3 new ideas for marine arsenal

jomachinegunjomachinegun Join Date: 2010-07-30 Member: 73371Members
so Sorry For The Caps, Typing On Phone And Its Acting weird

1. M576 - Underbarrel shotgun
Back When Ns2 First cAme Out And They Released The grenade Launcher It Was An Attachment To The Lmg. I Understand why They Had TO Make The Gl A Separte Gun All Together. It Was Too Op Being Connected To The Lmg And Didn't HaVe Any Down Sides. Well I Was Thinking What Other Attachments The Lmg Could Get That Wouldn't Be Tooo Op. I Thought About An M576 Underbarrel Attachment Which Holds 1 Large Shotgun Round And A Couple More Shots For Reload. Battlefield 3 Had This Attachment And I Loved it. I Was Thinking If The Devs Added This Attachment It Could Help The Lmg IN Close Quarters. Now I Know The Lmg Is Very Good Already But I Thought This Would Be A Cool Feature. Most Likely Have It Fire With Right Mouse Button Or MaybE Have To Use Right Mouse button To Switch Between The Rifle Normal Fire And ThE Shotgun Attachment. Now I Was Thinking It Could Do Less Damage ThaN A Regular Shotgun But Have A LargeR Spread With More Pellets. Maybe Have The Commander Research It At The Armory For 20ReS And Then 10 Or 15 Pres To Buy It. Just A Quick Idea. Let Me Know What You think.

2. Pulse gun
This Idea Is Similar To The New Pulse GrenadeS Which Is An Area Effect That Slows Down Alien Attack Speed. I Really Enjoy The Design And Effects Of The Flame Thrower And I Was Thinking about A Similar Gun That Shoots A Medium Range Stream Of Electricity That Does Little Damage but Has The Same Effect As The Pulse Grenades But Instead Of Hitting Multiple Targets It Would Only Be Able To Hit The One Target In The Stream Of Electricity. Have It Available WitH The Advanced Armory For 25 PreS And Used As A Support Gun Just LiKe The Flame Thrower. Probably Have The Magazine Size Reduced And Have An Overheat Function. Let Me Know What You Think.

3. Pack A punch
Now This Idea Might Be Too Overboard But Ill Say It Anyways. So Pretty Much The Same Idea From Black Ops ZombieS Pack A Punch. Have A New Structure For The Marine Commander (Pack A Punch Machine) MaYbe Only Available With 2 Tech Points. Have It Be Expensive 30reS. So To Make It Different Than The Black Ops Machine, Have The Player ChooSe What To Upgrade for His Gun. For Example, The Machine Could Have The Option To Increase Reload Time For Your Gun, Or Magazine Size, Or Increase Rate Of Fire, Maybe Even An option For A Little Damage increase. The Player Would Only Be Able To ChooSe One Upgrade For His Gun. Any Gun Could Be Upgradeable. NOT EXOS Though! Having This New Structure Would Add Power To The Marines So I Would Make The Upgrades Expensive For The Marines. Maybe Cost 15PreS For An Upgrade. now This Might Be Op But Its Just An Idea. Let Me Know WhaT You Think.

Thanks, joe


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