Hilarious but dumb non the less
Mayonnaise land Join Date: 2005-02-16 Member: 41365Members, Reinforced - Onos

I do think that NS2 has a great potential. Though i think it's not achieved yet. Not only because of balance, concede abuse (coz nothing to fight for etc), and probably other issues already at hand in the forum/UWE.
But still, there the ones that are hilariously or may i spell "Ill"ariously ruining it.
Behold the great leapfrog:
Two Onies in a thin alley are not blocked by one another while crossing. One just move on top of the other. So much that you can exploit it to make some fun on the ready room and see two Onies get to the ceiling. Same goes for a skulk and a Onos. Sometimes i got on the ceiling asking myself : meh ?... Oh yeah Onos coming from behind.
But same goes for a marine and a skulk. That's where the fun ends. I'm usually a 2:1 K/D NS2 and 4:1 on combat. These marines only escape because they jump all around randomly (most of the time). I've seen some "weirdier" situation with more than 2 players involved. But the real frustration come from the fact the marines don't see it coming 99% of the time. They should die ten times but not with the silly "jumping shaolin technique". This is ridiculous.
* When a skulk bites isn't it supposed to constrain the marines moves ? like a bear trap.
* 2 x 1 ton of nano-meat should not play leapfrog.
Stoped, stomped, stalled:
-Leap just don't knock-back the marines. what!?
-Stomp: You should be able to walk on top of a stomped marines. But no, you can't really do that.
-Also charge is like NS1... There should be a lot of marines flying around without jetpack, but no. You just get stoped by any obstacle.
* It won't need a physics engine to make something a little closer to the a 23rd century reality. Vectors, intensity and a little geometry will do.
Celerity - got lead in the rear?:
One of the many things that is hilariously wrong is also celerity. If a marine fire and hit you; you get slowed down. It would be ok if you come at him (cannon fodder envent). But even if you flee you get slowed down which makes no sense. The bullet should be pushing you and help you get faster to the hive (the common escape plan).
* Pls is somebody able to fix it ? Not only the symptoms but the monstrous "i hide the lag problem".
Poping weapons like never before. Even in one of the last NSHD it happened. I do believe it can be more fun than that. What about drawing a banana when you "accidentally" touch the mouse-wheel while doing the "jumping shaolin technique" ?
* Keyboard and mouse setup can really be improved. Avoiding "pistol script" and "flood mouse-wheel jumping" (flooding the server) can't be done with proper filtering on client and / or server side (not even difficult to code). Plus i suspect a lot are already jumping with the wheel. At least we should be able to configure it differently (wheel-up = Wep1 and no cycle; wheel down = Wep2) or deactivate.
Feel free to post your "Ill-arious" examples here.
But still, there the ones that are hilariously or may i spell "Ill"ariously ruining it.
Behold the great leapfrog:
Two Onies in a thin alley are not blocked by one another while crossing. One just move on top of the other. So much that you can exploit it to make some fun on the ready room and see two Onies get to the ceiling. Same goes for a skulk and a Onos. Sometimes i got on the ceiling asking myself : meh ?... Oh yeah Onos coming from behind.
But same goes for a marine and a skulk. That's where the fun ends. I'm usually a 2:1 K/D NS2 and 4:1 on combat. These marines only escape because they jump all around randomly (most of the time). I've seen some "weirdier" situation with more than 2 players involved. But the real frustration come from the fact the marines don't see it coming 99% of the time. They should die ten times but not with the silly "jumping shaolin technique". This is ridiculous.
* When a skulk bites isn't it supposed to constrain the marines moves ? like a bear trap.
* 2 x 1 ton of nano-meat should not play leapfrog.
Stoped, stomped, stalled:
-Leap just don't knock-back the marines. what!?
-Stomp: You should be able to walk on top of a stomped marines. But no, you can't really do that.
-Also charge is like NS1... There should be a lot of marines flying around without jetpack, but no. You just get stoped by any obstacle.
* It won't need a physics engine to make something a little closer to the a 23rd century reality. Vectors, intensity and a little geometry will do.
Celerity - got lead in the rear?:
One of the many things that is hilariously wrong is also celerity. If a marine fire and hit you; you get slowed down. It would be ok if you come at him (cannon fodder envent). But even if you flee you get slowed down which makes no sense. The bullet should be pushing you and help you get faster to the hive (the common escape plan).
* Pls is somebody able to fix it ? Not only the symptoms but the monstrous "i hide the lag problem".
Poping weapons like never before. Even in one of the last NSHD it happened. I do believe it can be more fun than that. What about drawing a banana when you "accidentally" touch the mouse-wheel while doing the "jumping shaolin technique" ?
* Keyboard and mouse setup can really be improved. Avoiding "pistol script" and "flood mouse-wheel jumping" (flooding the server) can't be done with proper filtering on client and / or server side (not even difficult to code). Plus i suspect a lot are already jumping with the wheel. At least we should be able to configure it differently (wheel-up = Wep1 and no cycle; wheel down = Wep2) or deactivate.
Feel free to post your "Ill-arious" examples here.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Should be able to crush marines as Onos when they are stunned on the ground? Why? Why should you be able to do that? Because you think it's more realistic? Personal preference? Why can't you accept the artificial constraints that the game puts in place, as you do in every other game ever created? Would Chess be more enjoyable for you if the pieces weren't restricted to the little coloured squares? There's probably a forum somewhere you can go on and complain about that.
