Fish Interaction

jumpingroosterjumpingrooster United States Join Date: 2015-01-28 Member: 201090Members
So i just bought the game and am really impressed with where the game seems to be heading. With that said i was wondering about how in depth they'll get with fish to fish interaction. As of now seems like they ignore each other and only interact with the player. Ide like to see animals hunting each other, avoiding incoming predators, using unique tactics to deal with one another, and possibly even breeding habits and displays. I truly believe once implicated correctly this would drastically change the atmosphere of the game. I mean imagine seeing a school zoom by you in a different manner then simply avoiding you. First you'd be taken back by the change in behavior then struck with fear once you realize there running from something.


  • VahnkiljoyVahnkiljoy Texas Join Date: 2015-01-11 Member: 200765Members
    You should take more time and watch them then, stalkers DO hunt for fish, the fish run from them, gasopods don't really like anything near them so you can find dead fish around where they swim.

    There is schooling ai but fish schools don't come in large enough sizes to showcase this sadly.
  • jumpingroosterjumpingrooster United States Join Date: 2015-01-28 Member: 201090Members
    Well to be more specific i guess ide like to see more of a wide range of interactions happening. In open world games i tend to find the more memorable moments being when 2 or more random interactions happen in one area at once creating a truly unique experience. But we'll see how far they are willing to push the AI rather than your typical interactions of avoid when seen.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    That is probably something that will be implemented later as tackling all of those tasks is probably best approached from a relatively stable foundation
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