Tin can mode
Gorge-N-Freeman,2Gorges1Clog Join Date: 2012-12-24 Member: 176138Members

Can you please include a high quality sound mode within the options menu. smg sounds like im hearing it through a tin can attached to a piece of dangly string...dem some good vibrations. Unless sound guy tweaked smg then forgive me.
Secondly, ROUND TIMER WITHIN SERVER BROWSER "unless its there already and im blind"
Secondly, ROUND TIMER WITHIN SERVER BROWSER "unless its there already and im blind"
The sounds of the SMG have a lot of compression. They could add an option to change audio quality in the menu.
Serious face: I suggest the compression only occurring for the 32 bit dinosaurs so that my 5.1 headsets can fulfill their destiny with glory
Or my full system pissing my neighbors off with the bass
Seriously, after this last patch NS2 sounds like some early 2000's youtube 240p quality song clip from the radio through a tape recorder.
When I played yesterday the LMG sounded like a toy and I'm 64 bit.
It's funny though, despite how awful the BF theme music has become, their actual ingame sound effects are kinda awesomely good.
Anyway, a high/low option in the sound menu would indeed be a good idea.
The first day I bought my logitech 5.1 speaker system over a decade ago now, my mrs was out at a band practice and I played ns1 all evening very loud. Our married room in college had a gym below, our bedroom on one side and a guest room on the other side which was barely ever used. On the dot of 11pm (sound curfew time in college), the poor guy in the guest room came round asking if I'd turn it down! Oops! He had been subjected to the skulk bite sound repeatedly for about 3h poor guy.
Fun times.