Visual Armor and weapon difference

overduboverdub Join Date: 2013-03-08 Member: 183800Members
edited March 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions

It seems like when you upgrade your armor and weapons in NS2 there is no visual difference. If you had a visual difference for both teams, then Aliens would know what level the weapons and armor are on humans, Humans would kinda know what upgrades the aliens were using, both teams would fill like their character had improved when they visually see difference and you could plan better strategies to counter their upgrades.

It could be as simple as: a small particle change on guns, Make the legs of aliens go tinted with red when they get faster or larger shoulder pads on humans (although this might require some small re-rigging, so you might want to avoid any 3D model changes). But you can always get away with some good texture changes. Just make it noticeable.

Just wanted to know if anyone else likes the visual change when you get an upgrade or if NS2 does this already and i missed it? in which what changes?

Game designer for Meteorite Games.

P.S I love this game, so AMAZING!


  • KalabalanaKalabalana Join Date: 2003-11-14 Member: 22859Members
    Old suggestion, but good to revisit since nothing had been done.
  • KazterKazter Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19481Members, Constellation
    This is in the same vein of a visual Hive upgrade that has been proposed on occasion by multiple people. Again another good idea, but alas it will go unnoticed as it has in the past.
  • overduboverdub Join Date: 2013-03-08 Member: 183800Members
    I think its different, sorry to disagree. But the Hive upgrade is good and i total support it. But this could effectively change the game-play of the game in a positive way. It would allow the marines and aliens to plan there attacks and create more accurate strategies.

    For example, Humans would know from the first skulk they see, that they have the speed boost. As such they would research flamethrowers or something like that to counter that.

    I think its a small change you can add, not much extra coding and it would double the game-play and re-playable value.

    The reason i disagree to the notion "its on the same vein of a visual hive", is because this would effect both teams, it would be almost at the instant you saw a sulk you would know the upgrades and finally it allows earlier game alterations to be made to counter the upgrades (which frankly isnt really implemented at all).

    In regrades to the Hive upgrade. It only changes the aliens and the only game-play add would be if/or when the humans found the hive.

    sorry, im not attacking your comment, you have supported my idea and thank you. I guess im saying, this should be considered a higher priority then the hive and really should of been implemented from the start of the game.
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