Create Team Join Hotkeys

Mac1OManMac1OMan Join Date: 2004-10-29 Member: 32510Members, Reinforced - Supporter
edited September 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
This is a true story from about 3 minutes ago. I started out in Departures and ran to join the marine side... the marine side was too full so I ran over to the kharaa side. By the time I got their the kharaa side was too full... so I ran back over to the marines side, and I shit you not it was too full by the time I got there again. By the end of it I just went into the random area, but I mean common!

Can we please have Hotkeys for joining a team like NS1 had... this is just stupidly annoying and I don't see any reason why this doesn't exist. Normally I have to run through a specific section in the join team over and over to get on that team. This time I didn't really care what team I got on.

Edit: I got kicked for being afk while typing this :(


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