For winning, i play marines, for loosing, i play aliens...
Join Date: 2012-07-08 Member: 153980Members

First i have to say that, i am frustrated about how ns2 evolved i am a big fan of the ns1 classic!
Many people wouldn't admit it, but it is true, if you want win you join up marines, if you want a hard round and lose most of the time, then you join the alien team.
Thats the reason why marines get stacked so often.
Im just honest, i do the same, the point i want talking is the balance.
As a Natural Selection 1 fan, i know the evolution of ns very good.
Things i don't understand and hate about ns2.
Yes i hate some things so much and i don't understand why not fixing it.
I think the most problems are don't getting fixed because UWE want Ns2 to be uber-super-esports game...
While on public games it's only possible to win as aliens if you have some pro lerks and fades.
On marine side, it is pretty easy.
Critic 1:
The Lerk, in ns1 he was a very good fighter, could help defending and attacking.
In ns2 the lerk is only usefull if you use the glitchy animations while moving your aim straight up and fly away...
You are forced to close combat, spikes are useless, and if marines got the cheap instantkill shotguns, you don't survive long enough to kill these guys.
Because you are forced to close combat, you will never kill marines if you are not a freak playing lerk all day.
Request: Old ns1 spores
critic 2:
12 Minutes jetpack counter.
If both teams have half of the map and they fight, which means its balanced, you can be sure, marines get Jetpacks after 12 minutes.
Now stupid people would say, don't let them get a second technode and half of the map...but its not avoidable on huge maps.
Well, aliens got maybe lerks and fades.
Lerk is useless against shotgun jetpack, so only fade is left, which cost 50 Res...same as an exo but waaaaaaay less dangerous.
Without blink (30 res) you can't really do anything against jetpack marines.
Skulks with (2-times-energy-gone-)leap, could maybe hit jetpack marines 2 times but it is just luck or you have to be a pro-freak.
Request: less leap costs + critic 1 request
critic 3:
arcs, why these things are still "that way" in the game?
what is the balance on alien side?
if we use a big map with 8 people and the marine commander send all 8 people to one hive and 4 arcs to another.
what the heck can aliens do to stop them? they can't leave the 8 marines leave alone and they can only split but then its 6-7 vs 8 how call you that balance?
there is NONE way for aliens to attack the marine base alone...
Request: Let arcs only shoot if the powernode is on.
this means, you need power in a room and prevent flooding map with arcs.
critic 4:
Clogs, i like them but they are broken...make you lag!
I found out by modding, it is a problem with the physics which is used by clogs, please fix that!
It's horrible fidget extreme if you are moving on these things.
why you haven't fixed them?
Request: fix the physics of clogs!
critic 5:
Welder, you can weld the whole day, no matter what, powernode, teammates, EVERYTHING, you don't care energy or ammo, WHY?
Whats the problem giving the welder a energy bar?
I mean aliens have energy for everything, gorge can't heal all day, even aliens can't attack all day like marines with their weapons.
The only balance for aliens is a shift but for that, they need the tech.
While marines weld day long...
Request: Welder need a cooldown, not to much, but they need it, to prevent Exo, powernode and other "day long welding" ever seen a exo getting weldet by 4 marines? i do!
critic 6:
Concede...are you serious? What is the point of that vote?
Could these people not just hit F4?
I don't get the point in concede if you could just hit F4
And if 7 of 9 people voted yes and 2 of them just goes to the ready room, the game ends...because these two "ready room" people still count.
critic 7:
Cheats likes sales, i like that you "sell off" the game, but i have the feeling after your very cheap sale, there more and more cheaters in the game.
I am not a guy who call everybody a cheater but if i see people aiming at walls where a skulks is behind and there is no observatory next to them...something is wrong.
And if i would be a cheater, i wouldn't cheat like an idiot...wich mean "NOT OBVIOUS".
Do i get spectated? Oh...then i turn it of, if you understand what i mean...
Request: Anti-Cheat system, VAC is useless...please do something to find out cheaters, it's so annyoing.
Could you not programm something which check the player? There is an achivement system with steam, that could be used.
