Natural Selection 2 "Slang"
Florida Join Date: 2014-01-14 Member: 193121Members

Please post whatever phrases might not be understood by a newcomer easily.
Also on another random note (I'll edit this out later) how do you play a sandbox or training bot game with your steam friends?
Links to other resources on NS2 Terms:
Also on another random note (I'll edit this out later) how do you play a sandbox or training bot game with your steam friends?
Links to other resources on NS2 Terms:
Next step is PUG, Pick Up Group. Higher level players that join random temp teams and play it out.
Comp is just competitive. Those are the best... or we like to think the best... players in teams fighting it out.
GLHF- Good luck have fun
GG- Good game
WP- Well played
RT- Resource tower
Zergling, Muta, Ultra, Creep - Means: Skulk, Lerk, Onos, Cyst but only in Starcraft
Rine- Marine
Khara- the aliens in Natural Selection
Just found this for abbreviations
Thanks dude!
Comp = competitive; coordinated play; usually with people you know; clan wars etc.
RT = resource tower = harvester / extractor
PG = phase gate
A1/W1, etc = marine upgrade levels
meds = med pack
weld! = welding the armor / buildings with a welder
armory block = building an armory in a narrow passage to block oni (life forms)
dbl / double = the room with 2 res nodes
rookie friendly = a server where new players are supposed to learn the basics of the game
It's just so much easier to say RT because 1) a lot of people are already used to it from ns1 and 2) it takes more mental effort to remember the difference between a harvestor and an extractor when they serve the same function.
Anyway, it's good to to refer to aliens by more relateable names when lots of newbies are playing (like during a sale) so they know what you're talking about. Skulk is zergling. Gorge is pig/piggy. Lerk is bat. Fade is Nightcrawler. And Onos is rhino/gorilla. The whip name is possibly too explicit for these forums. Exos likewise are Mech's/Mech-Suit/Mech-Warrior
Other slang can include old names for rooms in previous versions of maps - the one that probably comes to mind most is "West" or "West Skylights" for the room which is now simply called "Skylights". Another example is "Lava Falls" or "Lava" for Falls (refinery). Also: "Double res" or "Double" for any room with 2 res points (e.g. Nanogrid). "Central" for any room located in the center of the map. There's also shortened versions of names like "Topo" for Topographical. "Marine Start" for the marines main base room (usually in maps with fixed spawns).
An old nsnz slang during ns1 (albeit never gets used anymore) is "menpack" which originated by one of the best players in the early days was an asian kid called yimmy who kept on saying medpack that way.
There's Lork and Ohnoes!
NS1-related slang: "Cloaking" or "Silence" or "Camouflage" for Phantom. "Scent of Fear" for Aura. SC/DC/MC for shade/crag/shift. "Turret Factory" for Robotics Factory. "Seige Cannon" for ARC. "Heavy Armour" or "HA" for Exosuit. Sometimes Hydras are referred to as OCs but that's rare.
Weapons: "Shotty" or "Boomstick" (if you're a fan of Bruce Campbell) for Shotgun. "LMG" or "Light Machine Gun" for Rifle (marine's standard weapon - also, inspired by ns1 terminology). "Flamer" for Flamethrower. "GL" for Grenade Launcher.
"hp?" is sometimes called after a particularly close skirmish (usually with a higher lifeform like a fade) and it means the person is asking how much health the other player had at the end with it.
"Teleport" or "Shift" or "Sink" (rare) for Echo.
I dunno if "med" is counted as slang (as a short version of medpack).
Dunno if this is counted as slang or simply a strategic term: but "fast hive" refers to the practice of dropping a hive immediately. It's less feasible a strategy these days so isn't really done anymore but that's not to say doesn't come without benefits (namely faster spawning + availability of two drifter abilities soon in the game if you want to invest in that + artificial map control)
"Lane Block" for the practice of keeping enemy units from advancing into certain areas of the map.
