Barack Obama? In YOUR NS2? He knows more than you think...
Join Date: 2013-07-05 Member: 185942Members

So I'm here for a couple reasons... initial one was to post a video, but I figured I should do more. After all, I'm not looking for free advertising.
Before that "more," here's the video. A few hundred of you guys may have seen Barack Obama in your servers this week. That was me, and here's the end product. Hope you guys like it.
Barack Obama plays Natural Selection 2
I started this series in 2010 with a video I thought would be a one-off hit. It went viral, and a year later I started making videos with a Barack Obama soundboard, with the goal of doing five videos of Obama and then moving on to someone else. Then I dropped the series for a couple years until recently, when I returned last week with CS:GO and was about to move on to doing a video in DOTA2 (or at least see how talkative DOTA players are).
Then this game went on sale, and it took me back to just shy of a decade ago, when I used to play Natural Selection with another clan. It had probably been eight years since I played the game, and I followed NS2's development pretty closely until my personal life got in the way of video gaming. Priorities skew when you are planning a wedding, buying a house and getting a promotion at the same time.
In any event, I started playing the game again last weekend after the 250 build dropped. I saw a lot of complaining about the changes, the nerfs, things like that. In every game, I've always found that anybody who gets used to playing a certain way only to have that way balanced will likely complain about it.
But what did I find, as the guy who hadn't touched the game in almost a decade?
It feels exactly the same - a bit advanced, a bit more evolved (I won't say the graphics are better, because my memory of NS's graphics is in comparison to the games coming out a decade ago). It was just as easy to get into here as it was a decade ago. For all I know, it might have been easier - while some were pretty intolerant of me being a rookie (or was it the soundboard?), the fact that the game had rookie support so I could go somewhere, be pants-on-head retarded as I readjusted to the game and get away with it, goes an incredibly long way.
In any event, I hope you guys enjoy the video. It's the first one I've done in a community where people weren't spouting racist slurs at me, which says a lot about the community.
Oh, one last thing. I went into this video knowing it would, at least for the time being, be the last Obama Plays video. That was my primary factor in choosing NS2 - I wanted to go out with a game I loved growing up before shifting gears on another personality.
So thanks
Before that "more," here's the video. A few hundred of you guys may have seen Barack Obama in your servers this week. That was me, and here's the end product. Hope you guys like it.
Barack Obama plays Natural Selection 2
I started this series in 2010 with a video I thought would be a one-off hit. It went viral, and a year later I started making videos with a Barack Obama soundboard, with the goal of doing five videos of Obama and then moving on to someone else. Then I dropped the series for a couple years until recently, when I returned last week with CS:GO and was about to move on to doing a video in DOTA2 (or at least see how talkative DOTA players are).
Then this game went on sale, and it took me back to just shy of a decade ago, when I used to play Natural Selection with another clan. It had probably been eight years since I played the game, and I followed NS2's development pretty closely until my personal life got in the way of video gaming. Priorities skew when you are planning a wedding, buying a house and getting a promotion at the same time.
In any event, I started playing the game again last weekend after the 250 build dropped. I saw a lot of complaining about the changes, the nerfs, things like that. In every game, I've always found that anybody who gets used to playing a certain way only to have that way balanced will likely complain about it.
But what did I find, as the guy who hadn't touched the game in almost a decade?
It feels exactly the same - a bit advanced, a bit more evolved (I won't say the graphics are better, because my memory of NS's graphics is in comparison to the games coming out a decade ago). It was just as easy to get into here as it was a decade ago. For all I know, it might have been easier - while some were pretty intolerant of me being a rookie (or was it the soundboard?), the fact that the game had rookie support so I could go somewhere, be pants-on-head retarded as I readjusted to the game and get away with it, goes an incredibly long way.
In any event, I hope you guys enjoy the video. It's the first one I've done in a community where people weren't spouting racist slurs at me, which says a lot about the community.
Oh, one last thing. I went into this video knowing it would, at least for the time being, be the last Obama Plays video. That was my primary factor in choosing NS2 - I wanted to go out with a game I loved growing up before shifting gears on another personality.
So thanks

It is nice to see that Obama is finally starting to support change.
I seriously want to see a debate between Barrack Obama and Kelgos on Mavick's Pub now.
Was not disappointed
LOL, I lost my shit.
I'm always impressed by these, the amount of buttons you must have on that sound board, and how quick you are with a good response. Just impressive.
It is also very heartening to hear that this was the first time you did a video without people yelling racial slurs at you. Way to go NS2 community!
So here's how I did this. The soundboard is a JavaScript HTML file referring to 158 sound files in an /mp3/ subdirectory. The HTML file loads them as buttons that play through your browser (I found Chrome to work the best in terms of caching all 12MB of audio).
