Cheating / Bug report functionality
Join Date: 2013-01-07 Member: 177994Members

I like that in TF2 you can report bugs and submit screenshots of cheaters using a form available in-game. It would be interesting if reporting a cheater would also send information about the last minute or two of the player's stats, like their Steam ID, how many bullets they missed, KDR, or any kind of evidence that could support the cheating accusation.
It would be nice to see this functionality in NS2, cheaters ruin the game for me, and not being able to immediately do something about it aside from leaving the server or begging for an admin is very lame.
Hi, could you kindly walk me through how the cheater report works for someone who spots a cheater on a server who happens to be using the plugin you mentioned?
What you need to know:
You must have a video, our site admins are responsible for reviewing the video you submit and deciding if your video supports your case. Each admin will vote on it, and based on the votes the ID will either be added to the database or marked as rejected. NS2ID is NOT the player name, The player name is useless to us, and placing this in the NS2ID section will result in your submission being deleted. NS2ID is obtained from the console (the ~ key) and typing sv_status. A list of everyone in the server will be generated and their ID's will be listed. Do NOT confuse the STEAM ID with the NS2ID. They are not the same.
If you have more than one video link, please include the additional links in the 2nd video link section
Your video should include a view of the console (the ~ key), showing all of the ID's of everyone in the server (type sv_status in the console), a first person spectate of the player in question and if possible a screen shot of the console after you have typed sv_status (F12 key).
Fraps ( ) offers a free version that records short video clips and video hosting can be as simple as or a free file hosting website
These are required to ensure that the proper people are being removed from servers and no one is being singled out without proof. Not having the required video will automatically result in deletion of your submission.
What Happens:
Your video is reviewed, by both the registered users of the website, and the admins of the website. If it is decided your video shows proof of cheating, your video is accepted into the list and automatically fed to every server running our server side subscription tool (HERE) and also available to server operators who choose to simply use the EXPORT option on our site as well.
And the rest of the bans are just Jason Mog alias, so uh yeah, grats on banning the same disgruntled dude 5-7 times, the fact that:
Is not considered wallhacking makes me think the site was a complete waste of time and I wouldn't mention it exist in jest. Just re watching that zero video again is fucking painful, his situational awareness and xhair discipline for want of better words is so pathetic I believe I'm watching a rookie to not only NS2 but to FPS in general (And the story given to AusNS was Zero's account was used by 'a mate' and he was unaware and he accepts all consequence as he believes he has spent too much time on NS2). And he was rejected, would love to know if admins who rejected it could care to comment how someone who puts his xhair on the floor 90% of the time and checks 0 corners for 10-11 mins can even conceivably have the kind of situational/map awareness that might have lead him to check some of the areas we can see skulks hiding in, sans wallhack.
Just watch 5:20 - 5:40 and save yourself some time to see how blindingly obvious this guy is. thread, the post I linked and one above it have quoted his now deleted posts trying to explain what happened even tho he wasn't there and his friend was playing.
So It seems to me that there are actually very few cheaters around in ns2.
Note: 50% of my playtime might be competitive/organized matches - so its not all public play...
. Even counting all the repeat and bullshit page counter views 2k 3k or 5k views on this page is incredibly high for a game that barely gets 2k concurrent players anymore, in fact I just checked steamstats and I can't even find natural selection 2 in the top 100 right now. Except this one in NS2 has been out for 6 months. And while I did read the last sentence in your post, getting real sick of the "Well my head is firmly planted in my arse and no one hacks online at all" posts on UWE forums that come up in every single hack thread.
And.. really? Hi, i'm Ryan Mitchell.
We used to have an in game button that linked you to a really robust system that was and it was used during the alpha/ early beta days.
Apart from the demos being very very poor quality there is also the glaringly obvious TAB button which brings up player list and shows anyone who is speccing in a game.
I've literally played a round where someone went 30-0 as marine during a 15 minute game, when I sat in spec the next round over the course of a 25 minute game they went 4-9. Said player spent aimless minutes running between marine bases, completely disregarding the phase gates that were already up between bases. That player would sit in marine spawn doing circle-work around buildings and generally not even try to push out with his teammates to try and take ground.
This is no proof, and never will be. The simple point is that all a hacker has to do is press TAB every 30 seconds and they can go undetected. The spectating system needs to be invisible, and needs to allow slots for specs past the player limit. (eg: 18p server has 2 hidden spec slots).
I think UWE needs to step up to the plate and at least provide an invisible spec mode so the community has something to work with. It's got to be frustrating for server admins to get requests from players to come and spec certain people, only to have those people play like idiots or leave the server as soon as someone moves into the Spec player slot. Improving the demo system so that demos don't break randomly, or at least provide troubleshooting for how to not stuff up a demo would be a good start to.
The fact that ns2bans found players like Zero innocent is really really disheartening. Having never been involved in comp FPS before, it's an eye opener to realise how easy cheats are to get, from fluro models to chams and what-not. Anyone interested can check out the Zero video here:
and the non-cham version here:
Relevant timestamps would be:
Non-ChamNow, if that player was smart enough to press TAB every 30 seconds he would never have been caught.
It's a bit harsh to give a random player a week deadline to catch 3 hackers when there are no tools available to catch anyone that isn't plain stupid or doesn't give a crap. May as well get all server admins/hosts to demand such tools in a week or they shut their servers down?
Also, players like Koruyo I'm guessing would play more gathers/scrims/comp/balance testing games than general pub play. Meaning he's generally playing with people he knows regularly in games that are already being spectated, recorded or cast. Could be wrong, but I don't see the majority of your hours going into random pub servers?
EDIT: Trying to break up the wall of youtube video links.
So i might just have been lucky so far...
If you really want to get your video voted in, you need to cut out all the irrelevant portions. I watched further and the most suspicious portion was the skulk hiding under the floor in Shuttle Bay. But to be honest, I would have still voted no because the alien team were completely obvious of their intentions (sneaking up and not attacking, hoping to get a cheat proof video), but not very good at hiding their approach. The approaching Skulk in Shuttle Bay was seen almost 40 seconds prior to that. The player obviously knew he was being messed with and was waiting it out. It's not like skulks magically go away when you turn your back. I do have to give credit for how terrible the guy was playing though, so it is inherently suspicious that the player has relatively correct intuitions. I wouldn't say it's foolproof evidence though- my father is terrible at video games and plays a lot like that: very cautious, but terrible and without in-depth understanding of game objectives.
tl;dr: If you show just the Shuttle Bay approach and another clip showing his rubbish aim in combat, you might get a few more "yes" votes.
I entirely agree with you that the video is not conclusive enough, but your suggestion of removing the 'boring' parts and only concentrating on the more 'obvious' parts sounds pretty frightening. You could effectively make anyone look like a cheater with only showing tidbits out of context. It's not like the people responsible for voting on these don't have the patience to watch a full 5 to 10-minute video, and if not, they shouldn't have this responsibility in the first place.
You are right- without context the video may be useless. Should have been obvious to me from the get-go, but then again I am not a patient person.
:shrug: personally, I voted yes, you can clearly watch his crosshair tracking through walls multiple times, most notably with that skulk in the vent near the end. No audible cues or scanning contributed to this positional awareness, either.
Edit : this thread needs to get back on topic...