night vision goggles

roxxkattroxxkatt Join Date: 2014-12-28 Member: 200431Members
edited December 2014 in Ideas and Suggestions
continued from
as comprox didn't like the poll options, which apparently can not be edited by moderators as well as regular people

roxxkatt wrote:
this is not my idea, but it is a frequent idea brought up by other people
forum search option sucks, if you know this exists somewhere in the forums, post a link to it

marine night vision goggles, purchased from the proto lab.

the code to make this happen already exists in the alien vision shader support, and would be easily ported by simply adding an item and another hlsl file.
it would be an easy change to make for the CDT

there is 2 different ways to implement it:
1) standard green low light photomultiplier currently used in irl military applications
2) thermal imaging - red/orange hot, blue/teal background
3) a combination of both with a toggle switch
both ways can be fine tuned for gameplay such as #1 intensity turned up or down and #2 having more distant aliens be near background color

naturally the argument against is OP this and OP that, so if it gets added it will all be about balance, the question is how much balance?

how much should it cost in proto lab?
how much should it cost to research? how long? require 2 chairs?

cheap=5-15 res
expensive=15-25 res

feel free to state what your preferences would be, why you voted the way you did, and specific research and purchase costs and times, as well of what type of NV you would want, or any other relevant information

remember while voting that every advantage for the marine team is a disadvantage for the alien team, and must be counterbalanced


  • roxxkattroxxkatt Join Date: 2014-12-28 Member: 200431Members
    edited December 2014
    I would actually go for it being able to buy at advanced armory for like 5 pres (not recycable) without the need to research it when the lighting system will change in something like red emergency light won't work when a destroyed power node has contact with infestation
    roxxkatt wrote:
    i never liked the emergency lights much, and a lot of people have had good ideas about replacing it, such as cyst lighting
    nv goggles would do well to replace them as well

    i would like to see the delay before emergency lights doubled even without adding anything to the game
    i think someone even had the "cysted power nodes dont have emergency lights" idea already too, which i agree with

    i suppose with nv goggles in the game, the emergency lights concept could be completely removed, if not delay time tripled

    and to continue that i would like emergency lights reduced and personal flashlights get less crappy, which would sync well with nv goggles being introduced
  • roxxkattroxxkatt Join Date: 2014-12-28 Member: 200431Members
    edited December 2014
    there is a lot of interesting ways this can take shape
    Why a revamp? I feel like there could be improvements to the immersion of the game by basically giving more opportunities to utilize flashlight for that added suspense and tension that alien shooter could offer.

    Active Power node:
    • Same lighting as current live

    Destroyed power node: Immediately go to emergency lighting mode while power node is under "unable to repair" delay, then going immediately to black after that period. (The room going black once you can repair again also gives visual feedback on when you can start repairs on the node again.)
    • 0% Repair, Room remains dark (as if freshly destroyed power node in live) if alien structures in the room they give off additional glow to light up room slightly, however still require marines to utilize flash light or scan ability more to illuminate room.
    • 10-25% repair (whatever percentage is decided), Emergency lighting is restored to the room giving marines a lil more visability.
    • 75% repair, 50 percent to full lighting is restored to the room, however powered marine structures still aren't active.
    • 100% repair, structure power is restored.

    Example of how alien structures can slightly light up a dark room.

    pV1Ag.jpg <- previous mod that gave extra "glow" to alien structures and source of screenshot

  • deathshrouddeathshroud Join Date: 2010-04-10 Member: 71291Members
    this just really isnt needed
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    edited December 2014
    I think it's completely unecessary.

    If anything, marines get too much vision when power goes out (blackout is only 10 seconds and red lights don't affect vision that much)
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    I've always thought it was pretty funny the marines have access to jetpacks, rail guns, motion sensing automated guns, cat packs, PHASE GATES, and.... flashlights.

