COMMUNITY SERVICE ENLISTMENT: Natural Selection 2 Mentorship Program [ns2mentor]
Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11633Members, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester

First let me start by expressing a big welcome to those who wish to learn and those that wish to mentor.
This program is being initiated because mentors have always provided a huge role in society and always have a great positive impact on any community they have served to mentor in, so if you've come here today with an aspiration to mentor, I thank you for your initiative.
To those who wish to become mentors (a general expectation).:
Make it your philosophy to be friendly and nurturing to new players, to be polite and encouraging as we welcome them to the community. You may receive questions as you play on servers, you’re always encouraged to respond to them as best as you can. No one here is required to be an expert at the game, but if you feel comfortable enough to point someone in the right direction, this is where you are greatly appreciated. Additionally no one is required to be dedicated a specific amount of time to be a mentor, simply continue enjoying the game you love, but simply make a commitment to attitude. Being an [ns2mentor] means you represent all that the community should represent and help create an enjoyable experience for everyone. As we start this program up, our current goal is to get the word out, about our goals, about this steam group and about our intentions. Right now the best thing anyone can do is tell your friends and teammates about this group whether they want to mentor or learn.
To our students of Natural Selection:
I applaud your enthusiasm to learn and I hope we as Mentors can help your needs and improve your gaming experience with one of the truly great games out there. At this time we are recruiting those who wish to take on the role as mentor, I ask you employ patience as we recruit our first group of enthusiastic mentors who want to be there to help you. We’ll always do our best to reply to your questions or help out as soon as possible. Feel free to ask questions or for help from any one of our mentors, and they will always help you the best they can if they're available to answer your questions.
Special Note:
As time goes on, as more and more people take on the Mentor role, more hang out in chat and any other future resources we may have, my goal is to streamline the mentoring process as much as possible. However, should you have any feedback and suggestions for our program, please join the discussion here and let us know your thoughts. Also expect many future updates as we continue to develop content for the program.
I invite anyone to hang out in the steam group chat if they wish, it may not be populated all the time as we get started, but everyone is definitely more than welcome to utilize it, and encouraged to, to either get to know your fellow mentors, or answer questions anyone new or curious might have.
"How can I help?"
Simply introduce yourself to some "rookies", identify yourself as an Natural Selection 2 Mentor and what that means. Ask if they would like to learn a little more about the game. If they answer yes and they would like to go under your wing, calmly and politely teach them some of the basic points of the game as well as maybe a couple of the finer details. It doesn't have to be organized training sessions. But a little tip here and there, some general encouragement in a positive upbeat tone. Little bit goes a long way.
Being an NS2Mentor a commitment to the community as a whole, to act at all times upstanding, to be helpful and positive and a teacher. To do our best not to let the frustration that gets even the best of us, rear it's head that often, but instead staying positive all the way thru if possible. Mentoring is just as much imprinting a positive attitude just as it is imparting your knowledge onto the player.
"Why should I become a mentor?"
It's really up to those of us who want to see the community viewed as a friendly nurturing atmosphere to outshine the individuals who would just call new players "noobs", bad", etc. Rather then the encouragement and little guidance that would go such a long way.
"How do I get started?"
For now, as we get this off the ground. Simply by joining the steam group. And of course dedicate some of your time being a mentor. You're encouraged to join the group chat. Help recruit more mentors, spread the word about the official steam group, populate it with both willing mentors as well as inviting new players who would like to learn more about NS2 and be mentored so they have easy access to our enlisted mentors via the group. Lastly, if you wish I encouraged you to wear #mentor or [mentor] after your name in game to help identify yourself (if it fits of course), I wear it myself and it's a great way for those unfamiliar with the mentor program to approach you.
"I'm simply too busy. What if I don't have the time to be mentor?"
There is no certain amount of time required of you to be a mentor, simply continuing playing and enjoying the game, but show up with a positive attitude that a mentor would take on when you join a server and simple encourage and nurture new players as you come across them. By that alone you are being a mentor and providing an impact to the community. =]
"How do I get started?"
