Anyone with GREAT patience willing to help?
Tarnax IV Join Date: 2014-06-21 Member: 196674Members

So, I started playing this game. And it's really awesome!!!
...But I'm really, really bad at it. I know from my experience with fighting games that it requires patience to learn, but I've really given an embarassing exploit so far. May be because I'm not used to first person games.
I'm focusing on the aliens first, and haven't tried the marines yet if not in the short tutorial. I'll go with the marines once I started to learn how to play.
I have some questions:
1) Is there a way to keep a map somewhere on the screen? The fact the map is only visible by holding C is a bit of a problem for me. I often get lost. My poor sense of direction!
2) Is there a way to target a marine, or to leap at him, as a skulk? Because as much as I sneak and try to climb on walls, the marines move too fast for me to get a bite.
3) Should I save my evolution points instead of spending them often?
4) What do I exactly need to do? I get very confused. I tried to press X and then ask for a map ping, and then follow the circles on the map. Is that good, for starters?
...But I'm really, really bad at it. I know from my experience with fighting games that it requires patience to learn, but I've really given an embarassing exploit so far. May be because I'm not used to first person games.
I'm focusing on the aliens first, and haven't tried the marines yet if not in the short tutorial. I'll go with the marines once I started to learn how to play.
I have some questions:
1) Is there a way to keep a map somewhere on the screen? The fact the map is only visible by holding C is a bit of a problem for me. I often get lost. My poor sense of direction!
2) Is there a way to target a marine, or to leap at him, as a skulk? Because as much as I sneak and try to climb on walls, the marines move too fast for me to get a bite.
3) Should I save my evolution points instead of spending them often?
4) What do I exactly need to do? I get very confused. I tried to press X and then ask for a map ping, and then follow the circles on the map. Is that good, for starters?

2) Once you get the upgrade for skulk you can leap at them. However, prior to that as a skulk try not to engage marines when you are by yourself. Generally the game is designed so that a marine v skulk (same level) would result with a marine win.
The best way to get to marines in early game is to parasite them (2nd weapon for skulks looks like a needle), and then using shift sneak up on them and bite twice. You can usually get 2 bites in without dying but that 3rd bite is a problem a lot of times, so early game (prior to armor 1 for marines) this is the best way to deal with them.
When Lerks come out, skulks should mostly bite res and engage marines less, the marines are likely to get upgrades by this point and the skulks do a lot more team damage by keeping marine res down.
When Fades come out lerks and skulks should be hitting res/structure (and start taking powers down too, the time delay is a pain for marines to deal with), if Lerks have Umbra then they should be helping support the fades etc.
3) Some of it was explained prior but, you need to get teammates together to take down res and structures. A lot of people focus more on the killing each other part of the game and less on the economics. If you keep the other teams money down they cannot afford to replace structures easily, med or ammo the troops or keep getting enough p-res for weapons.
Being able to sneak through an open lane with another teammate or 2 can wreck a lot of havoc on the marine team. I know I'll rush with others and we just keep hitting the arms lab or another structure, which is costly to replace and can leave marines temporarily weaker which makes it easier for your team to kill them.
Being able to talk with you teammates is key, getting them to work together is kind of hard, but the more you play the more you get to know people and it is easier to work together.
Sorry it is a novel.
I play with some other regular people on CM and TA House of Awesome/Horrors if we are on at the same time join the reddit Mumble, and ask any questions. People from the community are usually pretty nice to new people unless they are acting like a poop...
Bad grammar.
Plus jumping from wall to wall will make you a harder target to shoot at
-YouTube is a great place for NS2 resources on this stuff, just search for it and ye shall find awesome stuff
I've got my map key bound to one of my mousebuttons, easier to popup the map while moving. C key is way too cumbersome...
And the maps are indeed complex, this is something that we all have with new maps. You will learn the layouts the more you play
Remember to have FUN!
When you can afford it, try out higher lifeforms. Maybe there is one that really fits your playstyle.
Oh yea, "Rookie Friendly" servers arent "Rookie Only" and therefor not always rookie friendly at all. There should be a Rookie Only server somewhere that is well admined (is it still up?)
You shouldn't Command yet. Thats where you can get harsh reactions from the players if you do. Otherwise you should be able to ask anything anytime and get a good answer.
Natural Selection 2 - Tactical Operations
Granted these were done a year ago, but pretty much all of it still applies. Good luck!
Biting marines is somewhat of an art, combining timing and movement. It's hard to teach, just something you need to learn by experience. you can start with trying out ambushes, like hiding right behind a corner and jumping in a marines face when he approaches (timing is crucial).
So weapon2, the parasite... does it tags them or does it have other effects too?
And how do I walljump?
More importantly, in an attempt to bind the map key to the center button of the mouse, I accidentally screwed up the keybindings, and can't reset them!! I've tried to delete the options file and restart the game, but nothing changed!
Also before marines upgrade to Armour 1, if you parasite the marine it dose 10 damage meaning you will only need to bite him 2 times for the kill, other wise it takes 3 bites, Just practice it a bit, and you will get the hang of things
To wall jump you want to be moving in whatever direction you are heading and glance off the walls to gain a speed boost. Don't jump straight at the walls
ISE has good tutorials and can probably explain it better
Just wanted to keep you updated on the situation.
Now I know how to play (what is the game about and how to control the characters). But I must say, I'm still terribly weak! It's really hard for me to get a kill in. :P
From the top of my head:
I also stream from time to time
Something you don't learn til you have had alot of hours of play is map sense and learning to use the environment to your advantage. Your early life forms (skulks really) are crap in an open room because marines (good ones) make sure they have alot of distances between entrance and them. It is actually hard to restraint yourself to just parasite them and wait for them to come to you. The other thing that took me a long time to learn (or unlearn) is not to jump and bite when marines jump (when you jump, your trajectory is predictable). I have had alot more success getting marines by staying on the ground and just bite when I am close.
Also when I say to use the environment to your advantage, I mean hide behind stuff. More often then not, when a marine see you, they will start to fire, and keep firing even when you hide behind a box or pillar, til they run out of ammo (its actually hard to remember to fire in burst and stop firing when your target is out of sight). You come out and take them down when they are reloading (watch out for the pistol though).
Have fun.
It is really helping me understand when I am missing and what works etc. In the early skulk game when you do the "parasite-bite-bite" routine you can make that last hit with confidence after hearing two beeps already. Gotta watch for med pack drops though.