Natural Selection 2 Balance



  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6146Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Excellent job, guys. Rock on.
  • ThE_tHoRThE_tHoR Join Date: 2007-05-05 Member: 60802Members
    SteveRock wrote: »
    But at the same time, I think it's pretty frikkin' awesome we've achieved this with such a complex, asymmetric game. And that's worth a blog post.
    I fully agree

  • Kei-chanKei-chan Join Date: 2013-01-20 Member: 180898Members
    Are you sure your sentence doesn't prove the point that you cannot in practice predict the win rates of an asymmetrical game? You acknowledge the need for empirical evidence for hoverboard rugby. Would you also acknowledge it for:

    Football where one team has stun guns to shoot the other team?
    Tennis where one player has a robotic super-fast arm and the other shoes with infinite grip?
    American Football where one team's armour is electrified and the other team has super speed robotic legs?

    And if you would acknowledge it for those sports, why not NS2, which is orders of magnitude more asymmetrical?

    Oh my god, these examples.

    These examples.
  • A_PajanderA_Pajander Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11695Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Farknut wrote: »
    It feels like you took the conclusion you wanted "NS2 is balanced" and then picked out an easy statistic parameter (damn it) to show that conclusion. It's all backwards!
    Once the details are out regarding where the game is and isn't balanced then we can clearly see who is right and who is wrong. Why not make that a priority since balance is so important, rather than hiding it under the rug and parading the least useful parameter (!) in terms of balance that exists.

    Are you kidding me? So if the win ratio overall was 99-1 that wouldn't be so bad because it's the least useful parameter in terms of balance that exists? Do you actually expect UWE to respond to these absurd hyperbolic statements?
  • FarknutFarknut Join Date: 2013-03-18 Member: 184065Members
    edited March 2013
    snaga wrote: »

    Are you kidding me? So if the win ratio overall was 99-1 that wouldn't be so bad because it's the least useful parameter in terms of balance that exists? Do you actually expect UWE to respond to these absurd hyperbolic statements?

    You didn't get it. Just read the post by Tweadle above, he explained the significance of the overall winrate pretty well. Also, no I don't care whether or not UWE responds, just putting my opinion out there.
  • ResRes Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20245Members
    edited March 2013
    There are 3 crucial areas that need to be looked at when citing win/loss ratios in NS2.

    Number of players
    Map (and to a lesser extent spawn locations)

    These are the 3 most important features that you must look at when regarding win/loss ratios if you want a truly balanced game.

    If you are going to cite that "NS2 is fundamentally balanced", then you need to cite these factors as well to determine if your game really is balanced.

    All other things that can affect win/loss ratios are of much less significance.... and if you can't see that... then I don't know what to tell you.
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013
    Game length is great and all, but i don't think its a very good way of describing quality of gameplay. There is hardly a strong relationship here at all and by own admission e.g. long back and forth games also being fun.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013
    To summarise here is the problem.

    1) A level 0 skulk could be better than a level 0 marine. But a marine with armour upgrades could be better than a skulk with carapace. Etc, etc, etc.

    However, overall the win/lose rate is 50/50. You could even nerf the aliens something awful, but then make the Onos 20 res, and the win/loss ratio might even be 50/50.

    Here is another problem:

    2) I am new to the game, I don't really want to spend a lot of time learning about all the stats/nuances. I keep dying as Fade, the Fade is underbalanced.

    I complain on the forums.

    To be successful at this game, you have to know EVERYTHING. You also have to have an idea from the start of the game what you are going to do. Are you going to save for Fade? Are you going to save for Onos? This gets much deeper with pro play.

    Most great games (not saying NS2 is not a great game) do not require this. The fundamentals of which lie in simple FPS v FPS gameplay. All the popular games are built around this simple premise.

    Half-Life/BF3/COD/CS/L4D/Etc... (Melee + Secondary + Primary + Throwable / Kill guys + Complete basic objective = Simple AND you make a difference.)
  • WheeeeWheeee Join Date: 2003-02-18 Member: 13713Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    that's not true runteh...once you start playing against better players, if you don't have a plan in those other fps games, you are screwed.
  • XaoXao Join Date: 2012-12-12 Member: 174840Members
    Ok. To make sure we're clear: Because some individuals 'know' what is wrong with the game, Unknown Worlds should turn off Sponitor completely until that 'known' thing is changed. The corollary of course is to ignore all forum, social media and anecdotal feedback until that 'known' thing is fixed.

