Why Cheating Ruins Games.
Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3770Members

<div class="IPBDescription">And I don't mean In NS</div> Cheating has ruined many gamers. And before anyone says anything, yes I have cheated in Single player games and this is what I am really talking about. If you cheat enough in single player games you begin to expect yourself to play at a certain level. Additionally, many people have and do "put in cheat codes because I'm stuck at a certain spot". Doing things like this only teaches you to give up and cop out, rather than actually try and learn why you're getting your butt handed to you. Now, when these people finally make it to online gaming, they come up against someone who is more skilled than them so they think one of two things: 1) "I can't do that, that person must be cheating." or 2)"I can't do that, NERF NERF NERF!" The instant gratification cheating gives is extremely detrimental to actually learning how to play. Resist, when you cheat at games you are only cheating yourself.
i must say however i have cheated in JKII: Jedi Outcast, just to get at the lightsaber and the force powers, beacuse you dont even get to weild the lightsaber until like halfway through the game!
however, i have never cheated in Multiplayer games and will continue playing fairly.
because in multiplayer, you dont ruin the game for yourself, you ruin in for like 16+ people...
however, you may need to be a bit cautious with the changing sounds, changing the Hmg gunfire would be ok but
take note that changing the footstep sounds are usally frowned upon and is regarded as cheating.
I feel if your gunna spend $50 for a game the least u can do is crank it to the hardest difficulty and beat it cheat free
my recent cheat free list on the hardest diff:
Operation Flashpoint
Red Faction
Jedi Knight 2
Knight Rider (heheh what a cool game if yer a fan)
The Thing
War Craft 3
Never Winters Nights
Soilder Of Fortune 2 (what a crappy game, even if yer a fan)
I'm sure im missing a few, but I played all on the hardest diff, didnt cheat or use walkthrough.. its a rewarding feeling, also playing it single player on the hardest diff, gives u the basic skills to be good at the multi (I never play multi untill I beat the game)
With multiplayer, I just keep playing to get better. I try not to get easily discouraged though when some elite player just mops the floor with me.
You also complete the game in a tenth of the time and get far less enjoyment from it (a lot of the enjoyment in games comes from working out how to progress).
As MMZ>Torak said, it also means that when you go to play online you're rubbish at it, because you've never properly played the game.
On a similar note, whilst I was <a href='http://dynamic3.gamespy.com/~lvmods/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000152' target='_blank'> browsing an Avp2 forum</a>, I noticed this:<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Well going thru contacts that I have in the woprld of avp2 I was sent a program that has just been made where a person can adjust the values in a online game. You can make yourself in god mode,Never run out of ammo,give yourself ton's of extra ammo or anything, You can even bypass the class weapons and add what weapons that you would like. You can even add values to other players. So in turn when some jerk can hack the game like that. It becomes pointless to even play online anymore.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->The name of the that thread was 'Avp2 is dead. The final blow has been struck'. There isn't much support for AvP2, it seems - most of the modders have already left (and there's no-one to provide a fix for this like HLGuard does).
Cheating can kill games.
edit: darkrevenge, the fact that you do it <i>at all</i> is bad enough. You cheat online at the expense of others.
In single player games, I have a different viewpoint... I'd say I cheat in about 2/3 of them for a few reasons... First... Some of them are downright impossible unless you devote your entire life to them... I don't need THAT kind of commitment to a computer game, no matter how fun it is... In that case, I play as far as I can, and when a particular spot in the game frustrates me for a few days, I pop in a small cheat code (read: "small"... extra resources or weapons, etc , NOT god mode). I figure if you spent $50 on a game, you should play the WHOLE game, not just the part that's within your skill level...
