Main Menu Replacement Project

2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
edited June 2013 in Modding
2d0x wrote: »
seems like my mod causing problems after new patch, again ... and this time i don't know why and how to fix it
please deactivate my mod and unsubscribe from it or you will get black screen every time you try load a map!
Developers change the game with each patch, and it's constantly affect the workability of my mod, and the most frustrating thing about this is that my mod is causing problems for users.
I make the decision to freeze the project for an indefinite period. I do not have skills to develop it and solve problems as they become available, and there is almost no training videos, so I will not be able to learn.
Once again I apologize for the problems caused by my mod, and I want to thank those who have used my mod.

Main Menu Replacement Project
I'm creating this topic for information, but I hope to get help here, because i started work on this mod only 2 days ago, and i do not have experience of modding before at any game. So i can use any help from people with modding experience.

The project is aimed at changing the default game menu. As you can see the current game menu (that we received with a Gorgeous update) is based on the Descent map style. Most of the replacements at Steam Workshop are based on this "default Gorgeous game menu", so there are not much to choose from. I want to change that. I'll try to give you a choice.

My main current goal is to create a different game menus, each with its own atmosphere, animations, actors, suitable music and style.

This includes changes in:
Background location - it may be any location\room\scene from any of 7 official ns2 maps, "recorded" from any position, with\without new\old features like shadows\lighting\objects etc.
Music - I want to find a suitable music for every scene to give a special atmosphere. There is enough suitable tracks in ns2 official soundtrack, so I will use them.
Actors - Different characters from Aliens\Marines will take part in the scenes at the appropriate time and in the right place. Skulk crawling up on the ceiling, Fade hiding in the shadows, a Marine on patrol etc.

Currently ideas are:
Thirsty Onos Bar
The tense scene for the viewer showing the danger to an unsuspecting Marine.
Music: NS2 OST - Simon Chylinski - Thirsty Onos
Actors: marine, skulk, fade
The general idea: Marine stands on patrol. It is surrounded by loud bar music. Enemies sometimes silently moved behind his back - skulk crawling on the ceiling. Fade for a moment looking out of the corner and then disappears into the mist.
Thirsty Onos Bar is updated to v0.4 on Steam Workshop
2 actors: marine and skulk
default music (this is temporary)
loading time is the same - 2 seconds
in the next update i will try to add some action, animation to the actors, and background music
I highly recommend you use "Newsbox be gone" by Elodea this will make your game menu clean as on my screenshot.

Generator at Docking
Scene showing main Khaara Hive, building and creatures. The scene shows the viewer what are Aliens is.
Music: not yet defined, possible suitable track is NS2 OST - David John - Hive
Actors: not yet defined.
The general idea: The scene shows the viewer what are Khaara is, details are not yet known.

Place is not yet defined:
Scene showing main Frontiersman base, buildings and units. The scene shows the viewer what are Marines is.
Music: not yet defined, possible suitable track NS2 OST - David John - Frontiersman
Actors: not yet defined.
The general idea: The scene shows the viewer what are Frontiersman is, details are not yet known.

I have two more ideas that I have thought later
1. The tense scene with marine and silent khaara in the shadows. Suitable track: NS2 OST - David John - Tarnished, maybe i will recreate this scene from alpha at one of the current map, but in suitable place.

2. Scene that showing beauty of Natural Selection 2 game
Maybe i will record some places with windows and space\stars\planets. Suitable track: NS2 OST - David John - The Future
By the way this song is perfectly fits to current in game Descent style game menu, there is a Main Menu Song Replacer "The Future" by Regnareb so you can subscribe and use it right now!



  • ChopsChops UW Technical Artist (and Store Guy) Join Date: 2009-08-06 Member: 68373Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Pistachionauts
    I hope this video can help
  • ezekelezekel Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester
    I'd really love the main menu background to just be one of those static concept drawings, like the second one you posted would be awesome
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    ezekel wrote: »
    I'd really love the main menu background to just be one of those static concept drawings, like the second one you posted would be awesome
    Convert the concept art picture into a texture/material. Create a map that only has a rectangle in it (that you apply the concept art texture to) and an ambient light. Use that for the cinematic and there you go.

