Welder 3dsmax files and issues with models.
Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter

Hey does anyone have access to the welder 3dsmax files since the assets folder doesn't come with them? would be cool to grab that, also i am having issues i've got some models but the shader files for hands aren't showing, or simply the the hands don't show.
I also need welder_view model
So what i've done is, i've opened up the axe file, replaced the axe with something like a stick, made it nearly the same dimensions, gave it the exact same bones, attached it to the same bones etc. But when i go to compile it, go in game it just shows me a static model no animations no hands or nothing? But in 3dsmax editor it shows me the animation perfectly fine, i do get some shader errors.
Also a friend of mine is getting greyed out publish when he attempts to publish something to workshop, can someone help me so i can help him? thanks!
edit:I still prefer the original max files since the positions are usually correct with textures etc.
Anyway, i've figured another way with a mesh tool to get it all, just needed to add the textures manually.

I also need welder_view model
I also need welder_view model
So what i've done is, i've opened up the axe file, replaced the axe with something like a stick, made it nearly the same dimensions, gave it the exact same bones, attached it to the same bones etc. But when i go to compile it, go in game it just shows me a static model no animations no hands or nothing? But in 3dsmax editor it shows me the animation perfectly fine, i do get some shader errors.
Also a friend of mine is getting greyed out publish when he attempts to publish something to workshop, can someone help me so i can help him? thanks!
edit:I still prefer the original max files since the positions are usually correct with textures etc.
Anyway, i've figured another way with a mesh tool to get it all, just needed to add the textures manually.

I also need welder_view model
1. Are you using 3DS Max 2009 32 bit?
2. Are you including all the frame tags in the .model_compile file?
3. Have you set up your .materiel file to point to the right shaders/textures?
4. Did you make sure the texture paths assigned to the model in 3DS Max have the same path as the ones in the .material file?
2.including all the animation/bone frame tags? my problem is that the included assets .max files have different frame tags then the included .model_compile that is included with the actual model itself.
So if i use ns2/models/marine/phasegate and use the .model_compile file from there, with the asset file from /asset/ it gives me this output because the frame tags included in the asset file are different from the ones that are in the model that comes with ns2. if so how do i replace the .model_compile file with correct frame tags? Documentation is next to non existant and even if it exists it's pretty bare/outdated
3. I get confused with the material file sometimes as to which shaders to use but in the end it's hit and miss, often times i'll create or import a model and the textures will work, sometimes it won't work
4, yeah i made sure the texture paths assigned to the model have the same path, but that shouldn't make much of a difference right since the builder takes the texture files from the .material file? or does the DAE include instructions on what textures to use?
Very annoying.
You can rename any of the tags in the .model_compile file to match whatever the tags in max are. The .model_compile files in the asset folder aren't always up to date or matching the 3ds max file. It should be fairly easy to fill in any gaps in the .model_compile file looking at the frame tag list in max.
It doesn't matter what shader you use. Obviously they'll look different, but any will work. The easiest way is to put a shader in your mod folder (*mod name*/source/shader/*any shader*) then set up the .material file to call that shader.
The texture paths are included in the .dae file, so make sure the paths for both the textures in 3ds max and the .materiel file are the same
You can open the UNCOMPILED .model_compile file with notepad, but I recommend using notepad++
Yeah, i'm using notepad++ where are the tags located in the max file btw? do they also have other names then "tags" i appreciate your help mate.
A few times i've used different shaders, like for instance i imported a phase-gate from NS1 > NS2 and used the same shader that the NS2 phase-gate used, but each time i tried to do it, it would just be invisible, someone actually ended up helping me and fixed it up but i didn't even notice what they did differently.
and i cannot go back and view the threads because that idiot admin deleted all my previous threads/posts due to calling him a bullshitter.
But thank you for the help.
If you click on this is will show all the frame tags for the scene. If there aren't any, then you'll have to make them.
When you open a model in the viewer from launch pad (not from the ns2 folder) and the model shows up invisible, select "output" from the menu. It will tell you any issues you are having.
Could it be the model_compile file itself? (keeping in mind i used the same one that came with the jetpack file)