A proper F2P Weekend is needed
Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester

Ok so now that the game has improved performance wise tenfold (among other things) I think whenever the CDT team thinks they've got in what they want to have in and it feels 'stable'
I think a free weekend should occur after it feels 'stable' for you guys. Try and show new players how much things have improved, and maybe even show some old players who haven't launched in a while too. I remember last free weekends would occur immediately during patches and I don't think that was always the best decision (especially if problems arose!)
What do you guys think?
I think a free weekend should occur after it feels 'stable' for you guys. Try and show new players how much things have improved, and maybe even show some old players who haven't launched in a while too. I remember last free weekends would occur immediately during patches and I don't think that was always the best decision (especially if problems arose!)
What do you guys think?
Perhaps a free week?
Would help give people a better impression of the game and maybe give us some extra players.
Im sure im witting this the 5th time now, but, well:
- Rookie only server for the free wekend time (so people can just play a bit without getting stomped every game)
- A serverbroweser flag and ingame warning for bad performing servers (i think something like this coming with 269 finally)
- Med/High skill servers only for the vets, so people can play "rookiefree" (this is to give the regular playerbase a place to play during the 2 or 3 days).
In the past people joined 3 tick servers from rubberbanding-hell, getting raped by "aimbotting" vets and played with horrible fps.
Great 1st impression of the game.
Particularly around the fact that we already had quite a few sales/free weekends.
Forget this teaching stuff @ a free weekend. This wont work.
Just let new players explore the game in an stomp free enviroment on there own.
The little rookie tournament in sweden was the proof: People learning the basics relative fast if there is no pressure, stomp and flaming against them.
Did some1 has the link to the cast of the final round?
Blind was losing his voice after crying "rush the CC, rush the CC. Yes they do it, YES!!" After 1,5 hrs
I think everyone on this forum knows that stuff, the problem is reaching the ones that aren't on the forum or those don't care. Those people outnumber the ones that want to help, sadly. Asraniel idea is best, and I actually suggested it a very long time ago.
There were some servers a while ago that restricted player skill and experienced players were always joining to stomp them. I witnessed it so much, as I use to sit spec and assist commanders and answer random questions. I think a few were even from the forums and comp players if I recall correctly. They would always get banned eventually though by the great admin.
If we let the rookies play against each other though, it would give them time to get familiar with the game and I think they will have fun even without knowing the basics of walljumping etc.
Once they are hooked and enjoy the game, they will invest more time into learning it. If you want to do rookie only servers why not ask the various clans with root servers to sponser one or two during the time of the free week? I think we (HBZ) could open one if it is only for one week and the demand is there. (No promise though -> PARA IS DA BOSS!)
Yes, this one. thx
The CDT team could use this stream to adjust some ingame tutorial stuff based on the comments of this stream.
Maybe some dynamic "special ingame help" on rookie only servers.
"Your Fade has low HP, heal up @ Hive, Gorge or Craq"
"You are a Lerk, try to fly and avoid ground"
If people dont "listen" to the helpsystem in an ammmount of time (10 sec or something), there should be warning like:
"If you engaging now, marnines can kill you easy"
Just watch the stream, then you know why im thinking something like this is needed.
But another thing from the stream is:
In this last 100 min game, all the players learned more about the game, than from 10 rounds getting stomped under 10 min.
Woozas lags like crazy, but those other two always seemed fine to me.
This could be point one of my needed list for an succesfully free weekend
- A serverbroweser flag and ingame warning for bad performing servers
The other 2 points are in the hand of admins.
- Med/High skill servers only for the vets, so people can play "rookiefree" (this is to give the regular playerbase a place to play during the 2 or 3 days).
- Rookie only server for the free wekend time (so people can just play a bit without getting stomped every game)
This, an advanced help system on rookie only servers, maybe a special joinbutton for the free weekend players who bring them directly to the rookie servers and a patch wich fixes the crashproblematic could be the key for an succesfull free weekend.
And again, forget all this:
- Teachingprogramms
- "Welcome new players and dont stomp them" blabla
Just let them explore the game for 2-3 days for there own in an stomp-, rubber- and crashfree environment.
I'm liking the ideas everyone, so far we've concluded
The build has to be stable
Rookies need somewhere to play as rookies only
Competitive players should be streaming during the days -- and somehow the newcomers need to be shown these streams
And vets should be tied to their own servers -- or forced to command on rookie servers? (this would have to be a goodwill thing lol)
And similarly, rewarded out of the ordinary from commanding them. - Not in skill obviously but some other reward - badges, w/e.
@ezekel , it is a nice idea to promote the game though.