I tried going back with the 249 mod
Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

I saw the 249 mod and joined for giggles. I felt kinda guilty joining it actually. The match just did not feel right, and did not sit right with me. The build 249 server felt inferior to build 250. Then I got a fade and forgot about all that. It felt like stepping into the soothing warmth of a hot shower on a foggy cold winter morning. I miss the old fade.
Match turned into a marine turtle ending with 5 onos rushing power. Was a real balanced game I swear...
Match turned into a marine turtle ending with 5 onos rushing power. Was a real balanced game I swear...
Thats your formular?
It took me around and half day to learn all 250 game and movement mechanics.
And i love the new fade. It so much more fun to play skulk and fade now.
Much more agility,speed and movement control.
Its like the change from windowsXP to Win7:
Who need all these useless animation stuff, blablabla
In the end: Noone want XP back, cause people learn the new features of Win7.
Also, I never said anything related to shadow step being balanced or not. I do not have a formular.
I am not some super gamer. It takes me a lot longer to learn how to play well. It took me 300 hours of play before I feel I was any bit good at ns2, and I never super good. I may not like having to learn a new trick as I already learned the old one I loved, but I accept that I need to.
I do like the new skulk. It is fantastic.
Fade I feel like is the bastard child of the pre250 fade. I miss my double jump and shadow step rotations. I felt deadlier then. Now without double jump and shadow step giving movement boosts, I feel like a big sack of bricks when I strafe and evade around a marine. I can give two shits about blink pseudo bunny hop out of combat for speed. If this was to nerf combat for fades, then mission accomplished, cause skulk are now deadlier than fades.
You really don't have to hold the a/d keys (Strafe) to keep speed up for traditional traveling..
It does however assist in making tighter turns, slightly.
I suggest you try it out and compare yourself, too.
Trying the new one and will be just as challenging for me to learn as I am a slow learner.
I seem to have trouble with the blink jump part, sometimes it works beautifully but other times I fail miserably
And it feels like shadow step upgrades later on so I haven't actually gotten the opportunity to try it out that much (I either die to quickly or the game is over). As for me, I don't know what to use shadow step for anymore
as for movement, the new fade feels kinda clunky compared to B249 at least for me. those shadow-step jumps saved my ass in a graceful way like shadow-step jump backwards and round a corner as if to wave them good bye when you go around a corner to see 3-4 W3 shottys up close. If I could have my double jump and shadow-step momentum back I would be happy to still get them unlocked in the order we do in B250. I have tried to play with the new fade but it just doesn't feel right (and yes I know of the new movement techniques) so I have now been playing lerk instead.
I like the new lerk although it does seem to have too little air friction making it harder to hover and maneuver subtly as I did before. Love getting umbra first though, so much more useful.
But if you want to retain your speed better, then you do. I felt I kept better speed strafe jumping between wall hop than I did without.
But okay.
It was more interesting and fun to play with than the shadow step bricks we have now.
Fades are a joke to fight against now.
Same here. I'm noticeably better with the new fade. I'm not quite sure how to explain it but It seems as though i can adapt my lerk play into the new fade more. The idea of using map geometry for cover and going in for a hit and leaving again...the whole hit and run thing..
Now that I've gotten a decent amount of time with the new fade movement, its easy to see how its an improvement over the shadowstep+jump one. Most of the time what kills your speed as a fade is running into things (walls, props, the ceiling, other players, etc). Blink+hop is a much better method than shadowstep+jump for avoiding obstacles and recovering when you do run into things.
The funny thing is that I was pretty good at conserving energy with the old Fade, even without Adrenaline. If I didn't have Adrenaline I only used Blink for emergencies. All other times I used Shadowstep.
Since this new Fade requires you to Blink until Shadowstep gets researched I'm constantly low on energy. It's either that or spend 30 seconds to get to your destination by walking, an eternity in NS2 time.
Then there are other problems like the new Skulk having a very floaty, dulled down feel to it.
That said most of the time I spend in NS2 is Fade time. That class pushes all of the right buttons for me. Naturally, if pre-BT dies off I will leave. I'd rather play on a UK pre-BT server where I get 200 ping than play BT. That's how frustrating BT is to me. If pre-BT dies off I'll just move on to another game, just like how many others will.
Not sure why its giving you trouble, its far improved from the pre-250 movement. Blink first is FAR superior to the old shadowstep first movement of previous builds. You should start a local server on veil and practice the (forward + a/d) movement as fade for a bit. Once you get that down you'll be flying around the map quickly and with ease only having to blink occasionally to boost your speed again.
Yep sure does use a lot of energy moving around
edit: whoops had my fan on while recording that. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH
Just for you: http://www.twitch.tv/industrylol/c/2507536
Now with 100% less A/D Strafing and only using the mouse to completely control where I look and travel. It is ever so slightly slower but still ridiculously viable.
I can even set up a webcam to watch my keyboard if you like.
Now lets see some combat.
This is where I feel the pre 250 surpasses the 250 fade.
I garauntee if you if I can become effective with this fade almost anyone can. I'm certainly nothing special. However, I will admit I've had past experience with advanced movement systems like bhop, but that really isn't the same thing as what 250 based movement is. The one big similarity between skulk and fade movement is the timing of your jumps to keep going and avoiding what might slow you down (inclines, objects, etc). And even bringing up the word "exploit" is really silly since this was intentionally designed into the game, just as the old bhop was left in NS1 intentionally.
It might seem silly or unnatural to you at first, but I can promise you if you get the hang of it your enjoyment of this build is going to go up astronomically.
Sure. I'm not the best, a comp player's pov would probably show the capability better than me. The marine team in this was not stellar by any means as it was a pub game. I also miss a lot of easy swipes and got frazzled a few times into swipe spam buuuuuuuut here you go:
The parts where I am fading correctly are the fly by swipes. Also even after turning off my fan I'm still getting some background noise. Time to adjust the microphone boost.
I was doing that even before all the newbies until they tanked adrenaline.
Sounds like to me the problem isn't the fades. Who was actually killing you while the fade was uselessly blinking back and forth? Did not one of you carry a welder? Easily the best item that counter hit and run fades since their sustained damage is utter crap. Where you shooting at him while he was blinking all over the place, or save your bullets until he was blinking towards you? Stop standing in one place and letting fades get easy hits off on you. Keep moving and they have a harder time landing hits since they're pressed to keep moving.
A dead marine is the best kind of marine. That means he isn't alive to drop an rt or phase gate. Yes, I could consider myself one of those selfish pricks because letting another player mindlessly sacrifice himself because he doesn't know any better lets me know how many marines are there (by the number of guns) and lets me easily sneak up on them when they think it's safe. Guess what? Now they're dead and I'm still alive to take out the rts or what not.
Play smarter, not harder. If you're dead, you're not doing anything.