Did this a while ago but it does not work at all. My constellation badge shows up in the forums but nothing shows up in manage badges. When I press redeem badges it does say "Success! Badges transfered from zeroibis. Next time you join a server your badges will be visible next to your name. "
Would be nice to see the constellation icon ingame if it worked...
that's a shit load of money put down to support you guys
If you truly bought them to support UWE - and not to just badge spam a scoreboard - then you wouldn't be so upset about having a reasonable limit set.
I did it a few weeks ago, my constellation icon works in-game.
No mine does not even show up in the hive. It then does obviously not show up in game either. My account in the hive is broken somehow and my badge is not showing up and I guess never will until it is fixed...
that's a shit load of money put down to support you guys
If you truly bought them to support UWE - and not to just badge spam a scoreboard - then you wouldn't be so upset about having a reasonable limit set.
Ahh cmon iron you know that's not how human psychology works. Constellation came with a badge, reinforcement tiers come with a variety of perks. Is it REALLY acceptable to kill off our badges for the 0.1% of people who run at 800x600? I think not. At least create a new badge which is Diamond + every tier below so that those of us who did support in every way available to us in the absence of the onos badge can show others that support.
You shouldn't underestimate the value that seeing one of us with all the badges brings: that's a lot of people who see it on servers, which was great advertising for ns2 and reinforcement. Now we just get a kick in the teeth.
I think there's a flaw in the way results are produced. Ok it's not finished and no i'm not whining.
I just want to point out some little things as suggestions :
-Players who pass more time as Marine have a K/D ration that is better as they play more early games on marine side. I browsed randomly 20 players above 500 and they where all but one playing more on marine side. Maybe lowering the "weight" of a kill on marine side would be more realistic.
-Commander /Khammander stuff. It is taken in consideration ? I believe not.
Commander barely get kills if turrets are used though it's a key member on NS2. It should add to the stats. Also as the goal is to get a match system it would be better for inviting a potent commander. Random distribution in team upon this criteria is a good example too. If random does the job without taking care of the commander status/skill, we would eventually get games with 3 commanders on marine side and none on Alien side. Gorge/Marine base builder (the mechanic) also isn't a big killer, but damn useful.
-The time passed to play. Some have more time some don't. It doesn't mean a player that plays more is better. But still; the NS-junkie will push the score higher even playing badly compare to another.
-Oh and something to make sure that people won't get on rookie servers to get some easy wins. There should be something like that. Like a rookie killed is 0.5 pt and a high skilled is 1. as an example of course.
Nope, scoreboard gets cluttered and distorted on any resolution.
At least create a new badge which is Diamond + every tier below so that those of us who did support in every way available to us in the absence of the onos badge can show others that support.
Calling it badge-whore badge
Now we just get a kick in the teeth.
And how many are that? 0.01%? 3 Badges showing at random are enough seriously. I'd rather have good structured scoreboard than that.
=; ...3 badges! How can we tell how stacked the teams are if every one has only 3 freaking badges. Skill difference between a 3 badger and 4 badger is quite severe haven't you noticed? I played a game once and that was the case. PLEASE THINK OF THE NOOBS
oh the qq on servers;
"I have more badges than you dickface.HA! I'm better than you gtfo!"
I'm all for showing support and all, but.. this is just ridiculous.
Just a thought: If you want to avoid badges taking up too much space on the scoreboard, yet still allow people to show what they've got, then the row of badges could be limited to be as wide as three badges, horizontally. Not scaled, as that would look like cr*p... more like a deck of cards:
Just a thought: If you want to avoid badges taking up too much space on the scoreboard, yet still allow people to show what they've got, then the row of badges could be limited to be as wide as three badges, horizontally. Not scaled, as that would look like cr*p... more like a deck of cards:
Ahh cmon iron you know that's not how human psychology works. Constellation came with a badge, reinforcement tiers come with a variety of perks. Is it REALLY acceptable to kill off our badges for the 0.1% of people who run at 800x600? I think not. At least create a new badge which is Diamond + every tier below so that those of us who did support in every way available to us in the absence of the onos badge can show others that support.
You shouldn't underestimate the value that seeing one of us with all the badges brings: that's a lot of people who see it on servers, which was great advertising for ns2 and reinforcement. Now we just get a kick in the teeth.
A) Constellation supporters didnt have badges showing up in NS2 for years, only NS1. Its only very recently that they've finally been able to show, officially, and yet people did not post like you just did? You still get a cookie/badge for supporting (and with reinforced, far more so than constellation with models etc!)
C) This new limit was never about the 0.1% that run in 800x600 .. it was about the ridiculousness of a dozen badges* in front of your name on a scoreboard due to a method that was unintentional.