I like to say "bumrush" as a technical term for a quick harvestor/extractor attack (usually by a large enough force to guarantee destruction) either because that side of the map is neglected or they sneak around (e.g. topo vents). E.g. every alien comm game I play in docking comes with one simple order "Don't let them bumrush maint and stability". I also use this term to refer to getting trapped as a higher lifeform or getting caught out by an out of position marine from behind/side (whatever route you're not paying attention to).
obs = observatory
cc = command chair = command station or hive
"phase to x" = use phase gates to get to x
"turtle" = defend a room to the last man, block entries and build highly defensive structures to hold it.
rest was allready posted here or is understandable by context it is used in
Actively staring at vents, as a marine, waiting for lifeforms to come out. This is frequently caused by a skulk barking in a vent.
An act of biting walls with a skulk causing a loud bark-like sound.
Marine based camping; typically occurring around marine extractors.
Christmas Lifeforms
|Christmas-skulk/lerk/fade| An alien lifeform who has been sprayed with enzyme(red) and mucous membrane(green) at the same time. This usually occurs in the marines face causing Christmas like colors to appear on your HUD.
(1) The act of carelessly attacking the enemy with your lifeform/marine. This commonly results in death.
(2) A special Locklear sacking technique for onos. Run into a group of marines as onos, crouch, spam your primary attack, and spin in circles all while taunting.
Extended list here but the rest are just team jokes making fun of each other.
Along similar lines I've seen Carrots for Carapace.
(different from HP = health point ^^ )
egglock = when marine focus fire on egg and alien can't spawn because all eggs are destroyed.
beacon = ability triggered by the marine commander which brings back all marine in base
AA = Advanced armory which unlock grenade launcher and flamethrower, as well as prototype lab
... "vote concede"
map specific, i'd say, in the "get to" variety: nano, stability, locker, topo, logi, just first words in general. the big one is just central means central if there is a central location. Also, i invariably refer to the starting location as main.
Thanks guys great responses!
location is pretty self explanatory, or you know, explicitly defined.
meat grinder refers to a phase gate that is surrounded. beacon is the actual name of the obs active skill, but new players might not be familiar. phase refers to theglowy blue teleporters, or the act of going through them. chew on, means bite this structure down. when I say I'll cover you while you chew on something, I mean don't follow me, I'll act as advanced warning while you take down the structure. most refers to nutrient mist, an active skill by the alien khamm to speed up egg evolution. and nano refers to the active defensive buff that marine commander can trigger.
Often a last resort for a pinned-in team.
Pres- personal resource (aka stuff to buy shotguns, babblers with)
Res - resource.
I like to make the distinction between "Rambo" and "Commando". "Rambo" kills stuff (i.e. him being off on his own is a good thing cause he's a one man army). "Commando" doesn't (negative implications came from an old forum/in-game troll by the same name in nz).
In ns1 this was more of a problem, because whoever ramboed and died usually had a shotgun/hmg/HA/jp, which came from the commander, not personal res (i.e. it could have gone to better use).
AA: Advanced Armory
CS / CC: Command Station or Command Chair
Exo: Exo Suit
SG: Shotgun
GL: Grenade Launcher
JP: Jetpack
Med: Med Pack
Nano: Nano Shield
Obs: Observatory
PG: Phase Gate
Proto or Lab: Prototype Lab
Robo: Robotic Factory
RT: (Resource Tower) Generic term for Extractors and Harvester. It doesn't really matter what side you're on.
Res Node: Sometimes mistakenly referenced as a RT, but it refers to the location that you need to build an RT.
TRes / PRes: Refers to Team Resources used by the commander or Personal Resources used by each individual player.
Cap / Recap: The action of taking (back) control of resource nozzles by placing Extractors on them.
It's pg in text only. You know there are some people out there without mics or who don't want to use them.
Going off on solo suicide missions is actually pretty useful, at least in pubs (no experience with pugs/comp so I can't say). You just have to be careful when you do it and what you take with you, never bring something you aren't prepared to lose unless you have a means of escape. Anyway it's great for killing less defended RTs or just keeping pressure on distant parts of the map. Even if you don't kill the RT the 2 skulks and gorge that respond are distracted from the front line for a good minute, which is a great trade for 1 marine with an LMG.
I've never heard the term commando used. Honestly if I heard the two in the same game I would assume the opposite meaning. Rambo sounds like some asshole taking things into his own hands and Commando sounds like someone on special assignment (IE he has orders/premission to do what he's doing).
^ This thread has a nice section on NS2 terminology which may be worth a read, I think most if not all of them have already been covered in this thread but they are all nicely formatted in one place here
Ill post the link at the top