Bugs and Suggestions (EXPERIMENTAL)
Bacon Join Date: 2015-06-17 Member: 205549Members

Got a few bugs I want to notify, been playing subnautica for about 12 hours.
BUGS - I've already reported these in game, as soon as I saw them, going to put them in the forum too for everyone to know (or warn)
*After loading a saved game with a seamoth docked in the cyclops, it will spawn back near the launch pod.
*Reaper Leviathan can destroy the seamoth while It's docked in the cyclops.
^seems to be another issue for taking hull damage while being far too under depth while docked on the cyclops.
*Dead creatures will sometimes just freeze and do nothing after death. (not float away or anything)
*Dead creatures will appear to move in place and make sounds after loading a saved game.
*There was a time where a Reaper leviathan killed me right after I docked the cyclops (apparently cyclops doesn't like to save you from danger)
*If you deconstruct the fabricator off the launch pod, it will come back after a saved game (unlimited tytanium)
*Often you will hear banging on your cyclops and creature noises of something attacking your cyclops..when there's nothing there (Annoying..)
*At times the launch pod will spit out all of your items you placed inside of it
*If I go above water on the cyclops, my character will swim and I can swim all around the vessel
*If I control the cyclops after running into the wheel and pressing e, I will continue to walk around the direction Im piloting the cyclops
!!! New bugs, what is this!?
*I was making this while I launched subnautica, launched my game I was in my cyclops, alt tabbed out to make this, then back into the game and unpaused the game, I teleported in the middle of the ocean, while looking up to see my beautiful cyclops and seamoth borded upon it in the air frozen high in the air, I exited out of the game because I probably had done something wrong, didn't get to report it and take a screenshot, I was more shocked.
*One time I crafted a knife, and after saving, exiting the game after whatever I was doing, then loading back in, I ended up having 2 knifes in my inventory, though I had only crafted one.
Nothing on any missing items yet.
*A few times, when I take out my stasis rifle, It seems to think I have eyes on the back of my head. It appears that my arms flip backwards, and hold my rifle in the opposite direction, saving and reloading fixes it
!!! This game has huge potential, please don't ruin it with dlc's. PLEASE. THIS ISN'T BF4, THIS IS MY FAVORITE SEA UNDERWATER GAME.
$Cyclops way deeper depth tolerance, 200, that's absolutely nothing. It should be able to withstand going deeper. (atleast 600 or 1000)
$Seamoth, only a little more than 200, should be able to go anywhere, or atleast have a limited vicinity around the cyclops, that will allow it to go around, no matter how deep it is.
$A lot more islands for exploration
$A lot more fish for my windshield to hit.
$An actual freeze ray that will freeze anything it's beam comes across
$Customizable interior (colors, furniture, more rooms? windows are needed terribly. Cyclops expansion)
$An even bigger vessel, maybe? Or just more vessels, hopefully you guys have more plans for vessels that can be created in game
$Special items that require rare ingredients that are hard to find (I've noticed basically anything in the game is easily obtainable (lithium probably being the hardest, that was a challenge until I found out where to find it, now I can just get it whenever I want to)
^ basically rarer ingredients,by the way what happens when you get everything on the map?
$some online compatibility, to keep the game going at end-game, like maybe co-op missions where you join in along with your friends to defeat a huge creature, or just exploring the ocean depth
$More building compatibility, you can't build much than just corridors, and that's kinda boring. It'd be nice if several things can be added to building, so there'd be a point in building a base, like an HQ, that can implement missions into the game, in which you can do tasks. You'd have to go to your HQ to receive them of course. Then you could build different parts of your base like maybe a research lab, where you can research many different things (complicated things like maybe creating your own pet creature, or complex vessels). Several other things to be built that will be making a base a necessary need. For now, all you can do is build corridors and do nothing. Because you have a cyclops with everything you need in it already

^ If these things we're already coming out, great, I'd be super excited.
Maybe customizable parts for the cyclops, like for example the back engine, replaced with different engine choices that you can find blueprints for an build possibly? Same for seamoth and they would enhance (besides the hull strengthener or whatever that was) what they had (for example DEPTH) <--which can lead to a huge lead so people can go deeper, I'd be okay with it just starting at 200 depth, then as you upgrade, you can go deeper.
!!! Since I run this game with over 100 fps, (for some reason often rare little stutters, but I guess that'd what you'd get with the experimental graphics option, I will probably open up geforce experience and start recording bugs I find.
That'll be it for now, I'll probably have a second post with more bugs and suggestions.
I think they are by and large reported here: https://trello.com/b/eLEWpq3P/subnautica-playtesting
I can't really address suggestions cause I'm not a decider. On the cyclops depth front there are upgrades. oh yeah upgrades.
I'd rather post it on their website.
Thanks for the input though.