FPS Drop to 5 when evolving, Can't see marines or their structures, 248
Join Date: 2013-03-21 Member: 184103Members

Never had these problems until build 248; typically running at 110+ FPS.
For the duration of any evolution, the frame rate drops to 5 FPS
When joining the marine team, I can't see any structures (multiple servers, multiple reboots); I can see effects, like waypoints and smoke/sparks, but otherwise no textures or buildings. -- Even as aliens, some textures don't load, like random power nodes.
When I join a team, it takes almost 20 seconds to load.
In general, my FPS hangs around 20 - 45 fps.
Anyone else having these issues?
Anyone else find a solution?
I've restarted NS2 & verified the game cache.
Verified my video settings.
Running GPU Shark, my 7850 is maxing out at 92% in state 2, but the fps is still low.
My specs:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
System Type x64-based PC
GPU HD 7850
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3700 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
For the duration of any evolution, the frame rate drops to 5 FPS
When joining the marine team, I can't see any structures (multiple servers, multiple reboots); I can see effects, like waypoints and smoke/sparks, but otherwise no textures or buildings. -- Even as aliens, some textures don't load, like random power nodes.
When I join a team, it takes almost 20 seconds to load.
In general, my FPS hangs around 20 - 45 fps.
Anyone else having these issues?
Anyone else find a solution?
I've restarted NS2 & verified the game cache.
Verified my video settings.
Running GPU Shark, my 7850 is maxing out at 92% in state 2, but the fps is still low.
My specs:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
System Type x64-based PC
GPU HD 7850
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3700 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Edit, to use the profile command.. type profile > go egg > press spacebar as soon as you can after the fpsdrop.
use [ and ] to highlight the biggest spike or spikes you can find. use the mouse to click open all + signs with the largest purple bars.
make screenshots of it all and post it.
Hope these help. If they are not adequate, let me know what is missing and I'll post it.
way below the point of normal behavior. Seems even before egging. I honestly can not say why your fps plummits this bad. Think profiler behaves badly at low fps?
Start testing by turning graphics down, see if we can find a common cause
And if you can, see if you can capture better profile shots (let it run for more than a second)
DC_Darkling, I'll post back the results of turning specific graphics down.
I reduced all settings to their lowest value, with no change in game behavior.
I kept my settings normal, and reduced a single graphic to its minimum, evolved, and the frame rates still drop as described; then I maxed that graphic, and reduced/iterated to the next one.
I tried all these setting with and without multicore rendering.
Different resolutions didn't help.
Windowed, Full Screen, and Windowed-Full Screen didn't fix or even put a dent in the fps drop either.
*Note, I did get a small framerate increase when I turned off detailed infestation, but, that was overall framerate - not egging frames. Framerate as aliens varied between 15 and 60 fps these last few rounds; but always dropped when egging.
Thanks again for helping!
The profile reading in the second pic is a reading of joining the marine team -- the first big spikes last about 10 seconds and are of me frozen int he Ready Room, then the spikes lower and remain constant -- and I'm lucky to get 30 fps.
One issue at a time, but I figure the second picture, since I posted it, required a description.
*Also, there is a command chair in the second pic, but it's not visible.
Im gona step aside a bit and let @Ironhorse grab a look as I am out good ideas atm.
Please see these instructions.
Also, I have included what the console looks like when evolving. The last picture is of the console after evolving.
xDragon, Verified my game cache again, and the issue persists. As a matter of fact, I re-installed NS2, and the screenshots below are after the re-install. I may try to manually erase everything NS2 related after the un-install, like I've done before around build 244 I believe; some builds shortly after the Gorgeous update.
Hope these help.
lol... but really, those profile shots are freaking out due to those console errors.
First thing to try:
Open NS2. Now go to options > mods and ensure you are not subscribed to anything, or have anything active.
Exit NS2 and navigate to your hidden %appdata%\Natural Selection 2\ folder and delete the folder called "workshop"
Second thing to try:
I'd say manually delete everything NS2, including your ns2/shaders folder and your hidden %appdata%\Natural Selection 2\ folder.
Then when you reinstall it, as soon as you load into the menu take a screenshot of your console.
I'm not entirely sure what the errors are referencing, but a clean install (from manual deletion) will ensure no one file is corrupt or modified, which rules some things out.
you may need to do that also.
Wasn't able to play for about two months now, updated to build 251(?), and had the same issues.
Came back here though, followed the instructions to delete the local-side cache, wasn't prompted by Steam that the Steam Cloud was out of sync to upload a blank slate, but, I can see Marine buildings now, haven't had any frame-rate issues, and I'm about to try aliens -- we'll see h-what happens1 =D
Oh yes, egging works just fine now. Thanks again!