Debug report prob persist [STILL!!]
Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182723Members

Hello guys maybe u can help me cuz im struggling with this and i saw that lotta of us facing this problem (Hope so after upd will be fine) But still maybe its possible to fix it somehow? Problem persist when tryin' to load map, at Downloading mods part stucks and Debug report message appear.
And yes i've tried Full nuke (followed by Nuke From Orbit Guide) no subscriptions of mods, nothing - just clean version now redownloaded. But still problem is. So i'm adding my techsupport zip. Hope so it helps. Thanks for help guys!
And yes i've tried Full nuke (followed by Nuke From Orbit Guide) no subscriptions of mods, nothing - just clean version now redownloaded. But still problem is. So i'm adding my techsupport zip. Hope so it helps. Thanks for help guys!
Your log is telling me you still have subscribed to alot workshop mods.
Your log:
Do you see why i think that you still have a bunch of mod subscribed
It has to do with the workshop api.
When ns2 starts up the following is done (not exactly but you have to think about it this way):
ns2 client: hey workshop has my user some mods subscribed?
workshop: sure here have the links.
ns2 client: Great going to dl that stuff
ns2 client: Hmm that stuff doesnt exist what should i do
ns2 client: WTH are those mods
ns2 client: I'm done with it -> Crash
-disabled steam cloud sync for NS2
-deleted C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxxx\4920 folder
-restarted steam
-started game
-quit game
-enabled steam sync for NS2
-started game when steam asked nether download or upload data to/from steam cloud. I chose upload
-and that was it
Sadly my name shows now green (noob) again but atleast got this problem solved. hope this helps other ppl too