  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Chops wrote: »
    I hope this video can help
    Thanks, i get some new information from this video :) but there is still a problem with copying\pasting\finding parts of the maps for reduce loading time
    ezekel wrote: »
    I'd really love the main menu background to just be one of those static concept drawings, like the second one you posted would be awesome
    Hm, in the future I will try to implement this idea in my project, maybe i even find a way how to put several artworks at background, and make them replace eachother in the right time! but for now I'm focused on other things :)
    Hypergrip wrote: »
    Convert the concept art picture into a texture/material. Create a map that only has a rectangle in it (that you apply the concept art texture to) and an ambient light. Use that for the cinematic and there you go.
    Thanks for the advice!

    //edit: ezekel seems that it is easier than I thought, I think I'll try to make an alpha version today thanks to the advice of hypergrip :)
    hm, seems like i need do to more things after creating rectangle and applying texture with ambient light, because i cant see anything when setting level at cinematic editor, so im starting to watch basic tutorial videos about creating maps in ns2
    //edit2: i watched tutorial about creation of map, and i was able to create my first playable map, but there is 2 problems
    1. i record a wall from my new map through cinematic editor, but i get blackscreen on background game menu, dont know why, need spend some time to clear this out
    2. i was trying to import new texture (generator hive artwork) to editor, but so far without success, looks pretty difficult for me at the moment, even with tutorial on wiki, need a break
  • KalabalanaKalabalana Join Date: 2003-11-14 Member: 22859Members
    Is there a way the community could design a bunch of animations or scenarios for the default main menu? Mock fights, marines under normal non-warfare duty, etc. Maybe pick a few good ones, and have one randomly picked on load.?

    Anyways, would be cool to see maybe an Onos bar main menu screen too, would love to see that place used.
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    i dont know how, but i was able to record texture-panel from Veil on my ns2_test map, and implement it in the game menu :D loading time of this game menu is 2 seconds,so now I just have to figure out how to import a texture (Generator Hive Artwork) into a set of game files, and i will be ready to introduce you static game menu background //edit: I also tried a bit of work with animation and actors at Thirsty Onos Bar. I found for myself something new - it turns the camera can be dynamic :) Also i upload my first video on youtube, showing you my progress at the moment [spoiler]
  • TharosTharos Join Date: 2012-12-18 Member: 175439Members
    I guess you need to convert the artwork to a dds file (the gimp or photoshop are required)
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    edited May 2013

    Ok, let's create that texture (I'm currently at the office so no screenshots, sorry. But you should be able to follow along anyway):

    0.) Download and install the NVIDIA Texture Tool, so you can export DDS files from Photoshop:

    0.b) If you do not own Photoshop, you can use Just search for " DDS export" and you should be fine.

    1.) A quick google search for the artwork gives us this one here that we'll use as a base: The image is 3000 × 1533 pixels which we can't use for textures. So...

    2.) We resize the image to be 2048 pixels wide and 1047 pixels high. We then cut of a bit from the top and bottom to have 2048x1024 pixels

    3.) Since I don't know if spark does handle texture above 1024x1024 well (it probably does, but I'm not sure right now and I want this to work). So I cut the image in half. I now have two images "hive_artwork_left" and "hive_artwork_right", each 1024x1024.

    4.) Safe/Export these two images as DDS files. In the popup select "DXT5  ARGB  8 bpp | interpolated alpha". This is your "plain texture" = the albedo map.

    5.) We can save the time creating opacity, normal and specular maps for now. We might get an error in the console but it's just a quick test.

    6.) Time to create basic .material files. (hive_artwork_left.material & hive_artwork_right.material)

    shader = "shaders/Level.surface_shader"
    albedoMap = "materials/"

    surface = "thin_metal"

    7.) Place the 2 DDS and 2 .material files in the output/materials folder of your mod

    8.) Start Launchpad, Select your mod, open the Editor.

    9.) Create two square faces in the editor next to each other and use the two textures we created.

    10.) Place an Ambient Light next to the faces you created, set the Intensity to 150 or 200 and set the Max Distance to something really big. Play around with these values until you find something that looks good. ( Intensity 150 and max distance 700 look fine if the faces you created are 128x128 units IIRC)

    11.) save the map, load it into the cinematic editor, aim your camera.

    12.) Marvel at your greatness!