Second, as some people have mentioned... Gee, wouldn't it be fun to have the ultra-cool, turn-your-enemies-into-little-vibrating-chunks-of-human-flesh weapon at the BEGINNING? 'nuff said <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
same story with red faction, they never added consistancy checks, so people modded wepons at will. The multiplayer never made it, its was an HL caliber game single player, awesome AI on (impossible) setting, and not the lame (I cant kill him with 3 headshots) tough like James Bond Nightfire for PC (I hate EA please please please drop a bomb on them) On impossible the Red Faction AI would group up behind a closed door, send ONE guy to open it (the fodder) and then fired on you from far away through the open door, if they were getting owned the would retreat and regroup. and the Geo-Mod was sick you can literally blow up any sturcture in the game, inlcudding walls, floors, bridges, so when a bunch of them are hold up in a bunker u can line it with explosives and BOOM, the all die in the rubble! soo good. But the cheating in multi killed it, hope part 2 will be better. Cheating also killed HL itself (I considder Binds cheating BTW, if it aint in the GUI, u are exploiting it) It created a race of super jumping bean Tau Cannon, Missile, Nade Tossing, weapon cycling crackheads. And now there are very few good stock servers out there. I wont even mention CS.
Most of the cheaters (myg0t).. were ex-pro gamer's who saw how immature the Counter-Strike community was and started cheating because it would "rage" them.. which brings self-humor.
So, guys.. cheating does not prove that " I suck, so I must cheat ".. it's meant to **obscenity** you off and too whine.
So, if you sit there and whine.. and not play.. then the cheater is really the one that is winning.
In single player games, I have a different viewpoint... I'd say I cheat in about 2/3 of them for a few reasons... First... Some of them are downright impossible unless you devote your entire life to them... I don't need THAT kind of commitment to a computer game, no matter how fun it is... In that case, I play as far as I can, and when a particular spot in the game frustrates me for a few days, I pop in a small cheat code (read: "small"... extra resources or weapons, etc , NOT god mode). I figure if you spent $50 on a game, you should play the WHOLE game, not just the part that's within your skill level...
Second, as some people have mentioned... Gee, wouldn't it be fun to have the ultra-cool, turn-your-enemies-into-little-vibrating-chunks-of-human-flesh weapon at the BEGINNING? 'nuff said <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
............. there really is no point in cheating, I dont even look at the manual because I like to be surprised at what weapons Ill run into, thats half the fun of playing, you have a crappy pistol and baton, and WHAMO, you pick up a submachine gun and become a much more effective killer!!! its very fun, or when u round a corner and take a barrage from an assault rifle, you know it sounds diffrent, and you also know if u kill that bstrd u get his gun, adds a great element to the game play. I've also found that most cheaters are addicted to liniar games like Quake or Unreal, where u do loevel after level, it takes away from the over all "puzzle" feel of being in a large facility like HL or Red Faction, liniar games also take away from the emmerssion factor, where everything relates to everything else. so if your doing the same thing over and over with diffrent textures and enemy models, you get bored quickly and want to cheat.
As far as cheating in Single Player games, I would only use the cheat codes AFTER i beat the game with out them. I've always seen cheat codes as something to give games more replay value.
changing your movement keys has always been a part of the HL GUI. Binding your weapon to a key never was (gearbox has sold out and allowed weapon binds in the GUI for Opp Force) I know there are useful binds, I know there might even be useful scripts or aliases. But in general, if the creators of the game wanted it in, they could have coded it into the GUI. Anyway I dont want to turn this into a "are binds/scripts legit" thread, so its safe to say if it was never intended to be used by EVERYONE its an exploit or cheat.
As for single-player, I will cheat, but only if I'm so utterly stuck that not even walkthroughs will help me, or I've finished the game, and want to muck about (in JK2, I turned off enemy AI, went to the level with the giant doors into space, spawned a hundred stormtroopers, and opened the doors! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!)
I do the same thing, but sometimes, you just get to the point where the game ceases to be entertaining and becomes incredibly frustrating...