I'm all for earning high marks and getting cookies for supporting, but a dozen badges was just not intentional, and it looked ridiculous.. so I agree with their call.
The only people who have registered constellation badges through the badge server (ns2c) are listed here: http://www.ns2c.com/badges/5
I am listed in the badge server and it worked fine with the old badges mod. It is when I did it in the ns2hive that it did not work and my badge does not show up in my account or ingame.
My bug to report: did redeem badges, but my Playtester badge -- she no there. I was an NS1 PT, if that makes a diff.
(I was briefly an NS2 PT too, but left the programme as I couldn't participate much).
@Ironhorse, intended or not, it was. And now it is not. Like many, I was too late for the onos badge (I was actually away on holiday when the whole thing kicked off), so instead I opted to get the other badges. They were supplied. Now they have been removed. Surely you of all people can understand why that pisses me off like this? I'm not the only one who's royally angry about this, the others I know are just less vocal than me. It's a kick in the nuts, and you cannot deny that.
Would be nice to see the constellation icon ingame if it worked...
Please add some unused slots on the redeem badges page!
If you truly bought them to support UWE - and not to just badge spam a scoreboard - then you wouldn't be so upset about having a reasonable limit set.
No mine does not even show up in the hive. It then does obviously not show up in game either. My account in the hive is broken somehow and my badge is not showing up and I guess never will until it is fixed...
Ahh cmon iron you know that's not how human psychology works. Constellation came with a badge, reinforcement tiers come with a variety of perks. Is it REALLY acceptable to kill off our badges for the 0.1% of people who run at 800x600? I think not. At least create a new badge which is Diamond + every tier below so that those of us who did support in every way available to us in the absence of the onos badge can show others that support.
You shouldn't underestimate the value that seeing one of us with all the badges brings: that's a lot of people who see it on servers, which was great advertising for ns2 and reinforcement. Now we just get a kick in the teeth.
I just want to point out some little things as suggestions :
-Players who pass more time as Marine have a K/D ration that is better as they play more early games on marine side. I browsed randomly 20 players above 500 and they where all but one playing more on marine side. Maybe lowering the "weight" of a kill on marine side would be more realistic.
-Commander /Khammander stuff. It is taken in consideration ? I believe not.
Commander barely get kills if turrets are used though it's a key member on NS2. It should add to the stats. Also as the goal is to get a match system it would be better for inviting a potent commander. Random distribution in team upon this criteria is a good example too. If random does the job without taking care of the commander status/skill, we would eventually get games with 3 commanders on marine side and none on Alien side. Gorge/Marine base builder (the mechanic) also isn't a big killer, but damn useful.
-The time passed to play. Some have more time some don't. It doesn't mean a player that plays more is better. But still; the NS-junkie will push the score higher even playing badly compare to another.
-Oh and something to make sure that people won't get on rookie servers to get some easy wins. There should be something like that. Like a rookie killed is 0.5 pt and a high skilled is 1. as an example of course.
Calling it badge-whore badge
And how many are that? 0.01%? 3 Badges showing at random are enough seriously. I'd rather have good structured scoreboard than that.
"I have more badges than you dickface.HA! I'm better than you gtfo!"
I'm all for showing support and all, but.. this is just ridiculous.
The 'Bingo badge'.
[AAA] B] C] D] E]
Of course there is a limit to that too, but it would be way higher than "only" three badges. Enough for all tiers plus some extra, I guess
Am i retarded for not getting this?
Edit ah nvm, i see what he means.
Hm. I'd ask Hugh, he can forward you to the right person...
A) Constellation supporters didnt have badges showing up in NS2 for years, only NS1. Its only very recently that they've finally been able to show, officially, and yet people did not post like you just did?
C) This new limit was never about the 0.1% that run in 800x600 .. it was about the ridiculousness of a dozen badges* in front of your name on a scoreboard due to a method that was unintentional.
I'm all for earning high marks and getting cookies for supporting, but a dozen badges was just not intentional, and it looked ridiculous.. so I agree with their call.
*(6 reinforced, 1 const, 1 pax, 1 playtester, 1 map test, 2 squad 5 badges)
I am listed in the badge server and it worked fine with the old badges mod. It is when I did it in the ns2hive that it did not work and my badge does not show up in my account or ingame.
My bug to report: did redeem badges, but my Playtester badge -- she no there. I was an NS1 PT, if that makes a diff.
(I was briefly an NS2 PT too, but left the programme as I couldn't participate much).
Go Go Gadget MicroTransactions!
Pre-orders have no badges tied to them.
Constellation was for Donating to NS1 before the official cutoff date, which was around April 2012.