[Project] Official Twitch Streaming
Detroit Join Date: 2013-11-10 Member: 189251Members

in Squad Five
Alright so this is an idea I had about how to best promote Natural Selection 2. I think that we as a community should try and get the official NS2 Twitch stream up and running on a more regular basis.
So the core idea of this would be to have access to the official stream, which is mostly used by Unknown Worlds for streaming tournaments, for streaming regular play sessions. This is something that the game Smite has been doing since early beta and I think it has really helped promote the game. However, we don't need to do a 24hr livestream sort of thing like they do.
If we could get some community members, those who have strong enough equipment to stream at decent resolutions, to stream a few times a week, that could be great for promoting the game. Currently, there is a decent number of people who stream the game but since there are a lot of followers on the NS2 Twitch page, we should try and capitalize on that audience! Also, this can still be used to stream tournaments.
Sadly, I currently don't have a good system for streaming. My desktop is dying and my laptop can only run the game without anything else. However, I would love to be able to help out with the management of it all if there is enough interest in such a project! I hope I'll be able to stream myself soon enough. Obviously, for this idea to work we'd need access to the official twitch stream but first I want to see if there is enough interest.
The higher the game is on Twitch, the more often random viewers will decide to watch, even those who have never heard of the game. This would be great for spreading the joys of NS2!
Alright so sorry for the long and rambling post. Just trying to get the idea out and see what you all think! Let me know if you have any suggestions, if this is a terrible idea, or whatever. Thanks for reading!
So the core idea of this would be to have access to the official stream, which is mostly used by Unknown Worlds for streaming tournaments, for streaming regular play sessions. This is something that the game Smite has been doing since early beta and I think it has really helped promote the game. However, we don't need to do a 24hr livestream sort of thing like they do.
If we could get some community members, those who have strong enough equipment to stream at decent resolutions, to stream a few times a week, that could be great for promoting the game. Currently, there is a decent number of people who stream the game but since there are a lot of followers on the NS2 Twitch page, we should try and capitalize on that audience! Also, this can still be used to stream tournaments.
Sadly, I currently don't have a good system for streaming. My desktop is dying and my laptop can only run the game without anything else. However, I would love to be able to help out with the management of it all if there is enough interest in such a project! I hope I'll be able to stream myself soon enough. Obviously, for this idea to work we'd need access to the official twitch stream but first I want to see if there is enough interest.
The higher the game is on Twitch, the more often random viewers will decide to watch, even those who have never heard of the game. This would be great for spreading the joys of NS2!
Alright so sorry for the long and rambling post. Just trying to get the idea out and see what you all think! Let me know if you have any suggestions, if this is a terrible idea, or whatever. Thanks for reading!
Sounds like a good idea to me.
And thanks!
I am open to hear proposals from people interested in streaming on the official channel and working with them to have certain settings and be aware of content rules and such.
I agree for the most part. It would be nice to have established streamers on the main channel once in a while to promote their own channel. There are still heaps of people that don't even know about AusNS2 within the NS2 community for example because we haven't casted a prem div nsl game yet. I'm sure there are plenty other examples, it's just the one I have the most connection with (sorry!).
I don't think that every man and his dog should have access to the main channel (which I think was being implied?) as 1) its a logistical nightmare and 2) the truth is that most people suck at streaming.
Also, this probably doesn't belong in this subforum.
One other thing, the dashboard setup for 'content contributors' on Twitch is still bad. It's the one part of the site that never seems to get overhauled.
Also you guys are listed twice under the Twitch game directory. Offical NS2 stream plays Natural Selection II but most people stream under Natural Selection 2
So I think you have to be extremely careful about who you allow access to the channel, and for what kinds of purposes. I.e, I wouldn't mind seeing someone like golden or eissfield etc. stream their fpv on the official channel in scrims - but I would hate to see them play public games on it or something like that.
tl;dr - Sharing the official channel is fine imo, just make sure you maintain high quality competetive streams, rather than mediocre random pubs etc.
I agree, it would be much more beneficial for more people to stream in general. Since that increases the output of of potential viewers. I do think that it would also be helpful to have some streams on the main one as well. Just a little at least. The last one was a tournament from like 3 months or so ago.