But why not? People can actually teleport in this game. Teleport. There's a magical beacon tool that can teleport all marines back to a single place on the map and cunningly places them at ground level and doesn't teleport them into walls. Surely that shouldn't be possible either? Gorges can build sphincter-like tunnels of constant length that clearly violate the restrictions of Euclidean geometry... is that also unacceptable? Are leapfrogging Onoses really that much of a conceptual stretch in that context?
Why? Bullets have been consistently shown to reduce mobility in real-life trials.
If NS2 is not realistic enough you can always play Euro Truck Simulator and try to drive a truck the realistic way. oh wait, it's a game, not RL.
Because it is not the same game at each patch. Lately it's the pistol that was nerfed. Claners already hate it (most of them). The more devs patch the game, the more the devs try to address a big issue by its symptoms.
You would be surprised to see how much NS is a close friend to chess. The two opponents are different. The queen always start on its color, that make a little visual change but a huge strategic one. Time is important, assets too. You should play chess more.
Any other game don't do that either.
"Alien only" pile is not the problem. I can clearly see the benefit (vents etc.). But marine vs alien situation doesn't fit the bill. Plus the push (like L4D) isn't really a push. It's the almighty "elbow shot" from the 23rd century. come on...
This elbow thing would be great to push back a skulk in the kind of situation i submitted. Skulk bite/grab, marine push back. It would be fair.
I have funny example about phase gates too if you like. You miss the point. Fight 1 on 1 is; you don't have the target teleporting on top of you (the skulk for example) like if it was a soap. Phase gate is an asset that teleports. It is meant to do that. Marines don't come with nano-tan oil included. It would be considered as gay you know.
Yes when forces are opposed. They add up when they are in the same direction.
Still, when you manage to escape you get speed/celerity back to full speed...
So basically you say that being slowed down when you take damage is logical whatever the vectors direction involved. And at the same time having speed/celerity back even when you're crippled to 1HP is also logical...
Funny how ppl don't go to the full extent of their thoughts. Thinking ahead are you ? (don't worry i'm always picking).
I'm just saying that having so many things that are against common sense (and ill-arious BTW) start to ruin it. I mean the player base that is not really growing.
It's like the static balance. 6vs6 or 12vs12 has the same everything (extractor HP, bullet damage etc.) thought it should clearly be a little more dynamic. For example an extractor with 3 skulks biting its back won't make much money is it?
So much drivel... chess: the two opponents are different...? well one is black and one is white, I suppose...
It is a game, intended to be fun. Realism can't have a higher priority than that.
Also, have you actually tried non-stop hopping around as a marine?
Chess is imbalanced!
Yup and it's working and i still think it's dumb.
On the checkerboard the queen is on its color. So it's not symmetric. That changes how you play, at what time you use the roque move etc, everything. And as Torak adequatly put the first move can do the difference. Ring a bell ?
Made my day, classic.
Actually, it is still symmetrical, just along the central line and not the centre. And although it plays differently than if it was symmetrical along the centre, it's still the same for both players. The only asymmetric aspect of chess is the fact that white moves first.
I don't know if the effect of this chirality has been decoupled from the 'white starts first effect' (the way to test this would be to run several large-scale tournaments with black starting first to see if the win rates are exactly mirrored or not).
However, and this is a big one, the comparison between such minor differences between black and white in chess, and NS2 are just mind-bogglingly ridiculous. If black could take pieces at a distance, rather than moving onto their square, and white could move in totally different ways to black, then the comparison might be somewhat more valid.
The asymmetry between NS2 teams and black/white in chess are in completely different leagues.
You think about it only on the "shape and look". Think about strategy
King = No king no game
Queen = All direction, any length
Bishop = Only diagonals on one color, any length
knight = L type moves (3 or 4 moves to make damage on the other side)
Rook = Orthogonal moves, any length
Hive = No hive no glory
Onos = Strongest unit (HP), can take any opponent alone.
Fades = Often use for pushing where it hurts (or stop progression)
Lerk = Often used for harassing and backup (ex: help with spores) during fight
Gorges = Often work behind the curtains. Help protect critical objects.
King / Hive: Don't really move. Key to the game.
Queen / Onos: Used in late game. Though you have exception in chess concerning the queen. This rarely happens with great players (High ELO). As we say : A queen needs to breath, so she likes space.
Fades / Bishop: Mid game unit. Fast, efficient but sometimes $*** happens.
Lerk / Knight: Early and mid game. Fast moves, infiltrator by definition.
Gorges / Rook: I would say the gorge isn't as fast as Rook but fulfill the same goal and assignment. The Rook often protects (roque + defense). It is also used in "finale" (endgame) like a gorge with bile bomb.
Well. From that point of view, i see something. Do you?
lol no.. you are comparing pieces on a chess board to only Alien lifeforms. Sure you could do that for marines as well, but then you also completely miss the comparison in different gameplay elements between the 2 that is not present in chess.
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.
I'm all for a good laugh now and then, but I think I would seriously hurt my brain if I even tried to write out gibberish as epic as some of this.