If you are on one side of the map and you don't use a teleporter but you are moving faster then the game cheat = Auto-KICK!
Im not a programmer, thats right, but i think there are ways to protect the game from cheaters.
If you are not next to the cheater and he is cheating smart, you will never detect him, but a programm/code could because it see what he does.
i am not a person who can play 8 hours every day to be a pro-freak with lerk or fade...
Many people wouldn't admit it, but it is true, if you want win you join up marines, if you want a hard round and lose most of the time, then you join the alien team.
Thats the reason why marines get stacked so often.
Im just honest, i do the same, the point i want talking is the balance.
As a Natural Selection 1 fan, i know the evolution of ns very good.
Things i don't understand and hate about ns2.
Yes i hate some things so much and i don't understand why not fixing it.
I think the most problems are don't getting fixed because UWE want Ns2 to be uber-super-esports game...
While on public games it's only possible to win as aliens if you have some pro lerks and fades.
On marine side, it is pretty easy.
Critic 1:
The Lerk, in ns1 he was a very good fighter, could help defending and attacking.
In ns2 the lerk is only usefull if you use the glitchy animations while moving your aim straight up and fly away...
You are forced to close combat, spikes are useless, and if marines got the cheap instantkill shotguns, you don't survive long enough to kill these guys.
Because you are forced to close combat, you will never kill marines if you are not a freak playing lerk all day.
Request: Old ns1 spores
critic 2:
12 Minutes jetpack counter.
If both teams have half of the map and they fight, which means its balanced, you can be sure, marines get Jetpacks after 12 minutes.
Now stupid people would say, don't let them get a second technode and half of the map...but its not avoidable on huge maps.
Well, aliens got maybe lerks and fades.
Lerk is useless against shotgun jetpack, so only fade is left, which cost 50 Res...same as an exo but waaaaaaay less dangerous.
Without blink (30 res) you can't really do anything against jetpack marines.
Skulks with (2-times-energy-gone-)leap, could maybe hit jetpack marines 2 times but it is just luck or you have to be a pro-freak.
Request: less leap costs + critic 1 request
critic 3:
arcs, why these things are still "that way" in the game?
what is the balance on alien side?
if we use a big map with 8 people and the marine commander send all 8 people to one hive and 4 arcs to another.
what the heck can aliens do to stop them? they can't leave the 8 marines leave alone and they can only split but then its 6-7 vs 8 how call you that balance?
there is NONE way for aliens to attack the marine base alone...
Request: Let arcs only shoot if the powernode is on.
this means, you need power in a room and prevent flooding map with arcs.
critic 4:
Clogs, i like them but they are broken...make you lag!
I found out by modding, it is a problem with the physics which is used by clogs, please fix that!
It's horrible fidget extreme if you are moving on these things.
why you haven't fixed them?
Request: fix the physics of clogs!
critic 5:
Welder, you can weld the whole day, no matter what, powernode, teammates, EVERYTHING, you don't care energy or ammo, WHY?
Whats the problem giving the welder a energy bar?
I mean aliens have energy for everything, gorge can't heal all day, even aliens can't attack all day like marines with their weapons.
The only balance for aliens is a shift but for that, they need the tech.
While marines weld day long...
Request: Welder need a cooldown, not to much, but they need it, to prevent Exo, powernode and other "day long welding" ever seen a exo getting weldet by 4 marines? i do!
critic 6:
Concede...are you serious? What is the point of that vote?
Could these people not just hit F4?
I don't get the point in concede if you could just hit F4
And if 7 of 9 people voted yes and 2 of them just goes to the ready room, the game ends...because these two "ready room" people still count.
critic 7:
Cheats likes sales, i like that you "sell off" the game, but i have the feeling after your very cheap sale, there more and more cheaters in the game.
I am not a guy who call everybody a cheater but if i see people aiming at walls where a skulks is behind and there is no observatory next to them...something is wrong.
And if i would be a cheater, i wouldn't cheat like an idiot...wich mean "NOT OBVIOUS".
Do i get spectated? Oh...then i turn it of, if you understand what i mean...
Request: Anti-Cheat system, VAC is useless...please do something to find out cheaters, it's so annyoing.
