Join Date: 2003-08-21 Member: 20060Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow

My name is Kristoffer, i've been creating levels and models mainly for Valve games since 2000 and i used to play the original Natural-Selection a lot.
The Map
Since i love the original NS and creating things i decided to give it a go and ended up with Lost, current progress has been good with a brief break due to Spark not working properly.
The map is currently in the Alpha stage which means it has been greyboxed with temporary lighting and some layout changes.
http://i.imgur.com/gjIt6ZQ.jpg (ingame)
The map is available on Steam Workshop via:
I am looking to get some feedback on the layout of the map, it obviously had to be changed at places to accomodate for NS2 and therefore i would love to hear what you think.
What do you like? What do you think should be changed? What needs to be removed?
Comments and feedback are very welcome!
Alpha 6
* Added more lights in various areas
* Added a techpoint to Alpha Continuum
* Added a Resource Node to Alpha Continuum
* Added two new areas to connect Alpha Continuum and Continuum Access
* Added a Resource Node to one of the new areas
* Added two new ventilations
* Added Eggs and Cysts to Alpha Continuum and Personell Docking Bay
* Added several Power Nodes for the areas missing one
* Added some stairs to Cargo Bay Delta
* Changed the location of Alpha Continuum
* Changed all Techpoints to allow random starting areas for both teams
* Changed some areas in a minor way to allow a proper placement of Power Nodes
My name is Kristoffer, i've been creating levels and models mainly for Valve games since 2000 and i used to play the original Natural-Selection a lot.
The Map
Since i love the original NS and creating things i decided to give it a go and ended up with Lost, current progress has been good with a brief break due to Spark not working properly.
The map is currently in the Alpha stage which means it has been greyboxed with temporary lighting and some layout changes.
http://i.imgur.com/gjIt6ZQ.jpg (ingame)
The map is available on Steam Workshop via:
I am looking to get some feedback on the layout of the map, it obviously had to be changed at places to accomodate for NS2 and therefore i would love to hear what you think.
What do you like? What do you think should be changed? What needs to be removed?
Comments and feedback are very welcome!
Alpha 6
* Added more lights in various areas
* Added a techpoint to Alpha Continuum
* Added a Resource Node to Alpha Continuum
* Added two new areas to connect Alpha Continuum and Continuum Access
* Added a Resource Node to one of the new areas
* Added two new ventilations
* Added Eggs and Cysts to Alpha Continuum and Personell Docking Bay
* Added several Power Nodes for the areas missing one
* Added some stairs to Cargo Bay Delta
* Changed the location of Alpha Continuum
* Changed all Techpoints to allow random starting areas for both teams
* Changed some areas in a minor way to allow a proper placement of Power Nodes
-Your minimap entity needs to be made square as currently the minimap is offset.
-You should place cysts leading from the techpoints to the resource nodes in Alpha Continuum and Cargo Bay Delta as harvesters that spawn in these locations aren't on infestation. I didn't check Equilibrium Regulation for this problem in-game but from what I can see in the editor it should be fine.
-Also to help navigation of the map, put all of the vents into a single layer called 'Vents'. This will mark them on the minimap as such.
Otherwise, I quite enjoyed bouncing around the map as a skulk and look forward to playing a few matches on it.
1. The long vent next to beta deck is as it was in ns1 which is nice, but in ns1 the exit to marine start from that vent was weldable. And it was always welded shut asap(in first 30s). Now when it cant be welded i think you should just remove that exit and let the vent go only to coolant. its too easy to keep pressuring marine start from that vent as it is.
2. If marine start still is where it was on ns1, it looks very small for my eye now. But ive only looked at the minimap.
3. Its ok to change ns1 maps if the idea is good, but... It looks like the new path from cargo hive to equi hive makes those 2 hives too close together.
Everything else in the map looks great! Keep up the good work
I've added a new overview to my first post, added the names and ventilations while cleaning it up really.
I would advice to test the map ingame to get a better feel for it, already fixed some things like location entities.
I actually had cysts already placed and starts built but not matured
Already knew about the minimap scale but forgot to fix it before uploading the map.
I knew there had to be a way for the ventilations to be added properly to the minimap but couldn't find anything, i had the name Ventilations but named it Vents now so it will be properly made next time.