And as for the weapons... For that kind of cheating, I play the game through once, then go nuts with cheats... For example, GTA3... I beat the game fairly (It's not hard once you get the hang of it), then I restarted, whipped out that cheated m16, and played duck hunt on some unfriendly little pistol-toting gangers...
Oh, and Half-Life is about 95% linear. The concept of a linear game is that you have to accomplish your goals in a certain order. You need to reach this switch, to trigger this lift, to get to this door, etc etc... It doesn't matter if you're running back and forth around a maze to accomplish those goals.
I remember I was really nice with helping this one guy in Diablo II around 1.04 and he was like "Hey, you're a nice guy, stay here I'll be right back". So then he comes back and gives me all this hacked stuff, dozens of SOJ's, etc. Lemme tell ya, Diablo II was never more fun after that. And in CS I tried hacking online to see how obvious it would be if you really were cheating and just for a little fun, so I made a server with myself and a friend. Holy crap, that was so fun. I'd be like "HIDE AND SEEK!" and he'd go hide, then I'd fly from around the corner with a knife and scare the **obscenity** out of him. Hell I even did the NS skin swap (but it was when the admins declared it "fun mode" and turned sv_cheats on) and that was hilariously funny. I ran into the marines base and they dropped a welder on me, and I started welding all their buildings to death.
Anyways, cheating is SUPER FUN and the only person it ruins the game for are the legit players.
Disclaimer: I do not nor do I plan to use hacks, cheats, or scripts to give myself or my team an unfair advantage, nor do I endorse cheating of any kind.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Maybe you ought to read the whole thread.
Most of the cheaters (myg0t).. were ex-pro gamer's who saw how immature the Counter-Strike community was and started cheating because it would "rage" them.. which brings self-humor.
So, guys.. cheating does not prove that " I suck, so I must cheat ".. it's meant to **obscenity** you off and too whine.
So, if you sit there and whine.. and not play.. then the cheater is really the one that is winning.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Your actions show just how "immature" you are. You should leave people alone. If you don't like how stupid people are acting then go away. It is very childish to upset people on purpose.
Most of the cheaters (myg0t).. were ex-pro gamer's who saw how immature the Counter-Strike community was and started cheating because it would "rage" them.. which brings self-humor.
So, guys.. cheating does not prove that " I suck, so I must cheat ".. it's meant to **obscenity** you off and too whine.
So, if you sit there and whine.. and not play.. then the cheater is really the one that is winning.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah cheating just to watch people react is the sign of a lamer. If you ever do <i>anything</i> for the sole purpose of **obscenity** people off, then your moral high ground doesn't really exist. Besides, you are also ruining the game as well for people that don't complain.
Anyway, if someone is cheating and no one says anything, then the cheater wins because he gets to go on cheating and killing everyone. And according to you if they do whine the cheater is also winning. However, if people do complain and an admin is at hand, then the cheater gets banned and never comes back, so the legit players win. Horaay!
For example, Diablo I was made almost totally unplayable by hackers who had almost infinite life and mana, level 30 spells, hacked super-strong equipment and just spent all day going into other peoples' games and killing them or forcing them to quit (although the times I killed them with my 100% legit sorcerer are memorable).
As for single player cheating, i dont see whats wrong in doing it, except when it turns a good gamer into a multiplayer cheater.
Most of the cheaters (myg0t).. were ex-pro gamer's who saw how immature the Counter-Strike community was and started cheating because it would "rage" them.. which brings self-humor.
So, guys.. cheating does not prove that " I suck, so I must cheat ".. it's meant to **obscenity** you off and too whine.
So, if you sit there and whine.. and not play.. then the cheater is really the one that is winning.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The hardcore myg0t's doesn't need cheats to rage you. Those you're thinking of is called [JAPS] and they cheat to get good stats/good rep.
You can't really win against myg0t, seeing how they think any reaction is funny. If you're annoyed, they laugh. If you're whining, they laugh. If you kick them/ban them, they laugh. If they crash your server, they laugh.