Could you not programm something which check the player? There is an achivement system with steam, that could be used.
If you are on one side of the map and you don't use a teleporter but you are moving faster then the game cheat = Auto-KICK!
Im not a programmer, thats right, but i think there are ways to protect the game from cheaters.
If you are not next to the cheater and he is cheating smart, you will never detect him, but a programm/code could because it see what he does.
i am not a person who can play 8 hours every day to be a pro-freak with lerk or fade...
LoL? R U SRS BRAH? The lerk is so strong right now. The lerks is useful in so many situations its ridiculous. @30 resources if you buy lerk you can dominate 2v1 fights as well defend a push very well. Later on you spore bases and end game you use Umbra which is very good.
If at 12 minutes you don't have a few fades with blink then you did something wrong. If the map is split 50/50 the aliens will win unless the game goes past 40min. Also a 12 minute jet pack rush means that you are probably still only 1/1 instead of just being 3/3 with no jetpacks. I would rather be 3/3 then 1/1 jetpack.
1 goage with bio bomb will destroy all the arcs before they can kill the hive if all the marines are attacking a base. Also what are the aliens doing afking?
Sure, makes sense, I am sure its a bug and will be resolved once the more impotent ones are.
I can't believe what I am reading. When a welder heals marines we might be able to talk. Also marines need to reload and have ammo limits. If the Com is dropping ammo that resources spent, its the same as going to a shift. Also aliens can heal multiple aliens at once, the welder can only repair 1 item at at time. Lets also not forget that crags can heal aliens in a large radius without having them stair into a box.
I don't think I have ever had a problem with people surrendering an already lost game. I think the current surrender feature works just fine. There will always be people that are indifferent to a surrender even if you are just sitting in base defending control.
I don't even understand what you are talking about. If its about more cheaters coming around? Then there are movements to reduce this. A problem like this will not be solved in a day and every game has cheaters. In every game I have played online I have seen cheaters and it's not a problem that can be fixed in a night. Also not everyone thats good is a cheater, recently I had a game go 38-2. By no means was I cheating but merely having a good game.
TLDR: Aliens and Marines are different. If anything the game is alien favored right now in my opinion.
Unfortunately, while it's nowhere near as terrible as around release and the big patches, NvN/BvB is a lot of what's played on pubs.
It's nice that there's enough marine stækkæjj to report almost even stats, læwlz.
But yeah, I lost interest in OP's apparent outburst of butthurt when he said that lerk is useless and a fade isn't as much of a threat as exos.
Aliens on pubs win by default. You can't really celebrate a win as aliens, you can only be embarassed by a loss.
On the other hand, marines have to fight hard for each win, usually lose with one or two bigger mistakes, and if you win as marines it actually feels like a substantial accomplishment.
I have no idea what NvN or BvB is meant to stand for, and a quick google didn't help either.
OP: I couldn't really disagree more with anything you said. Actually, I find a win on either team is equally likely at the start of a round (which I'm sure @Hugh will be delighted to hear), unless they are stacked at the start, which does unfortunately happen. This isn't peculiar to NS2, but is IMO the major source of 'imbalance' that people experience.
FWIW I play about 4-6h a week, and I rarely die as lerk or fade in pub servers. I'm not in a clan, but have played a few gathers and am 'okay' in those unless having a bad day.
Stopped reading here...
That is as dumb and false as OP.
NvN is Noob vs Noob, BvB is Bad vs Bad.
The game is very playable with a half-decent team against a half-decent team. Unfortunately those are extremely rare on pubs.
The NS2 "scene" right now reminds me of supcom2 a lot - a game with great potential and mechanics, but with some technical shortcomings and many inherent "tech explosions" which are hard to impossible to balance, and as a result 95% of games are avalanching displays of steamrolling/trællæjjing in 20-minute slow-death-fests, and 5% of games are actually worth playing.
Interestingly enough, even with all its shortcomings, I come back regularly - just like I did/do with SC2.
As a mentor I usually only play on rookie servers so I see some failures around.
Does only take a little bit of information for a rookie to not suck as long as they listen. Like everyone already said. Your arguments are simply wrong.