Game completely wont start, reinstalled, completely wiped files, verified, nothing

Reason85Reason85 Join Date: 2013-04-21 Member: 184928Members
Nothing can get this to f*cking start. Never had a problem up until the very most recent patch which im pretty sure i played once and now i cant get it to start. I completely reinstalled, verified, done basically everything possible. I put my email in the log submit then (basically all i get is a fatal error debug report white page, no game no blue screen no sounds nothing). I have amd 5800 in sli (crossfire, i think sli is the term for nvidia. You know what i mean having two cards run in tandom), but not the most recent drivers because they basically f*ck the computer up completely, not just game specific i mean everything you can get it to boot unless in safe mode and have to wipe it clean and restore an old version or just use the older drivers). The game runs fine and i honestly dont play much other than NS 2 on my computer right now so i dont care about updating the drivers, AMD drivers have always been garbage imo and are more likely to just f*ck up being able to start my computer much less play games. Again i have done everything possible regarding verifying, manually deleting everything related to NS2, uninstalling it in programs, and probably reinstalled (again deleteled local content, uninstalled through programs, manually deleted things, everything i can think of) it at least 5 times in the past day or two and i cant get past hitting play, black screen for like a blink and then the fatal error / debug white page/box coming up asking if you want to submit the report and if you want to add your email which is the same email this account is, if thats not specific somehow tell me ill just post it i dont care. I just want the f*cking thing to run man, i paid for this in the alpha and not that you owe me anything but come on man the game wont even start and the only change has been on the games side (meaning the update to 258 or whatever the recent one is called). My computer runs anything else, stuff thats much more graphically intense so dont tell me my video card or something is dead cause its not im not that dumb. Please give me advice all im asking is for it to run thats IT. sorry if it comes off as angry but the situation is getting me pretty angry because im not running some sketchy patchwork system so unless the new patch is not compatible with AMD which im sure isnt the reality, then i really have no clue as to why its not running and am not willing to uninstall windows for one game that may work next update. If it matters i have windows 7 64x version, i dont know what else to list like i said 5800 ultra (2 of them technically in sli mode but the sli is such garbage you get better frame rates sometimes running just one. Be real specific with what you want, like a log i need to know what the hell you mean like what program because i havent dealt with computers in awhile and have no clue what you want so just be real specific and ill get that info to you and thank you for reading if you read this far. Again love the game, nothing bad to say about it other than out of no where it stopped running making me computer a big piece of sh!t that doesnt do much right now.


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