First post, mainly feedback, praise and bug reporting!

Arn1e2040Arn1e2040 UK Join Date: 2015-08-11 Member: 207040Members
I'm another who got sucked into Phaota and JackSepticEye's playthroughs, and liked the look of the game so much I got it, and haven't been dissapointed!

Up until the last week or so... I upgraded to windows 10, and that seems to have messed up the Highest (experimental) graphics setting (I have submitted feedback through the game interface to try and show the problem).

Then the Habitat Update hit, and I seem to be missing a fair chunk... Moon Pool included! and for some reason, the Seaglide is missing now, and I can;t build vehicles because both they and the fabricator (for building subs) all require 'Lubricant'!

I have Glass Corridors, Glass bend Corridors, Bulkheads, Bench, Large Room and Observatory, and Vertical Connectors, but at the moment it just feels too broken to play :( which is a shame, because I've been having a blast with everything so far, and love the direction this is heading, so I hope you get to the bottom of whatever seems to have happened for me...

Some info on my PC would probably help too; Intel i7 4790 clocked to 3.6Ghz, 8Gb Kingston HyperX RAM, GTX 960 2Gb, MSI Gaming Z97 MoBo, game is installed on a 500Gb storage drive. Usual resolution is 1920x1080 at Highest (Experimental) settings, but the bug mentioned above currently has me playing 1920x1080 on Normal.

Thank you for the amazing game so far (it's just the sort of exploration/survival game I've dreamt of for years!) and keep up the great work! :D


  • En9a9eEn9a9e USA Join Date: 2015-02-17 Member: 201408Members, Subnautica Playtester
    edited August 2015
    It's a game about exploration and discovery and some things you have to find and collect out in the world so that they open up tech on the crafting menu. It's a bit like minecraft in that regard although much better because you only need to bring back one ingredient for it to start showing the item and it's full requirements. This process will be revised, refined and heavily updated as the game progresses. It does need to be a more helpful in giving a general explanation of this mechanic from the get go imo. Make sure to take your time investigating and collecting (when available) all the new things you find as you adventure, then bring them back to the fabricator! The moon pool requires a fragment found out in the grand reef area btw. Hope the other issues with the graphics can get resolved, possibly as more updates or drivers for win10 and/or your gfx card get released.
  • Arn1e2040Arn1e2040 UK Join Date: 2015-08-11 Member: 207040Members
    Thanks for that, but I've actually been playing for a couple of months, and have the basics down pretty well!

    I did mention I've been watching 2 of the people putting out some vids on youtube, and have made many discoveries thanks to them :) (it's not obvious where the floating island is except from where the Aurora is, for example, and you need to get your bearings before working out where many of the other things are... oh yeah, that's another bug, the compass has also disappeared from the build menu! Thermometer is there...)

    I have collected as many schematics/parts/ingredients as I can (4 of each, and drop ones I've already researched) and didn't think the Moonpool was something you had to collect parts for? and from watching Jack/Phaota's videos, 'lubricant' shouldn't be in the game unless they left the alternative power sources in the game, or something to process the creep vine with... so I'm stumped with the bugs I've currently got, and it's kinda ruined my expectation of this patch, I'm just kinda looking for a Dev to come along and say 'we know some people have issues, we're working on it!" and I'll be happy that things will be sorted out in the next patch, if not before ;)
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    @En9a9e is correct.
    There IS lubricant in the game. You DO need to find a fragment for the analyser, for the moonpool.

    What he means is that as this is a pre-alpha game, stuff changes. Ingredients get added and removed. Stuff gets locked or unlocked behind fragments. Whole areas of the map get remade, etc etc.

    If you play not experimental then you basicly have the guarantee that all these basics work. In nonexperimental, if it asks for lubricant, there is a way to obtain it.. somewhere.
    As for experimental (which also has the lubricant).. well in experimental, they at times add stuff you can not do yet as its ya know.. experimental.
  • destroyah87destroyah87 Join Date: 2015-08-08 Member: 206913Members
    For Lubricant, all I'll say is that you should take a look at the glowing seed pods of the creepvine. not the vine pieces themselves.
  • Arn1e2040Arn1e2040 UK Join Date: 2015-08-11 Member: 207040Members
    edited August 2015
    ahaaaa, thank you DC_Darkling and destroyah87, much clearer now! thought I had found all the available fragments so far, guess I need to look a little further in my current playthrough :)

    Just need to wait on a Dev to help with the odd graphics in Highest settings... really seems to be some sort of tearing or something... standard/normal are good enough for now though :D

    EDIT: I feel so dumb, lol... but have now found a new bug... I know the Reapers are meant to be aggressive, but are they meant to be able to fly?! was just stood on the sand-bar towards the back of the Aurora, and one just jumped all over me :-/
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