As for the new path from cargo to equi, it looks like they are connected but they actually aren't, only the minimap that makes it look like it which is why you should try the map ingame :P
eternal requiem, looks like a giant skull!
You should join our custom map testing and starting testing it on sundays with us. Add me, rudy or oblivioussight on steam and we'll sort you out with the necessaries
I have few ideas with picture: http://i.imgur.com/pQFItDV.jpg
1. I would move beta deck power node so that it cant be spiked/bile bombed from distance. Maybe next to rt.
2. Remove vent entrance at point X. Too easy access to marine start from everywhere on the map. And the marine start power node is too easily spiked by lerk from that vent(might be even without the vent entrance). You could put crate or something near the node to block lerk spikes.
3. About point B. As much as id like it to stay like it is now and was in ns1, onos cant climb those ladders in ns2. That has to be redesigned. Onos in cargo/equi side of the map cant get anywhere near internal if there are marines at point M.
4. Point A. Just make sure to put enough obstacles there so that it isnt too marine friendly spot to arc alpha hive(corridor is quite big).
5. Coolant. Its huge... but looks nice. You could make it smaller. I have 2 ideas(red/blue line).
6. Cargo hive power node can be easily spiked down from point E.
Will check your thread later today.
Some great ideas here, about Temperature Control, i already had my doubts and wanted to find a proper way to incorporate a pair of stairs into it instead of a ladder, will take a second look at it.
And like Howser said, it'd be great if you were to join us on our sunday night maptests.
I also added a new overview that i took ingame.
Also double RT spots in central of map favours aliens too much. Central position of map is important enough without double RTs, that is just overkill.
And indeed, the vent to marine start should be removed.
Scrajm, the best commander of NS2, wrote these tips to make map good gameplay wise: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/128807/making-maps-competative/p1
Hey Tane!
Thanks for your feedback, the new alpha version i released a couple of days ago has the ventilation removed near marine start and the map itself does not have any double RTs, i will check the Alpha hive and the rest to see what i can come up with.
Good point from Tane. This problem could be solved by allowing aliens to only spawn either at cargo or equilibrium.
Yep, "new" rt between equilibrium and temperature control might be too much.
Cargo power node can be bile bombed from the vent.
Go test and give some feedback, wouldn't surprise me if i need to add some ventilations.
- The commander camera height transitions are very sharp.
- The Cargo Bay Delta harvester doesn't start covered in infestation if aliens spawn there.
- Cysting up the ramp in Cargo Bay Delta to the resource node is a bit awkward. The Khamm had to try to cyst under the bottom ramp but that was made difficult by the corridor above. It was suggested that the ramps could swap positions.
- You can arc the Cargo Bay Delta harvester from Equilibrium Adjunct.
- The Cargo Bay Delta harvester is easily shot from Cargo Access Corridor, and grenade launchers are very powerful when attacking the Hive from that position.
- The vent over Gamma Deck Access blocks the commander view of the corridor
- Marines attacking an Equilibrium Regulation hive can hold position on the quite far back on the high ground and shoot the hive, forcing aliens to climb up and attack them, giving marines a significant advantage.
- The trenches in Coolant Access are too small. Skulks get stuck on top if they run over them. If you deploy arcs in those trenches they can leave the level bounds.
- Skulks spawning in Eternal Requiem are spawning stuck to the floor.
- The hive at Eternal Requiem can be arced from Los Paranoias. Aliens defending that hive have to attack down two straight corridors to try to stop them. It was suggested that a vent could maybe be used to help solve that issue.
- Eggs are starting spawned in Eternal Requiem without a hive present.
Actually that hive can be arced from beta deck
Try and be there next time! We usually have a great time.
I didn't see it mentioned though, but you appear to have the map at completely the wrong orientation. This would only affect map views, but here is the original orientation of ns_lost:
Marine start is meant to be at the north west. It would be less confusing for NS1 players to keep it that way. Not sure how easy it is to rotate a complete map in NS2 though, or if it's worthwhile -- probably not.
Liking the progress though
Isn´t this a little bit utopian ? (for one single person)
It's probably more of a way to create something quite different theme-wise that would still fit NS2.
If you enjoy making your own content and it keeps you plugging away at your map then great