I also feel that this would be a bit silly method of testing the player's character. "Oh, we shot your ship down, killing thousands of your comrades in the process. We shall now judge you by how tidy and nature-friendly you are (under emergency survival circumstances no less, where we nearly destroy the technology that would allow you to live like that) and how well you clean up the mess we made."
There is another underwater exploration game called Aquaria where you spend most of the game in solo exploration:
This would be so rad.
Have the brief moment of intense action and drama followed up by a super chill underwater exploration game.