Which servers has UWE Hive ranking enabled?
Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58311Members, Constellation

"Which servers has UWE Hive ranking enabled?" you might have asked yourself. Well, I did anyway. I case you missed it Hive ranking is due to abuse now disabled by default for all servers. The ones that are included are then individually whitelisted by UWE, but it's not at all obvious which are.
So I compiled a list. Note that it only includes servers that are actually active. There may be more but no one really players there.
So I compiled a list. Note that it only includes servers that are actually active. There may be more but no one really players there.
Why is there an "hacked" 30 slot server included noone is playing on?
AFAIK you're the one whitelisting servers. Any official list ?
EDIT : *Publicly available official list * ?
Spark can fetch and parse JSON out of the box, so just grab http://lwf.rocketblast.com/ns2_servers/servers.json (updated once per day) on menu startup and match the IP:Ports against the servers using a filter or whatever.
Maybe they could make white listed servers stay white and everything else yellow :>
I don't know... that would be like the server browser discouraging players from joining modded servers again. As a mod, since it will only be used by a relatively tiny part of the player base or on a web page so those that really, really care can look it up. But integrated in the server browser it could hit servers that aren't ranked pretty hard.
Thank you for your efforts.
Can the ranking system be added to any server or does the servin admin have to contact Uwe?
You should maybe add an option so if you want to do some tests you can stop sending data. i.e. allow to opt-out of the whitelist or the whitelisting process via a ConVar.
Shouldn't there be a mod whitelist for Shine and DAK?
Does this mean that servers running custom admin tools, and custom maps (since they show up as a "mod") will not report ranking stats back to the hive?
Thats the reason why e.g. my and the HBZ servers are on the list.
You can also opt the server out of sending stats in BNS2, should you (the server owner) want to apply gameplay changing mods.
Option to send abuse reports is coming soon (after the weekend I guess).
So there are only 88 non modded servers that are active enough to report 50 matches? Or do UWE servers just go in automatically leaving 45 servers.
Ok i will clear things up a bit:
Vannila Factors that player stats are sent to Hive at Gameend at current build 257:
A round has to be longer than 1 min to be tracked, but playerdatas are only send if player has played more than 90% of Roundtime or more than 5 min in a team. Moreover the server has to be unmoded (ModList = 0). Does hive filter round with less than x players i dont know (NS2Stats.com doesn't take rounds with less than 10 players into ranking).
And hidding these stats is on the one hand imposible as long as playerranking is open-source and on the other hand not usefull. Because what is the point of a ranking system if noone can look up the ranks. Ofc i agree that there should be a opt-out option for all those players who want to hide their stats from public. But be sure anyone with a bit knowledge of coding can get your stats anyway.
BTW if you come up with a algorithm to rank ppl based on their actual gameplay i would love to see it. ATM most games use the ELO System as it has proven itself to be in most cases correct
I was in the game from the match start to end
And the server tracked previous games played
So it's one of two things
1) It doesn't submit data if the server is missing players under a certain playercount, or it's a bug and
2) When you hop inside the command chair on a match where you are a ground player just to drop something/medpack the team or for whatever reason the com is out, the game will no longer track you because it assumes you've taken the role of the commander, which would be a bug (if you start as com and end as com, then you should be considered commander)
As for ranks, there's no problem with the 'leaderboard' and having players ranked 1-x, I'm just saying hide the skill rating so that it can be based on more factors, especially important factors such as accuracy, objectives completed, and assists. Right now it seems to give you a rating based on your score per minute and then if you win or lose it multiplies it by some factor (just a guess)
I mean if this is going to be used to 'matchmake' players, you want it to be accurate.. I know the playerbase isn't insane high but it should work out
edit: And 'level' seems to be based on time played, so simply just playing more will make that increase, and you require level 1 to be displayed; I'm not sure what levels are used for and if they have any weighting or will be used in matching