Build 252, DX11 and SLI
Join Date: 2008-12-21 Member: 65833Members, Reinforced - Shadow

In previous builds main menu performance with SLI enabled would yield near 99% utilization in DX9.
With DX11, there is no SLI bits in the driver, but even with forced SLI bits of all varieties, the main menu has low utilization and hovers at a dead set 70fps with 60% utilization on one card and 80% utilization on another. SLI utilization in DX11 is very uneven with any variety of SLI bit profiles, and the utilization difference between the 2 cards is around 20% usually. Good SLI scaling occurs when both cards have similar percentages of utilization.
Main menu FPS under DX9 is usually 120 or so.
Furthermore, the most recent patch has changed SLI utilization under DX9. Previously the game saw both cards being utilized with near perfectly in sync percentages (80, 80 or 90,90 or even 99,99). Now, no matter what, one card is always at least 10% behind the other in utilization.
I know SLI problems usually fall under the perview of the Driver maker (Nvidia here), but I thought it would be wise to advise other NS2 players with SLI to switch to DX9 until a better SLI bit profile is found. Otherwise performance will be greatly decreased.
I am currently at work for the day, but will post more specific numbers after benchmarking at home later in the evening.
With DX11, there is no SLI bits in the driver, but even with forced SLI bits of all varieties, the main menu has low utilization and hovers at a dead set 70fps with 60% utilization on one card and 80% utilization on another. SLI utilization in DX11 is very uneven with any variety of SLI bit profiles, and the utilization difference between the 2 cards is around 20% usually. Good SLI scaling occurs when both cards have similar percentages of utilization.
Main menu FPS under DX9 is usually 120 or so.
Furthermore, the most recent patch has changed SLI utilization under DX9. Previously the game saw both cards being utilized with near perfectly in sync percentages (80, 80 or 90,90 or even 99,99). Now, no matter what, one card is always at least 10% behind the other in utilization.
I know SLI problems usually fall under the perview of the Driver maker (Nvidia here), but I thought it would be wise to advise other NS2 players with SLI to switch to DX9 until a better SLI bit profile is found. Otherwise performance will be greatly decreased.
I am currently at work for the day, but will post more specific numbers after benchmarking at home later in the evening.
SLI flags can be set up right now for DX11... the thing is the engine is scaling strangely even under DX9 with SLI (where it previously did not).
There needs to be some engine compat tweaking first essentially on the part of UWE before SLI on DX9 is back on its feet, and DX11 SLI is more directly supported (now DX11 SLI performs absolutely poorly).
I know you guys already know.. .but I thought this would be great to keep mentioning.
My FPS is basically now 40% worse than it used to be (in DX9) and is even worse in DX11. Even though the cards are getting GPU utilization.... it does not seem representative of the FPS I should be getting (aka 2X single card or a bit less). Basically like it used to be.
I personally leverage Nvidia to change the SLI profile to be a more stable and better scaling one... yet now it seems to be an engine scaling problem... as changing the SLI profile to different ones changes nothing regarding my FPS or GPU utilization.
Not complaining at all... but just posting my findings.