Gorge can build eggs for other players

WoollySammothWoollySammoth Join Date: 2013-02-14 Member: 183062Members
I tried searching to see if this had been suggested before, so sorry if this is a repeat.

The Premise:

I quite like playing gorge late-game, especially during an alien winning late-game. Someone needs to protect those Onuses--This is probably somewhat exacerbated by the FPS I get if i actually enter the cluttastrophuck of a marine-turtled CC room, so bile bombing from the doorway and being a sentient medpack is one [of the two] way(s) I can contribute late-game. I also think late-game gorging is a role that *should* be played in a game (i.e. I don't feel gorges should be abandoned to have all players lerk or higher).

So often, late game, i'm being a porky gorge, all is going swimmingly, my life-giving udders are freely suckling my team in to fighting spirits, and I have this p-res reserve fatter than my belly that babblers and 3 hydras just can't dent. If I evolve to something else i'm going to have less fun (probably dropping to around 10 funs per second), will prolly waste the life form, and may 'hurt' the team.

The Idea and/or [delete as applicable] Suggestion:

Therefore I suggested that gorges be allowed to drop eggs for higher life-forms at the cost of p-res, kinda like the khaamander can with t-res. The actual cost of the eggs, I think, should cost more than a personal evolution:

E.g. a khaam dropped Onus egg = 60, to evolve = 75, to gorge-lay = 85--this would, as a happy coincidence, mean skulk eggs would cost 10pres and not be free.

Now, dear internet users, please do you thing, and try to mercilessly destroy my Idea and/or [delete as applicable] Suggestion. :)




  • KhazeKhaze Join Date: 2006-12-12 Member: 59031Members
    I do think that Gorges could use a res sink of some sort, outside of moving their Hydra nest from place to place. Atleast in NS1 they had a meaningful way of spending their excess res by dropping useful structures...

    As for them building eggs, I can't really say. Might be worth trying.
  • CowMeatCowMeat Join Date: 2013-03-02 Member: 183557Members
    I like the idea of a gorge being able to build lurk, fade, and onus eggs at cost of his personal res. Because gorges are just good guys.
  • DazkoDazko Join Date: 2013-03-05 Member: 183699Members
    What if a gorge can spawn a gorge egg that spawns a gorge egg that spawns a gorge egg thats spawns a gorge egg...

    but personally i do like this idea, it can be a great way to share resources, similar to how marines can drop weapons for each other.
  • CrushaKCrushaK Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester
    You are already sharing resources by letting them pile up to 100. You simply won't be counted for the res distribution then and the rest of your team gets more pres from that tick.
  • WoollySammothWoollySammoth Join Date: 2013-02-14 Member: 183062Members
    edited March 2013
    CrushaK wrote: »
    You are already sharing resources by letting them pile up to 100. You simply won't be counted for the res distribution then and the rest of your team gets more pres from that tick.

    You know, i actually didn't consider that, but that still requires you to be at 100. This would allow a support character to res-share at 60 p-res, gnome sayin'.


    Also, how much are you sharing then at that point? Are you sharing enough for an Onus egg in an Onus egg's build time?
  • Al_BoboAl_Bobo Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183957Members
    edited March 2013
    I like this idea. If I play Gorge, I often end up with 100 pres and feel a bit ashamed to not go Onos. I could easily give someone my excess pres. Hopefully we see this feature ingame some day.
  • AurOn2AurOn2 COOKIES! FREEDOM, AND BISCUITS! Australia Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140224Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Forum staff
    Dazko wrote: »
    What if a gorge can spawn a gorge egg that spawns a gorge egg that spawns a gorge egg thats spawns a gorge egg...

    but personally i do like this idea, it can be a great way to share resources, similar to how marines can drop weapons for each other.

    Gorge egg ception
  • EliakimEliakim Join Date: 2013-03-21 Member: 184105Members
    Why not let a gorge drop an egg with his res? It's not different than a marine buying a weapon and dropping it. As long as the cost is paid, who cares who uses it?
  • RohanStanthejellymanRohanStanthejellyman Join Date: 2013-03-26 Member: 184445Members
    Disagree, would be too easily exploited. Besides its an obvious glib comparison to say that weapons are tantamount to eggs considering standard eggs are incubated around the hive and are treated as temporary structures.

    ...so yeah
  • xen32xen32 Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Al_Bobo wrote: »
    I like this idea. If I play Gorge, I often end up with 100 pres and feel a bit ashamed to not go Onos.
    Suicide bile. Ten times.

  • eliotmateliotmat Join Date: 2002-12-01 Member: 10350Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    How about the gorge can "fertilize" an existing egg for 50 res?

    Then a teammate can "use" the fertilized egg and evolve to a higher lifeform at cost minus 25 res.
  • ImpatientJediImpatientJedi Join Date: 2013-03-10 Member: 183870Members
    Gorges dropping eggs or upgrading them would be cool, but it would to offer something more. Late in the game and if the aliens are winning the alien commander also needs to get rid of his resources and one way is to make shifts and upgrade those eggs.
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