    But marines w/ night vision would take away the advantage that aliens are intended to have in dark spaces.
  • AnkleBitingKittyAnkleBitingKitty United States Join Date: 2014-01-19 Member: 193284Members
    A big part of Ns2 is asymmetrical strength and weaknesses between the aliens and marines, and night vision would be taking away the big strength of alien vision in complete darkness. It would be like giving marines a sword to kill aliens effectively at close range.

    It's not OP though, it would be have even less utility than babblers since blowing off even 1 res when you respawn so that you can be on par with aliens in the slight chance the power goes down when you are fighting in a room. Even if you do happen to have NV in that situation, likely your facing multiple alien life forms and they can easily take down you and your teammates who don't have NV.

    In conclusion it would be almost completely useless and take away from a big part of the game.

  • PelargirPelargir Join Date: 2013-07-02 Member: 185857Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, WC 2013 - Silver, Forum staff
    Looks like all the relevant arguments have been said by the people.

    But I voted "See my post below" so I couldn't let this thread without my message.

    - Not needed. You already see (easily?) the Aliens as Marines and you got a flashlight, don't you?
    - There's already a key for the flashlight, which one is the same one than the Alien Vision key, would I like to get another key for that? I don't think so.
    - AV is part of the Aliens side. Adding another vision for the Marines will remove this trait. I don't want another feature that Aliens already got (cf: gorge tunnels, although I love that one).
    - Night Vision doesn't make any sense, you're hardly in the darkness (around a few seconds per game, not more), and as previously said, flashlight simply.
    - The other point of view is that Aliens gain advantages in the darkness (poor Marines get difficulties at dodging and noticing Aliens), meaning that you'd take away this benefit by adding a Marines Night Vision.

    tl;dr: sticking with the current system isn't a problem. I'm fully convinced people do not want both sides to get closer, removing the appeal of the game and what makes NS2 as it is now. Short message, I guess there's many other downsides at promoting whatever you call it: Night Vision.
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    roxxkatt wrote: »
    there is a lot of interesting ways this can take shape
    Why a revamp? I feel like there could be improvements to the immersion of the game by basically giving more opportunities to utilize flashlight for that added suspense and tension that alien shooter could offer.

    Active Power node:
    • Same lighting as current live

    Destroyed power node: Immediately go to emergency lighting mode while power node is under "unable to repair" delay, then going immediately to black after that period. (The room going black once you can repair again also gives visual feedback on when you can start repairs on the node again.)
    • 0% Repair, Room remains dark (as if freshly destroyed power node in live) if alien structures in the room they give off additional glow to light up room slightly, however still require marines to utilize flash light or scan ability more to illuminate room.
    • 10-25% repair (whatever percentage is decided), Emergency lighting is restored to the room giving marines a lil more visability.
    • 75% repair, 50 percent to full lighting is restored to the room, however powered marine structures still aren't active.
    • 100% repair, structure power is restored.

    Example of how alien structures can slightly light up a dark room.

    pV1Ag.jpg <- previous mod that gave extra "glow" to alien structures and source of screenshot

    I would go for that picture before I went for nightvision. It just isn't going to happen though.
  • CCTEECCTEE Join Date: 2013-06-20 Member: 185634Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    this just really isnt needed

    Agree but it could be cool if it was a map-specific ability which is only available / usefull in special 'night maps'.
  • UncleCrunchUncleCrunch Mayonnaise land Join Date: 2005-02-16 Member: 41365Members, Reinforced - Onos
    2cough wrote: »
    I've always thought it was pretty funny the marines have access to jetpacks, rail guns, motion sensing automated guns, cat packs, PHASE GATES, and.... flashlights.

    But marines w/ night vision would take away the advantage that aliens are intended to have in dark spaces.
    It's already the case when people (mostly from competitive), set graphical details to minimum. And no it doesn't get the FPS way better! Only 2 to 4 FPS on my old 7 years old rig. Not even noticeable on my 2years old one. The real bottleneck is CPU.

    Even shade is more or less useless in this level of detail. Minimal Flat infestation is just wrong. I play with full detail, atmospheric and stuff. Even a marine can hide in the dark without AV. That really adds difficulty and is kind of nice look.

