about fade.
Join Date: 2013-05-03 Member: 185099Members, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter

i cant speak english well. so write simply.
there is no solution mid game aliens. because of last build, fade nerfed too much.
fade ball is definitely problem until last build, but not a fade.
3 things fade nerf in this build.
1. speed and bhop mechanics.
2. consume more adrenaline.
3. 1/2 damage to structure.
srsly, i wanna ask to dev.
Is this game still in beta test?
What is the development concept of fade?
how could you make fade as totally different unit suddenly?
there is no solution mid game aliens. because of last build, fade nerfed too much.
fade ball is definitely problem until last build, but not a fade.
3 things fade nerf in this build.
1. speed and bhop mechanics.
2. consume more adrenaline.
3. 1/2 damage to structure.
srsly, i wanna ask to dev.
Is this game still in beta test?
What is the development concept of fade?
how could you make fade as totally different unit suddenly?
Damage to structures was already unimpressive, but now destroying anything in a reasonable amount of time is impossible. This change I sort of understand, but it's just too much (38 dmg? really?) This was done to discourage fade balls (leaving some skulks to bite res and save for onos). I think any one of the other two nerfs would acomplish that anyway, but they still went with it.
Honestly, I think the nerf was too much. "But solid, you got Stab and the new vortex thingy!" Yeah. Good luck actually having those things when you most need them.
Fade used to be a falcon, now it's a fat duck. Not hating on UW by any stretch here, but I do hope they buff fades again.
That's my €0.02
Edit: grammar check
But from trying out multiple things, just looks like blink has been nerfed and the overall speed and control have been greatly reduced, and for a trade off we've been given a new vortex
Personally I'd rather just play skulk/lerk now and skip fade, unless again I'm completely doing something wrong, if not then I can only imagine top tier players destroying me at pretty much any engagement with SGs
With these changes the Fade is still reasonably powerful, but definitely not worth 40 p.res anymore. Maybe 30 or 35 is more like it. Not sure how I'd fare against strong players, but judging from the few scrims I played, I'm pretty sure my Fade would be worth a lot less than my Skulk. I have a very aggressive playstyle (sometimes way too aggressive, need to work on that) and these changes mean I'd be dead much more frequently.
They even nerfed my favorite way of getting about 30-40 speed in Crevice!
It's a good thing I play Lerk sometimes. Guess I'm going to focus more on that lifeform now...
Pre-Reinforced, comp players could thrash decent fades, whether in pubs or 6v6.
Now imagine a whole team of relatively competent aimers against the new brick_fade.
I'm a big proponent of change, and I like almost everything that Reinforced has brought with it, but the Fade changes I really wish would be reverted back. It just felt right before.
And keep the lowered structure dmg.
I thought the update was just going to require you to have to use blink more often (ex you slow down faster when jumping) which didn't seem like an issue, but it wasn't that, also blink feels awkward kind of like it pulls me down unless I hold it
That's exactly what I'm gonna do in Season 3. Not going fade even if I have all upgrades and abilities. I don't feel confident at all with it. I have a harder time hitting marines than with a skulk, and the structure damage is so abysmal it gives the gorge spit a run for its money.
I'll probably go practice my lerk, and if my team doesn't need me as one, I'll just save for onos, or go gorge if they really need it.
After a week, I feel like fade is more ok as it is, unless when you consider the building. Please revert to 50
Once BT hit, it became a low skill ceiling, high skill floor and highly intuitive lifeform with very trivial-to-master movement.
Now it's been nerfed because of the obscenely easy-to-master mechanics and the fact that it was ruining both competitive and public play because every pre-BT mediocre fade became a fade-god, and everyone's complaining that it's back to being clunky and unintuitive.
I for one am happy with the changes, it's back to most fades being ineffective and having to leverage other lifeforms and actually adapt to some difficult or non-godmode mechanics.
Sure, it's a pain in the arse and is 'less viable', but that's a good thing in this case.
-Colt, a pretty snazzy fade.
They are easier to shoot due to the slower speeds.
That and the fact that shotguns are a bit more accurate and they don't gain any significant hp increases till later in the game makes them a hell of a lot worse to play/easier to deal with, to the point they were over nerfed.
The few moments I played Fade I felt like I was doing worse (and was much less useful) than as a Skulk, so I either have to relearn for the third time how to play this class or just skip it entirely until I have enough practice. I must be missing something obvious here, hopefully you can enlighten me.
it's not a good thing when going fade is pointless, also the fade before 250 was harder to use; this fade is just a butchered 250 fade, and butchered in the wrong spot -movement-
take a good look spectating this season, fades will get destroyed assuming early game wasn't pure domination and rines are behind
I agree they should never have modified the 249 fade, as it required a much higher amount of skill to manage, and was more rewarding once mastered. However, they did what they did with BT to make it more accessible, and now they've stripped away the usefulness of that level of accessibility.
People who played phenomenal fades pre-250 are still going to be useful fades in this latest iteration.
People who are fade superheros because of Balance Test / 250 are now going to be rendered back to what they were: Not superhero fades.
I still want to see how Fades will perform in Season 3 before jumping to conclusions, though.
The wording was intentional, and serves the purpose of conveying the message.
Phenomenal fades are going to be rendered useful.
250-babysat-fades are going to be rendered useless.
Unless you meant that b254 fades are supposed to perform worse than b249 fades. Which is why I said that
Seriously, blink bhop a few times blink bhop. Now that you actually have to manage your energy people are complaining. Fades still take down marines so easily. Fades weren't made as a tank class, they're a hit and run class. Go in, get one swipe in and run away. Not tank 3 marines around an armory because you can blink and attack, or escape a marine pincer attack closing off your escape routes because blink is so fast and you still have so much energy left.
I haven't tried the new vortex or stab yet, because I'm in love with the lerk bite speed and most games don't get that far enough to unlock those abilities for the fade.
I feel the alien lifeforms are much more balanced now. It's nice that skulks are useful (minus collision problems), lerks are good now (can take down buildings now) and fades are still powerful and it looks like even onos is getting useful tweaks.
Edit: I'd like to remind everyone that NS2 is a team game and not a free-for-all. One class should never be able to tank everything by itself, it should need support from other teammates. I'm glad at these positive changes.
I don't think you know how good the aim is once you play top tier players, you enter a room in just the smallest wrong engagement and you will eat three direct shotgun blasts and have all of your p.res wasted, p.s not even the old fade could tank everything by itself; it could handle one marine being ignored by medpacks, given medpacks and nano the single fade could barely touch a single SG rine on wep2, fade ball was a different story
Fade was a hit & run, I predict it will now be a hit & die
250 fades individually were not the cause of the poor balance, 1v1 even in 250 a good marine was still stronger. It was 4 fades in a pack that was too strong, and the map mobility which they had at all times. Perhaps 254 takes it too far, but honestly after having 60%+ alien win rates since B190 (aside from a couple whack builds perhaps), I honestly cannot understand why a single person would complain.
That being said, the fade changes have been out for less than a week and people are already whining. Give it time. People will adapt. I would like to see some w/l ratios for the next few weeks before stating any more opinions.