Share your most delightful newb stories
Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143872Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter

Hoy guys,
I thought as a little compensation for all the poor vets who couldn't get a proper game up over the weekend, we could share our observations of the most entertaining newb behaviours.
As I didn't get to play much and overall had luck with my sheep (some really good games on mineshaft yesterday night!), I only have one hilarious moment to share:
we were marines on Veil and had a comm who went straight away for a Robotics Factory and Sentries. Noone seemed to have a clue what Extractors are good for etc. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. So after some explaining from my side, the comm offered his chair to me and I hoped in. At that stage aliens were setting up at Skylights and Topo, with Fades and Lerks, it was nasty... In the middle of this mayhem there was one green one with a very positive attitude constantly posting stuff like "we can still win this" "we need robots!" "build some robots commander!"
Just what's the appeal of AI units to newbs in this game?
Anyway, I'm sure there's much better material out there than my petty little story, so let us know!
Disclaimer: No newbs were harmed in the making of this thread.
I thought as a little compensation for all the poor vets who couldn't get a proper game up over the weekend, we could share our observations of the most entertaining newb behaviours.
As I didn't get to play much and overall had luck with my sheep (some really good games on mineshaft yesterday night!), I only have one hilarious moment to share:
we were marines on Veil and had a comm who went straight away for a Robotics Factory and Sentries. Noone seemed to have a clue what Extractors are good for etc. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. So after some explaining from my side, the comm offered his chair to me and I hoped in. At that stage aliens were setting up at Skylights and Topo, with Fades and Lerks, it was nasty... In the middle of this mayhem there was one green one with a very positive attitude constantly posting stuff like "we can still win this" "we need robots!" "build some robots commander!"
Just what's the appeal of AI units to newbs in this game?
Anyway, I'm sure there's much better material out there than my petty little story, so let us know!
Disclaimer: No newbs were harmed in the making of this thread.
Comebacks are very common now. Losing a hive and half your harvesters usually means a death sentence, but not with so much green all around...
Lasted TWENTY more minutes being stuck on 1 RT. Luckily we had already researched flame throwers so spore wasn't that big of an issue. They almost took our power down 3 times but we were able to repair and hold. Killed maybe 5 Onoses who broke through. Had to remind them to focus more on welding than killing aliens. Take that Alien Fatties! Good Job Greenies on holding off the Alien Horde for 20 minutes. I found it refreshing that many of them listened and got flame throwers after learning that flame kills spores.
On the first day of Free Weekend played a Veil map as Aliens. We had already taken 3 hives so Marines were looking grim. However, they were making a huge push towards overlook and a breakout looked like a real possibility. Couple of the Free Weekenders were like "Okay, what's the plan?" Told them to Onos if they could afford it and back up Overlook. I ran into an Onos headed towards Overlook and changed plans. I'd evolve to Gorge, a skulk in C-12 meets us outside Topo and we bum rush Control. There were only 2 marines out of 12 sitting in Control when we ram through and started breaking stuff. The rest of the Marine team freaked out and ran back to which we, like good Aliens, got the hell out of there. Alien com cysted in, placed crags, shifts and shades in Topo. I got killed biling and just went Onos. Rushed their power 6 minutes later with 2 Onos from both sides and ended it. New Players seem to think that Onos is invincible. I generally see non new players run if they're trying to save their Onos where new players get greedy on the kills (but who can blame them, they're a giant tank and after maybe 2 days of having not so good K:D, they're eager to change that).
For Marines, I notice that there are basically three types of new player Marines:
1) The ones who go off on their own and get slaughtered
2) The ones who simply follow the pack (hence everyone but 1 guy headed in one direction, or everyone is building? I'll build too!)
3) The ones who figured out who isn't an idiot and follow them around the ENTIRE game
Had a new marine basically saying to me "I'm just following you" and when I was sitting in deposits waiting for a phase gate at 2 minutes (rushed it early, screw the Gap) was like "how long are we just going to stand here?" And then promptly stopped talking as a skulk entered the room.