To use it, I had it loaded on a laptop. I ran a stereo audio cable from the headphone jack on the laptop to the microphone jack on my PC and set Fraps to record "external input" on key press - the mic chat key I use in the game. Then, I would hit a sound on the laptop and the mic chat key in-game, and you would hear whatever was coming out of the laptop for audio - Obama's clear, natural voice. The Fraps recording captures the video of this happening with Obama's voice, clear as day, over it.
Then people either laugh or lose their cool, which comes in as in-game chat and gets recorded just like regular audio.
Nice idea and setup.
I have. One thing I like with my setup is having two mice for two purposes. I'm actually using HDMI out on the laptop to an HDMI card on my PC (basically a TV tuner) to have my laptop on my second screen. Left screen was NS2, right screen was the soundboard, left mouse was NS2, right mouse was the soundboard.
Not to mention, I had tried a couple different inputs when doing the CS:GO video a couple weeks ago and found that, at least with Source games, if it isn't in the mic jack it won't work (regardless of what you set up in Steam). I tried using Line In, had it set as default on my PC, and it showed up in my Steam settings even to the point that the microphone test worked clear as day. But if I tried talking in game, nobody heard me.
Awesome vid, omg I didn't know I can just plug a cord between an output and an input and make crystal clear sound. xD
This guy showed up on KKG a couple times, resulting in a lot of players complaining about the constant mic-spam and asking why he was playing .wav/.mp3 over his microphone. Upon being asked not to do so, and to simply play ns2, he simply joined the other team and continued spamming the sound files.
This doesn't deserve praise. It's been done a thousand times in HL1, and nobody had tolerance or "KUDOS" for it there. If nobody minds, and everyone's having a good time, maybe it's okay... but when you're disrupting the game experience for a pool of players and you simply keep doing it indefinitely, you're being a disrespectful troll, and should be treated as such.
I think I know the server you're talking about. Was either HIVE2 or HIVE4. I got a stern warning from the commander on Marines ("Stop or we'll ban you, only warning") and then, seeing that I had gone on Marines for reactions, I switched to Aliens to enjoy the game (I love the wall-climbing and tracking aspect of the game. That's why so much of the video is shot as an alien). Other than the occasional "thank you" and "yes/no" to at least respond to others as anypne else would (and nobody complained), I didn't use any voice comm after getting the warning.
Now can we have one with Gorge W. Bush? Pretty please with sugar on top?!
That came out a bit wrong
edit: awesome video
Funny how with all the vulgar things that were said in the video, a racial slur would have been where the line needed to be drawn.
With how many legitimately bad, or just new players there are in this game I'm surprised you could tell the difference one guy focusing more on his soundboard made to the overall gameplay. Had you just muted him, it probably would have felt like a regular ns2 game.
Christ, did I miss something here? Has the mute function been removed from the game?
If there wasn't a mute function, your disgust for mic spam would be justifiable. But nearly every game that has a voice chat ability has a mute function of some form.
I can't stand people who unreasonably feel victimized when someone starts "mic-spamming" even when the whiners are equipped with a means to stop it.
orrrr you can just mute him like what the original intention of the function called for?
This is what makes the difference between whiny kids and mature adults.
Pick one.
Just because someone's idea of fun doesn't align with yours, doesn't mean it's bad.
But then, one day, I remember you unjustifiably raged/kicked someone because he/she was playing music IN THE READY ROOM, with 3-4 others who were rockin/teabaggin/gorge-headbanging out.
You were literally the only person who felt the need to whine and call for action to be done when it wasn't even called for. Officious much?
God forbid you ever became admin. Oh wait. You ended up kicking the guy and SAAAVED THE PUBLIC FROM THAT EVIL READYROOM SPAMMING EVIL-DOERRR OF THE NS2 REPUBLIC.
People asked for a mute function, and they got it. The last thing this game needs is something that rids the ready-room of its glory. We already have servers employing immediate map-change upon round ending, with NO time at all to chat/recuperate in the ready-room.
It was only when the game was stripped of the ready-room experience that I started to distinguish NS2's uniqueness from other games.
You can either:
-> Mute "mic-spammers", and lrn2admin4thepeople
or you can just get off your high horse already, get your panties out of a bunch, and stick to pugs if you want your high-brow treatment. I can already see you along with GORGEous being all FOR THE LEAGUE, marking OP for Spam. "HE'S RUINING OUR GAAAAME!!"
Grow the fuck up already.
A simple, I disagree with you Colt would do. rofl
Yeah, but you haven't seen the way people like him overreact to something as easily, EASSSILY fixable as mic-spam.
Where's the mute button for that?
if serious, HL muted text when you muted voice. There's a button.