A couple suggestions.

Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
edited March 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
1. Allow commanders to mute player requests when muting player voices
2. Allow concede at a time earlier than the 10 minute mark, at around the 5 minute mark
3. Reduce life regeneration on lerks using the crag regeneration trait down around 10-20%, nothing drastic
4. Take out tracers on lerks and hydras, it effectively discards any use of perching
5. Increase skulk acceleration and friction values to somewhere between b239 and b241
6. Take out celerity in-combat debuff
7. Reduce celerity speed increase on, skulks only, by 10-20%, nothing drastic
8. Also a bug that spawns you with 0 personal resources when joining a game that has already started


  • Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
    9. Some sort of indicator to let you know camouflage is active, when in alien vision.
    10. Camouflage seems a little buggy, it seems to deactivate with a very sensitive threshold.
    -I see skulks turning an opaque green a lot of the time, when they appear to be shift walking.
  • Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
    11. Allow conceding while dead.
  • AkimotoAkimoto Norway Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183642Members
    I disagree with "Allow concede at a time earlier than the 10 minute mark, at around the 5 minute mark". Why the heck would I want to join a game just to have my entire team concede because they had a "bad start"?
  • Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
    The part about that is akimoto I have found marines can just push into the alien main hive and egglock before the 2 minute mark. Now if they wanted to troll the aliens and have a lot of fun doing it, they could rush railguns while containing the aliens to only their main hive. Now this will go on for 8 more minutes. That is why I suggest a concede option @ 4 minutes, also allowing conceding while dead.
  • AkimotoAkimoto Norway Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183642Members
    I also disagree with "allowing conceding while dead". The moment a player dies the "nerd-rage" symptom may kick in, which is the moment wanting to concede is at its peak.
    Not being able to concede while dead will cause players to wait it out, respawn and probably forget about the concede. Instead, they keep playing.

    I disagree with 3; since lerks die incredibly fast when a marine that knows how to aim, shoots it.
    I agree with 5, since, well, I am biased towards alien.
    I agree with 8,9 and 10.
  • SeeVeeSeeVee Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165206Members
    skulk speed is fine, disagree.
  • Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
    Lerks are INCREDIBLY durable, and in the right hands a lerk with regen will kill a team of 3 to 4 alone. Before phase gate and before an armory is in the room, a lerk with regen will eliminate a room till a bunch of marines get there, and heal within seconds. Regen on a lerk is incredibly strong
  • randomroperandomrope Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 180026Members
    The part about that is akimoto I have found marines can just push into the alien main hive and egglock before the 2 minute mark. Now if they wanted to troll the aliens and have a lot of fun doing it, they could rush railguns while containing the aliens to only their main hive. Now this will go on for 8 more minutes. That is why I suggest a concede option @ 4 minutes, also allowing conceding while dead.

    That is game mechanic. Everything you ever read or watch from the devs stresses marines (and aliens) to play aggressively and rush to be successful most of the time, aliens do it all the time by hitting the single IP marines usually start with. The only reason you think they are trolling is because a good marine team of 3-4 will have 1-2 people on the hive and 2-3 killing eggs (because eggs will continue to spawn), while the comm drops ammo and health. So it always takes a while. If the whole group were to focus fire a couple skulk spawns usually defeat them. Marine hive rush naturally takes longer to down a hive than an alien rush to down a comm chair.

    If I'm in a 3-4 man hive rush I usually never shoot the hive. I focus on eggs > upgrades > continue to shoot egg spawns. While the other guy(s) shoot the hive.

    Why would you want a game to be able to end before you even finish listening to a song? Like my NS2 round will be over before my soup gets done microwaving...that's going to make me stop playing after a while.

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