First Strike for skulks.

Al_BoboAl_Bobo Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183957Members
In the late-game -phase, when marines are fully buffed with armor and weapon damage, I feel pretty powerless as a skulk. It feels like I have to chomp that hopping marine forever to get him down. What if there was a bite damage increasing ability that recuired 2 hives and had to be researched? The first bite would do 1.5x damage from the front and 2x damage from behind. That ability would have 10 second cooldown timer (maybe with some filling up timer bar or sound cue) and it would be used automatically on the first bite skulk did after it's ready. It would be used up regardless if the skulk actually hit anything.
This would encourage "skulking" more and act as minor buff.


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