Railgun Exo's 8 minutes into a competitive game... got some good fps footage
Las Vegas Join Date: 2013-02-22 Member: 183267Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, WC 2013 - Shadow

Heellllooooooooo NS2 FANS!
So North American teams AtroX and Team156 clashed last night on Summit and Tram. AtroX ended up proving just too much for Team156 to handle - but still good games all around. I have to hand it to 156 for sticking it out and forcing AtroX to earn each "W".
That being said, something happened in the 3rd round that I myself have never seen in a competitive match - Railgun Exo's 8 (or 9) minutes into the match. I don't think in all the matches I have casted I have EVER seen Exo's on the field - of any type. And I've casted a lot of matches! So I was really excited to see these in action. Marshall from AtroX was REALLY good with it - one shotting aliens left and right and I got some good first-person footage of his rampage.
And because Neatchee and I were NOT expecting Exo's at all, especially that early, we didn't even notice until I saw the kill icon in the top left lol
Anyway, enjoy! Action starts at 7:15 if you want to skip to it.
So North American teams AtroX and Team156 clashed last night on Summit and Tram. AtroX ended up proving just too much for Team156 to handle - but still good games all around. I have to hand it to 156 for sticking it out and forcing AtroX to earn each "W".
That being said, something happened in the 3rd round that I myself have never seen in a competitive match - Railgun Exo's 8 (or 9) minutes into the match. I don't think in all the matches I have casted I have EVER seen Exo's on the field - of any type. And I've casted a lot of matches! So I was really excited to see these in action. Marshall from AtroX was REALLY good with it - one shotting aliens left and right and I got some good first-person footage of his rampage.
And because Neatchee and I were NOT expecting Exo's at all, especially that early, we didn't even notice until I saw the kill icon in the top left lol
Anyway, enjoy! Action starts at 7:15 if you want to skip to it.

Well played.
haha! Failed casting FTW!
"uncharged shots deal 150 damage"
blatant lie
Railguns so damn awesome to play with and play against.
Railgun; Chuck Norris edition.
Your railgun shots were amazing. Never seen so many exploding Aliens!
Yeah, pretty sure it's 50 to life forms and 100 to structures. It's more DPS to charge it.
I'm pretty sure ChrisAUS has it right. It's 150 to buildings, uncharged, on weapons 3. I was definitely caught up in the moment :P I DEFINITELY know that I've seen 150 damage numbers when using uncharged shots on a rail.
I'm also 100% positive that spamming uncharged shots does higher DPS than charging every shot. The charge time takes long enough that it results in lower DPS.
RedDog and I will be doing a video in the next few days that will test out exactly how much damage the rail gun outputs at each weapon level, both charged and uncharged, so we'll have some final, conclusive answers for you on this.
Thanks for the feedback!
But we just confirmed with some raw footage from immediately after the Gorgeous update landed that uncharged spams at weapon 0 were doing anywhere from 115 to 135 against structures (and this was just some random fire, not a controlled test). 400 for charged shots.
Again, we'll do some controlled tests soon and post the videos.
the damage is linear 100-400 depending on charge.
so, against players it's 50-200.
it's not increased by weapon upgrades, and due to the long cooldown between shots it most definitely feels like fully charged shots gives higher dps without even needing to verify with a stopwatch.
It's actually kind of hard to get a completely uncharged shot off, but i'm seeing 9 uncharged (between 112-120, gonna call it 116) per 10 seconds, and 3 charged per 10 seconds. So it's something like 104.4 dps for uncharged and 120 charged.... but that test is not very scientific, i didn't have anything in mind when i did it i just went and spammed shots at the hive for awhile.
one time i got advance armory the second we started and second base was up so fast no body had the pres to buy exos when they was researched!
Anyways, gg AtroX and nice to see non-standard strats being tried out in these matches.
you should shoot the hive from 100 to 0% charged and uncharged as close as you can get, then put the 2 footages side by side and label them charged uncharged so you get the comparison from the first second you start attacking the hive!
for bonus do the same while fisting it at the same time and we can count dmg/second then multiply per exo so if you wanna killa hive in X seconds you will need X exos to attack at the same time
It's actually not as bad of an idea as you think, fades are REALLY good at taking out railguns if you can get in close and stay behind them and I think we were just getting armor 2 up at that point. I honestly thought we were going to have to change tactics after we lost the first two exos.. that was a major hit to our Pres.
You can get armor 1 + railguns up in 4:45 if you can mange to hold 4 rts. No one will be able to buy them until about 6 minutes in though.
Now on to important discussions. I haven't seen the video yet but I am excited to hear about possible rail gun meta game. In theory it sounds like a reasonable strat. 50 res rail gun exo to gimp pre-fade life forms and step on eggs.
Otherwise there's only one strategy, Jp+sg
*edit* either way, I feel like aliens are lacking a lot. marines get entirely different units when... aliens don't... and nothing to counter the railgun...
It was nice to see shift first with egg spawning. It's hard to determine if that was what allowed them to finally get a second hive or that AtroX went for fast exo.