    I would like the input of others on this point. Who else agrees that Unknown Worlds should stop collecting all other information about Natural Selection 2 until one issue that some individuals 'know' is wrong with the game is fixed?

    Appreciate the effort and I get your point, I didn't say shit can all the stats in my post, I said shit can everything 20p+. This known thing is a spawn rate, take rugby for example since if I try to argue stats you and bob will take a shit on me from a great height, 7v7 rugby all players are on the field at all times, no dramas, this is competitive NS2.

    Now lets look at a standard rugby union game, 15v15 but for reasons unknown to the vast majority of people 2-3 members of one team constantly get dragged out the field of play for 13-30-43 seconds at a time during the first 5 minutes, that's what is effectively happening with alien egg/spawn rate, people in UWE much smarter than me have acknowledged the problem exactly and listed the times people have to stay alive to prevent this and noted they're not reasonable at all, one side is literally playing at a disadvantage unless they outright stomp every early game engagement. By design. Lifeforms are delayed by up to minutes, by design.

    This isn't some perception, tears for fears or complaint held by a forum troll it's a fact identified by UWE themselves and is being addressed in due time I'm aware, I still personally don't see the point of including high player count servers towards balancing statistics while it exists.
    matso wrote: »
    The most probable cause being the alien egg-spawning not keeping up with the number of deaths suffered early on in the game - this has long been known, but upto 239, the alien commander could patch it by going shift and building extra eggs.

    The increased death rate among skulks have probably meant that aliens in 241 and larger servers, aliens risk going bankrupt trying to compensate.
    matso wrote: »
    A plausible explanation for why teamsizes didn't matter in 239 and matters so much in 240/241 is just that the biggest influence is the sub-optimal egg spawning algorithm; when skulks starts to die a lot more, alien egg spawning starts to dominate the win/loss ratio, as the aliens can't afford to buy enough eggs to offset their death rate anymore.

    Not trying to play mum vs dad but it is 'known'.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Wheeee wrote: »
    that's not true runteh...once you start playing against better players, if you don't have a plan in those other fps games, you are screwed.

    Yeah of course, but essentially in most games it is all about killing the other guy. There is a metagame, but NS2's metagame is a huge part of it.

    Also the alien team is very unique in how you play it.

    I could pick up and of the games I listed and be very good at them in a short period of time. With NS2 that is a lot harder, and also is very reliant on not just your teams ability to kill the opposition, but their understanding of the game.

  • DarkflameQDarkflameQ Join Date: 2013-02-28 Member: 183451Members
    edited March 2013
    Been playing NS2 for a few months now and the biggest problems in regards to unbalanced game play are the following:

    1) Noob Commanders
    2) Rookie players
    3) Players being AFK
    4) Players refusing to join the team with the least amount of players and instead of quitting or manning up, they just stand around in the waiting area for ages denying other people the ability to join the server and balance the teams.

    Here's what i would do to address these issues:

    1) On non rookie servers, the vote system to eject commanders needs to go back 50% (even 60% would do) and a training video needs to be implemented during spawn to tell people how to vote.

    Since the increase of voting to 75% in the last patch, hardly any votes actually pass anymore and it's really ruining the game.

    I mean seriously guys, it's getting silly now, you had the voting just right on the previous builds!

    I now find myself playing the Combat mod more often than the original game play as i don't have to worry about noob commanders that are pretty much impossible to eject.

    2) Rookie players should only be allowed to join rookie servers until they have played a good 10 hours at least and people should not be able to remove rookie status.

    3) AFK kick should be on by default (at least on official servers).

    4) After a period of a couple of minutes of not joining a team, players in the waiting area should be forced onto the team that requires more players, if they don't like this, they will leave and allow others to join in instead of clogging up the server with their selfishness and stupidity.
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