Join the steam group, familiarize yourself with the resources at hand to help you along the way. If anyone is in group chat. Feel free to join it and ask for assistance or simply leave a message on the group page if you would like to have someone answer your questions or arrange to help you out at a later time. Also feel free to join the discussion here to give any feedback you may have on the Mentorship Program.
To all of you who have taken the time to read this, to those of you dedicated to this game and to the community. To those of you want to see it flourish and continue to grow, thank you.

Join the steam group here!: Natural Selection 2 Mentors Steam Group
Step 2: You: "Oh man, you have a mic! Hey, over here look at this!!!"
Step 3: Feign extreme excitement, start hopping around the command chair
Step 4: You: "What are you waiting for? Hop in!"
Step 5: *command chair closes* Him: "What the hell is this?"
Step 6: You: "Oh boy! You are our BOSS now! We gotta do everything you tell us to do!"
Step 7: Him: "omg wat"
Step 8: Become backseat commander, reap the profit of high KDR and a Commander doing mostly what you tell him.
Yeasterday was awsome only 2 players on the server werent rookies. I command most of the marine team with waypoints, explaining the game as it unfolds. Had an amazing 35 min game. Was awsome. Every rookie on my team was happy and eager to play more.
Most of the time I invite new players to my steam friends and boot up a server and show them around.
A good one and half hour to learn almost everything basic haha
As long as they learn and they're having fun. ;D
We lost (I had 6 rookies on marines, the aliens had 2...!) but during the game we managed to take down 3 hives, defend 3 tech points for about 5 minutes before oni swept through one, and get all the tech up so everyone had a good chance to see the depth of the game.
I only had to get out of the chair a few times, too - not many using mics, but a couple did, and one even went to find his mic straight after that round, which was nice
great idea!
Sure, i spend mosty times on newbie servers to help anyways. Ill tag it on after eating or something.
At some point one player of the other team, who was playing with me before and gratefully took my help started to insult me using hacks and behaving as if i had personally attacked him.
What is wrong with these kind of guys.. guess i am not used to that behavior as ns2 and killing floor have a great community.
Guess you gotta see the bad side to worship the good side again every now and then :-)
Understand this decision but I'm disappointed that the Devs are leaning on us once again after we've worked so hard to build this community up.
I've already been teachin left and right and I have no intention of stopping. Free weekend ftw!
So I had to make mine [mentor]
it said [ns2ment] lol
Rather than drinking tonight, I'll couch....or drink and couch at the SAME TIME.
I've had more fun with free weekend than in a long time.
It's fun to teach a F2P Weekender that as an Onos with a Gorge Buddy Friend, they can totally mess up a Marine base with a flanking maneuver. Sometimes it's better to sacrifice a harvester if it means there are 4 less marines in the area you want to hit. If we can trade one harvester for an entire Marine base, that's a trade off we should teach the free players.
Probably should have warned him to run at 50 to 75% health though.
Well, you could type or mic chat that if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
Lol mentor is perfectly fine, I know name space is limited, I removed my clan tag for the weekend to be able to fit [ns2mentor] better (Gotta bug someone about that.) but uh... tag or not, as long as people are helping this is awesome. ;D
I'm not usually one to come between a man and his drink... but if you are starting to believe that you can become one of THESE, you might wanna cut the booze down a little.
marines lost mostly due to teamplay. I went to matches alien comm, then 2 as marine comm, and rest mixed matches without comming.
After the 4th match I started to see marines push & group up. Aliens had to actually try. Every new player getting of the ground.
It was lovely to see the entire server grow aqnd having a clue. When I hopped on I saw exo and turrets.
When I left it was jetpack rushes, pressure from both sides, groupping up. Everyone did there job. (like skulks climbing)
It was a good day.
"most asked question"
* did you get appointed or do this on your own & do you get payed.
But I try.
As I mentioned in another thread: they might not speak English and thus simply not know what you want from them... I encountered ALOT of German fellas tonight who would only respond to me speaking German.