NS2 Immersion Mod - Development Thread
Hello! I am building a mod for ns2. I call it Immersion. The goal of the mod is to add features that enhance the player's suspension of disbelief. I'm new to programming and modding so I'll need a bunch of help from the more experienced modders. I also hope to create some documentation for ns2 modding along the way.
I'll be asking questions in this thread about the various problems I'm trying to solve and I hope to get pointers on where to go to solve those problems.
The first feature I'm trying to implement is a finite resource pool. Firstly I'm working on the function; a finite amount of res hard coded into a global variable.
The problems with this is: I need this to run server side but I will be needing to send the value of res remaining to the clients connected. I haven't a clue where to start there.
The other problem is: Where do I put the variable? I'm looking in the code and will probably find it but tips would speed this up considerably.
Thanks for reading! Prethanks for the advice!
I'll be asking questions in this thread about the various problems I'm trying to solve and I hope to get pointers on where to go to solve those problems.
The first feature I'm trying to implement is a finite resource pool. Firstly I'm working on the function; a finite amount of res hard coded into a global variable.
The problems with this is: I need this to run server side but I will be needing to send the value of res remaining to the clients connected. I haven't a clue where to start there.
The other problem is: Where do I put the variable? I'm looking in the code and will probably find it but tips would speed this up considerably.
Thanks for reading! Prethanks for the advice!
This documentation though, yeeeeaaahhh
Please share your documentation.
Just kidding, I've recombobulated my system of note taking/documentation building so everything is a massive mess right now, but uh, if you're willing to put up with a pre pre pre alpha quality product I can put a link up in this thread, you'll have to promise to provide me with weekly feedback though, otherwise there's no real benefit of it being public at this time.
Yeah I think there's even residual code in the current code, I remember seeing it when poking around.
The feedback I'm looking for is rather simple but vital to the quality of the information:
- requests for what to focus on first.
- comments and tips on stuff I could add to a note/card
- let me know if some information is missing or out of date.
I think that's about it, but it would help me greatly in figuring out where to put my effort. Later on I will add labels to all of those cards identifying what sort of thing they are. Right now though it's only the identified labels associated with elements of ns2. Stay tuned.
As for me the most useful thing right now will be some sort of diagram to show connections between different components. And probably any simple working mod with comments.
also the purpose of the documentation is not tutorials, it's designed to let you explore the engine without running into roadblocks. for example, if you encounter something you haven't encountered before, you should be able to look it up in the documentation and go "oh, that's what that is", instead of what will otherwise happen where there'll be no explanation anywhere.
Ok, i didn't understand your purpose. We can discuss documentation and use unity3d as an example as it has very good documentation from my point of view. It consists of three parts:
1. detailed description of each function, class, object http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/index.html
2. Unity manual with high level explanation how engine works http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingSection.html
3. Tutorials http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules
I see now that you are targeting in between 1 and 2 from the list above. NS2 has absolutely no documentation, so please keep working, any piece of information will help
I was talking about Entity Component System but it looks like Spark engine does not use this system.
Man, what a troll. I read through most of this thread. You don't know how to code/program, and you want to make a full on "immersion mod". You keep claiming you're making all kinds of progress but have yet to provide any sort of proof or better yet help others.
Sorry I just find this kind of thing pretty funny and at the same time annoying. I wouldn't pay any attention to this thread until some proof of concept or w/e is posted.
There's tons of people all over the globe who think it would be cool and fun to make something as cool as a game. There's plenty of threads on message boards everywhere with people who have "ideas" and "designs" for games or mod or w/e and offering to "hire" people for it with promises of future returns from the project.
They're a dime a dozen and if 1 out of 100 people actually succeed with those goals I would be surprised. Software development of any sort (modding, making games, etc.) is *not* easy, simple, or quick.
Saying you want to make a game with no passion, knowledge, training, or skill for the craft is like saying "I'm going to become a rich & famous Rock Star!" Without any knowledge, training, passion, or skill in it.
Give him a chance for heavens sake its no skin off your nose if he succeeds or fails, atleast he's making an effort even if he doesn't managed to release an alpha and fails miserably hopefully he'll acquire some understanding of NS2's code which he can put towards another project.
Jeez squash peoples hopes and aspirations will ya.
Dear god my comment sounded **just** like some software devs I once talked to on message boards or help sites who I really don't like. *shudders* I don't ever want to be that kind of person. Those people were egotistical, arrogant, better-than-you-attitude types who doubted anyone who didn't already have skills would ultimately fail.
I was one of those people, the kind with no skills. I eventually took some high school courses, and through years of honing my craft I can "do stuff" with coding. lol
{EDIT} One more thing to add, in high school my math teacher said I would never become a programmer or make games because I couldn't do the math. It was pretty devastating to a kid with aspirations as a game dev. This teacher also taught programming courses, eventually I took two classes from him. Wrote some damn elegant code that semester xD
The trouble with progressing NS2 modding is a bunch of things, and there's some truth in your complaints. It's better for me to show progress than to talk about progress I intend to make.
My plan, is to build an NS2 modification manual. But it is true, I lack the experience and skill with programming to do any damage here (being NS2 modding). I am doing something about that and hopefully can start cracking this problem soon, but there's simply no telling how long things will take. If there's an experienced NS2 modder who is interested in working with me to create a modding manual, post in this thread or send me a PM. My programming skills may not be up to the task, but I'm not completely terrible at technical writing and documentation (considering I've spent the better part of the last 6 months doing just that, technical writing).