As much as people say the Free Player don't listen, I found that many of them do. The advice to Kill extractor first, then power seems to have taken hold. I don't expect them to learn the nuance of Observatory vs Power vs Phase gate vs Infantry Portal protocol, but they're getting there. Many seem to understand power is key, but not quite which other structures to take down first.
One guy made a hilarious comment that he's starting to merge the maps all together, confusing which room is in which map. Sounds like we have a hooked user there!
And some of them are now referring to Gorges as Hippos! Awesome.
"The big bird does..."
"With the fat pig you can..."
"Those little doggies..."
"The big rhino..."
...'s all good.
Let's do the Hippo Stomp!
Lerk = Flying vermin
Gorge = Alien Hippo/Pig
Onos = Giant Scary Turtle Tank thingy
No one seems to confuse what a fade is though.
And Exo = Mech to which people say "AH!"
Explaining ARCs takes some time though to people who just got the game.
That's not a bad description of it. But in my games, I haven't had anyone ask what a Fade does. Seems that they all got familiar with it when it attacked them when they started as Marines. Some do ask what Vortex does. I'm close to 200 hours on this game and I have YET to see someone use Vortex.
I swear I hear a collective "****" from the new players when someone says "Fade (location)"
Yelled at me when I was fading on one occasion...
Manage to survive and do a pretty good job, and I think the greens noticed, 'cause it didn't take to long
before I saw multiple fades on the map.
Which felt good because a lot of the times they never evolve and stick to skulk all game.
Aliens are about lifeforms so always glad to see them trying out higher lifeforms
Err, off-topic. Sowwy. >_>
Felt good after a lot of players had been rage quiting aliens after getting torn apart through most of the game to actually win it.
He didn't last long.
I joined a game as a marine: the comm was Robo Factory spamming... after I while I facepalmed, I went spectating just to see that aliens' commander was spamming whips and nothing else.
Not a single extractor had been built in the first 20 minutes.
Both teams had no clue.. With some coaching they played a few matches later then many pug gamer who played for weeks.
Yes.. beause they actively learned & listened I saw playstyles I hardly see like actually getting of the damn floor as skulks.
Good times.
spectating a gorge while waiting to respawn happily jumping around ... and into a cavern in mineshaft.
walking lerks
the random skulk biting unbuild powernodes.
a bunch of greens following me around the map mimicking everything i do.
skulks/gorges using parasite/baitball as their main attack.
Damn, I like that! It could catch on.
"Construct Additional Pylons"
"We Require More Minerals"
"Spawn More Overlords"
I think that all of the good fades who understand Vortex are content to just blink kill people.
Usually getting frustrated at not being able to expand as alien commander = whips for days. Every time. So many games this weekend have been 2-3 whips dropped instantly before I can try to stop them. I really don't know what it is about static defense that makes people cream their panties so hard... it's not even a good idea in most RTS games unless you know there's an attack coming and absolutely need the defense to not die.
I use V to talk, just press Q every time you want to talk FIRST, and you'll have no problems.
As to the best story, I was fighting a fade with a JP and SG, a lerk was standing on the ground next to us, waddling left and backwards, spraying gas at me.
Honestly, I had some of the best games I have ever had last night. I had some people who jumped at my offer to give tips and help. Which this leads into another noob thing; I was told to leave the server by two guys because it was "rookie" and I was too good. The server was an UWE official non green server. Some how official meant rookie. I argued with them for a minute saying it was not rookie and that the term is rookie friendly not rookie only. Then all the people I had helped backed me up and said I was great because I was helping them making the server more rookie friendly, not that it was a rookie friendly server.
Rookie player hopped into the Comm chair (Marine) before I joined the team (So had no idea he was a rookie)
I then proceeded to request RT's, PG's and ARC's (when appropriate) using those terms. 10 Mins into the match, the Comm typed "Dude, I have no idea what anything your saying is".