    Edit: forum doesn't like my [CODE] tag it seems...

  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    edited May 2013
    A wild RAR file appears!

    Well, it would appear if the forum would accept my upload...
    Here is a link:

    (can anybody recommend a good simple file hoster that doesn't clutter it's page with banners so much? Something like imgur but for other small files?)
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    yay guys thanks!
    Hypergrip thanks for the detailed explanation! I just came from work, so I will start working in this direction tomorrow!
    You can try use for sharing files, easy, simple and clean
    For image sharing i can recommend
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Today I was able to put the texture provided by Hypergrip to the surface, but i stucked again on recording process, i get black background on in-game menu, despite the fact that i put lights in map editor and cinematic scene, i dont know why :( maybe because I'm still not good enough understand the system of Spark Launch Pad i have folder with mod on my desktop, so i need to place map and main_menu files in this folder (on right places), but if i need Set Level in cinematic editor, i can get map only from default ns2 file system, and not from my desktop mod folder In any case, the correct map is placed in both places. in C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\maps, and in C:\Users\Para\Desktop\Main Menu Replacement Project - Generator Hive Artwork [Static]\output\maps
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

    Are the textures in the right place, too?

    Open the console after your game started and have a look. There should be two error messages, because the textures/materials I created for you are missing the normal maps the shader expects. but that should not prevent from the textures to show up at all. Look for "file not found" errors that could pinpoint the error.

  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    nop, there is no error messages :( and yes, i put 4 files to 2 different locations C:\Users\Para\Desktop\Main Menu Replacement Project - Generator Hive Artwork [Static]\output\materials and C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\materials sadly but i need go to work right now, i will try to find where is the problem tomorrow
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    and this is a in-game screenshot with console, maybe this will help
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I watched 2 tutorial videos today, started from scratch, and I still can not figure out how to get rid of the black screen on the menu
    my logical thinking breaks on trying to understand locations and directories of folders in Launch Pad
    Source folder needs to store the required files for my mod
    after I use a Builder, Source folder files was moved to Output folder and this files is ready to publish on Steam Workshop
    if I understand correctly, all the necessary files have to be in these two folders ... but then why I have no choice and I have to take levels for my Cinematic only from Default Ns2 files?! :((
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Here is how I understand it works. Might not be 100% correct though:

    The output folder of your mod directory prepresents to the \Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\ directory and its subfolders.
    The source directory contains the files that you work with and are automatically taken, converted and/or copied by the builder application into the output directory.
    When you publish a mod, you basically publish your output folder (think of it as copying the output folder and then renaming it to the Steam mod-id)
    When you activate a mod, the files in the subfolders of the mod directory are treated as if they were in the corresponding folders under \Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\

    If the problem you have is related to missing files, the builder might not have copied over all required files from the source to the output folders, or you referenced something in your files with a wrong static path?

    Have you published your mod? If so I can have a look at it, maybe I can find the error. Can't promise anything though, I keep struggling with builder, too, and right now copy files manually for testing my map.

  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    god finally i get some results, I think that these textures are simply not illuminated, I do not know why, my map.level itself has a several light sources, as is the cinematics Hypergrip thank you for your attention to this thread! information you provide helps me a lot :) i will try to publish my mod tomorrow, i hope i be able to solve "illuminating" problems
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Today I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what is the problem. And I found it. The reason is that button: If this option is disabled, you will always get a black background in the game menu. How was I supposed to know? in the tutorial nothing was about the importance of the button :( Anyway, one more problem is solved, I'm moving on.
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Now it should be a matter of adjusting your camera and lighting.

    As I said before I didn't bother to create a normal map for the hive artwork texture (I was kinda hoping you'd do that yourself :D). For some reason it seems in your screenshots that the shader does not simply ignore the missing normal map (and output an error message) but instead uses the normal map of that other material you are using in the background. Let's fix that:
    1.) Create an image and fill it with solid grey. Apply the NVIDIA Normal Map Filter and you should now have a solid purple-ish image. We can use that for both of the two artwork materials, so let's save it as "".
    2.) Add the following line to the two .material files:
    normalMap = "materials/"
    Those line should now be gone.

    btw: There may be a better choice for the material shader than Level.surface_shader, but I haven't looked deep enough into that to give a recommendation, maybe someone else here can.