    CCTEE wrote: »
    this just really isnt needed
    Agree but it could be cool if it was a map-specific ability which is only available / usefull in special 'night maps'.
    Not really possible unless more development:
    -Tech tree
    -Commander Icon, buy menu icons and models as well.
    -Entities for mapper to allow or not,
    -Update maps... test this particular thing for every maps.

    Catalyst pack do that already.
  • roxxkattroxxkatt Join Date: 2014-12-28 Member: 200431Members
    1) technically marines do have gorge tunnels :P (pgs)
    2) nv goggles would replace flashlight and toggle with F key
    3) if nv gets added it would make sense to remove emergency lights or drastically increase delay
    4) in case of #3, adding alien cyst/structure lights would be a logical next step
  • AnkleBitingKittyAnkleBitingKitty United States Join Date: 2014-01-19 Member: 193284Members
    edited December 2014
    roxxkatt wrote: »
    1) technically marines do have gorge tunnels :P (pgs)
    2) nv goggles would replace flashlight and toggle with F key
    3) if nv gets added it would make sense to remove emergency lights or drastically increase delay
    4) in case of #3, adding alien cyst/structure lights would be a logical next step

    If marines get NV and emergancy lighting is changed to stay dark your removing the big element of ns2. Aliens have an advantage in the dark with infestation (infestation allows crags, whips, shifts, and shades that give Aliens an edge on infestation as well as AV and darkness allowing more efficient stealth, while marines have an advantage in rooms with power as they can see aliens clearly, and have turrets and armoury's. Yes marines have flashlights but that's so any room thats dark doesn't make it impossible to fight. Adding night vision to marines isn't neccecarily OP, it's "blurring the line" between Aliens and Marines. Also pgs where in the game much longer than gts, they were only added recently in the gorgeous update for balance reasons so that aliens could hold areas more effectively, unlike NV which is completely unnecessary. Also exos have fog lights which are very good at lighting up a room, making NV even more unnecessary.

    While NV might seem neccecary to remove emergancy lighting, emergancy lighting is perfectly fine. You don't have to destroy the lighting 100%, you can keep it 1 bite away from destruction and use it to undermine a marine push or provide cover for escape for a gorge. Also the black out provides plenty of time to kill all the marines in a push against a marine base.

  • clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Instead of nvg's do me some gasmasks against spores :D
  • meatmachinemeatmachine South England Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177858Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    edited February 2015
    You don't have to destroy the lighting 100%, you can keep it 1 bite away from destruction and use it to undermine a marine push or provide cover for escape for a gorge. Also the black out provides plenty of time to kill all the marines in a push against a marine base.
    Tell you an neat trick I've used only once or twice, but was freaking awesome?
    Bite the power node down until it has 10-20 hp left (by my calculations its 53 bites and a para or two)... Hide, wait for marines. Provided they dont weld it, when you're ready to engage pop a parasite into the power to plunge the marines total darkness and not having to worry about emergency lighting coming on for a while ;)
    Plus it makes you feel like some kind of freaky ninja.
  • WoehlerWoehler Join Date: 2013-10-13 Member: 188684Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    Hmm. Never thought about this.
    But as I see it there would only be 2 reasons to buy such a device. Blackout. Which only last for 10 seconds before emergency lights turn on. And secondly, to counter phantom.
    Personally I don't see a reason for night vision goggles as they will rarely be useful. But for thermal goggles it could be a way to counter phantom. In which case it should be a medium priced research at the armory with a cheap to medium pres cost. And non recyclable just like jet-packs. But this would just be 1 more thing for marines to buy. And thus I don't see the point. Marines already have to buy welders beside there weapons. And later on jet packs.
  • SantaClawsSantaClaws Denmark Join Date: 2012-07-31 Member: 154491Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think this is completely unneeded. However, I also think it's one of those things that you can implement without much impact on the game at all - like babblers or webs. So if you go ahead and make the work for this, I see no reason not to implement it. I don't think it needs a lot of balance at all.
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