I wasn't originally planning for just open access to the stream. I agree that would be crazy :P. But to have a few really good streamers, maybe those already established in our community, could be nice to see.
Yeah. It would be really tough to manage. But if we had enough high quality streams I think it could catch on. Maybe we could get NS2 on the front page of Twitch
1) The official UWE twitch channel could use more action as its the most "legitimate" NS2 strean (since it is run by the devs = more people willing to watch for the first time)
2) More alerts posted through official NS2 sites could more get current community members more active in watching/creating streams
3) Maybe an "NS2 Official Streamer" logo/badge/steam group would direct viewers of one person's stream to others, further growing popularity of streams?
Just some random suggestions from someone who loves watching NS2 streams
Sounds great! It would be awesome to see more on it! And my bad for not catching that. We should try and promote your streams a bit more! Would be fun to watch I think!
Whatever gets decided about this idea, I think streaming more NS2 competitve gameplay and providing more interesting content (shows/Q&A) for non- and current players, would be a really good thing to do. I remember awhile back when Nexzil (a.k.a Titus +/- players) had their commander, Virsoul, streaming alot of their matches with mumble/teamspeak. I used to watch them as much as possible and really enjoyed what they did, dispite all the "we dont like muricans" euro players trying to influence me otherwise. At some point I think they were even streaming with most of their players (at once?) so you could pick the POV. This was one of the things that inspired me to create my own twitch account and try streaming, which eventually lead to our brief show, but enjoyable to make, NS2SHOWTIME with blind, Fana and Scrajm.
Now, here's my proposal, bare in mind that this is set in the "ideal NS2 world" where we are all active and play somewhat frequently.
At the moment we have 5 premiere teams in the ENSL. There are approx 6-8 players in each team.
During the ENSL season, twitch.tv/NaturalSelection2 would give access to 1 team / week for streaming on their main channel.
During this 1 week, all team members would recieve 1 day to stream their POV each, in scrims/pcws or officials, they choose.
You could also just let the players willing to stream their POV do so. For example, if only Rios and Herakles wants to stream, then you have 2 days with some kind of event.
We currently have 2 international teams, 1 american, 1 french and 1 finnish. This means reaching and pulling in multi-language viewers.
Obviously there's alot of "technical issues" that needs to be adressed aswell:
- How many teams will be playing next season in prem?
- How many people have good rigs/internet to stream?
- Can this be done as a test during summer cups/night cups?
- Can players stick to the "wasabi rules" no cursing, bashing of other players etc.
...and so on.
Some players might be thinking, "I don't want to show our strats and risk us losing points or give anyone insight to how we play".
So alittle counter-arguement to that would be:
- Most likely you won't show your trump card in pcws, right?
- NS2 is an amature gaming scene, so no one is getting payed to do this in the extents of other games like CS:GO etc.
- Sure snails won $5,000 in cologne, but i doubt they are swimming around in cheeseburgers in france atm.
- Listening in on teams voice chat during games is also that 1 step closer to a better experience for the viewer.
- Streaming during GROUP-STAGES is completely different than streaming during PLAYOFFS. I would personally not do the latter.
I'm sure someone else can spin off this idea more or make an even better one, but here's my suggestion to @WasabiOne and @Lorengorm
It happened last year. If I remember correctly it was Wasabi, Zefram Virsoul and someone else?
Maybe its time for another one, but they are hard to do.
In any case, it definitely wouldn't hurt to just advertise some player's twitch channels a bit more. NS2 tweets are always about matches being casted, but sometimes watching high level player's POV is more interesting.
@Virsoul plsss
Actually I only have editing powers lol. was never given a stream key
I stream drawing on the same channel, but I stream Ns2 twice weekly, starting at 20:00 (CEST) every Wednesday and Sunday because that is when TAW has their mandatories.
I might stream pubs more often.
But even with that variety and consistency I agree with @SantaClaws. That channel should be reserved for something special, while it's inactive you can put ways for people to connect to other twitch channels, either by links or in the "inactive stream" background image.
Or heck like @ricez said, have a little stream status hub that can be accessed in the main menu of the game. "Here's some prominent players streaming NS2 right now! (small normal / competative listings)"
I stream the odd bit's of other games as well, mainly it's UWE games. I don't tend to do much talking though, my mic requires picking up, and my voice sounds pretty bad, haha.