    (updated material files with normal map:
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Thank you! I'll start doing it right now. I came here to share the good news on the Thirsty onos bar project, 5 minutes ago I was able to figure out how to display a Bar in the map editor. Then I completely cut out and pasted it into a new level, and immediately made ​​a new cinematic for main menu! loading time of this game-menu is 2 seconds! i will update Thirsty Onos Bar replacement in a few hours! \:D/
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Hypergrip wrote: »
    As I said before I didn't bother to create a normal map for the hive artwork texture (I was kinda hoping you'd do that yourself :D).

    I was trying to do this by myself few hours ago, but then i get new idea how to solve my biggest problem, so I switched my thoughts and attention on it. ;)
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    my Thirsty Onos Bar is updated to v0.2 on Steam Workshop, loading time reduced from 10 to 2 seconds
  • KalabalanaKalabalana Join Date: 2003-11-14 Member: 22859Members
    loving this thread
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    I have to temporarily suspend work on the project. I hope get back to work within a week.
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    I'm going back to work :)
    Today I tried to replace the main menu music for Thirsty Onos Bar, spend some time in FMOD Designer, unfortunately without success. Getting errors in ns2 console.
    I also edited all my posts in this thread, because of the recent problems with the editing of old messages.
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Thirsty Onos Bar is updated to v0.3 on Steam Workshop
    added 2 actors: marine and skulk
    default music has changed to Simon Chylinski - Thirsty Onos (many thanks to Regnareb, I could not have done this without his help)
    loading time is the same - 2 seconds
    in the next update i will try to add some action and animation to the actors


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Join Date: 2013-05-09 Member: 185176
    Great work but now since the update, I cannot join any server, I get a mod error wich disables all mods
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Discowitz wrote: »
    Great work but now since the update, I cannot join any server, I get a mod error wich disables all mods
    О_О since v0.3 update of my mod?! i need to test this, thanks for information
    damn, this is a serious problem, i will try to fix it as soon as possible, but to be honest i have no idea where to start
    there is a console error log, maybe someone can help me
    i think this may be somehow connected to last patches and changes in server browser
    my mod is hidden right now, i apologize for the problems caused by my mod :(
    //edit. it seems that this problem is caused not only by my mod, but also with any Main Menu Music replacements
    //edit2. it seems that this problem is caused by just one aspect - when I click on the server in the server browser
    //edit3. Regnareb helps me find another way of changing main menu music, this method is much easier, but i need some help with lua
    there is a dev post with explanation
    Max wrote: »
    The second is the way music cues are specified when calling Client.PlayMusic. In the past you would just specify the cue name. Now you need to specify the full path to the project where the cue is located such as Client.PlayMusic("sounds/NS2.fev/Main Menu") instead of Client.PlayMusic("Main Menu"). This change was part of building a simplified method for playing sounds without using the FMOD designer tool. In addition to the old method, you can now just directly play WAV files from disk.
    if i want to change game menu music in my mod by this method, so if i understand correctly, i need MainMenu.lua and these lines:

    * Plays background music in the main menu. The music will be automatically stopped
    * when the menu is left.
    function MenuMenu_PlayMusic(fileName)

    if mainMenuMusic ~= nil then

    mainMenuMusic = fileName

    if mainMenuMusic ~= nil then


    also i have music file: ThirstyOnosCut.wav (or maybe i can use .mp3?), i need to put it at mymod\source\soundsrc right?
    which lines in MainMenu.lua and how i should change with my music file name? somebody can show me an example please :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Join Date: 2013-05-09 Member: 185176
  • 2d0x2d0x Join Date: 2013-03-16 Member: 184030Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited June 2013
    nop :( i don't have any experience in lua, and i can't find a mod with similar method, so I have no information for making logical decisions :(
    i asked about this in 2 forum topics a week ago, but there is no answers

    version 0.4 is released
    2 actors: marine and skulk
    Simon Chylinski - Thirsty Onos music has changed to default ns2 music (it is related to serious problems which, unfortunately, I can not solve yet)
    loading time is 2 seconds

    I apologize for the problems that my mod could bring after update 0.3 :( for this reason i had to hide it for a while
    Version 0.4 should not cause any problems. If you have a problem related to my mod, please let me know immediately!
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