Exploding Aliens!

LunosLunos Join Date: 2009-08-18 Member: 68518Members
edited March 2013 in NS2 General Discussion
After seeing the new death animation from railguns (which is totally awesome btw), I was inspired to kindly ask the developers to give us more exploding Aliens! What I mean is, would it be possible to retool alien deaths from the grenade launcher to be exploding deaths? Preferably with flaming debris instead of the white/blue nanobits. I don't know if it's possible to "reskin" the animation but just thinking of flaming skulk bits raining down from a vent you just lobbed a grenade into was just too good to pass up!

Edit: Just thought that this could work for mines too!


  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
    I'd like to see gore added.

    Marines losing chunks(or limbs) when being killed via bite, or getting a deep cut when being slashed by a fade, or having a hole in their chest when being killed by an onos.
  • YMICrazyYMICrazy Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members
    Onos attack is already called "gore" so it would be nice if it instagibbed marines in a spectacular explosion of limbs and torso. Would be nice if skulks could continue to tear apart the dead rag dolls on marines to lob off arms and other parts. As well as marine shotguns and grenade launchers and mines performing similarly. It also adds satisfactions to kills after you finally manage to down that one fade that was slaughtering your entire team. Most average players love this stuff as Cory said:

    "But their game is just much more accessible to a main stream audience...and you get to hack off limbs and heads in that game, which = instant crowdpleaser."

    Would be welcomed as long as you can disable it and revert it back to non gore so no one will say it is fluff that gets in the way of serious games.
  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
    Onos attack is already called "gore" so it would be nice if it instagibbed marines in a spectacular explosion of limbs and torso. Would be nice if skulks could continue to tear apart the dead rag dolls on marines to lob off arms and other parts. As well as marine shotguns and grenade launchers and mines performing similarly. It also adds satisfactions to kills after you finally manage to down that one fade that was slaughtering your entire team. Most average players love this stuff as Cory said:

    "But their game is just much more accessible to a main stream audience...and you get to hack off limbs and heads in that game, which = instant crowdpleaser."

    Would be welcomed as long as you can disable it and revert it back to non gore so no one will say it is fluff that gets in the way of serious games.

    In the case of the onos attack(Gore), it means "To impale".
  • NarfwakNarfwak Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5258Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica PT Lead, NS2 Community Developer
    I think the line is drawn internally between blowing up imaginary monsters and depictions of human beings. Exploderating kharaa into glowing blue goop is awesome but slicing marines apart with fades might end up being a little too gross and over the top.
  • FrothybeverageFrothybeverage Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13593Members
    I'm not asking for Gears of War style gore.
  • gimmicgimmic Join Date: 2013-03-02 Member: 183555Members
    Narfwak wrote: »
    I think the line is drawn internally between blowing up imaginary monsters and depictions of human beings. Exploderating kharaa into glowing blue goop is awesome but slicing marines apart with fades might end up being a little too gross and over the top.

    Because showing a little more gore in a game where you already kill eachother is totally taboo. /eyeroll

    Add it as polish and make it a customization preference.

  • YMICrazyYMICrazy Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members
    edited March 2013
    I get that some people do not like over the line gore but that's why I said in red that it should be allowed to be disabled and set back to what we have now if people prefer find it gross and over the top. I mean the masses enjoy gore and as long as it can be set to off who can complain about it? People love gore.
  • FLuXFLuX Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11633Members, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
    Ya know, extending gibbing to the Grenade Launcher might not be that bad of an idea if the kill was directly related to a direct shot on the alien. (As oppose to a splash damage kill.) +1 on this idea.
  • DavilDavil Florida, USA Join Date: 2012-08-14 Member: 155602Members, Constellation
    I agree that all explosions should cause the explosion animation from aliens. I also think marines should die a slightly bloodier death.
  • ritualsacrificeritualsacrifice Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 171148Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    As much as I like gore in other games, I don't think it really has much of a place in NS2. Maybe a gore-soaked horror themed map would be cool, but the gameplay doesn't benefit from gore at all, and the game runs poorly enough on my computer as it is.
  • KuddlyKalliKuddlyKalli Yuggera Country Join Date: 2010-12-23 Member: 75905Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    In most rating systems, monster/alien gore is considered mild. But when gore involves humans it is much more serious.
  • Know painKnow pain Join Date: 2012-09-04 Member: 157674Members
    Sure and while they are at it the exploding alien will cause damage to the marine if they are close enough.
  • SquishpokePOOPFACESquishpokePOOPFACE -21,248 posts (ignore below) Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165262Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    In most rating systems, monster/alien gore is considered mild. But when gore involves humans it is much more serious.

    Xenoism at its finest. Makes me sick.

  • AurOn2AurOn2 COOKIES! FREEDOM, AND BISCUITS! Australia Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140224Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Forum staff
    Ah the hypocrisy of humanity. We can butcher and blow up other species
    But we draw the line when we do such things to our own species.
  • WhiteWeaselWhiteWeasel Join Date: 2012-11-25 Member: 173197Members
    edited March 2013
    My CPU (technically APU) dislikes this idea. ;)
  • shonanshonan Join Date: 2013-01-28 Member: 182562Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    In most rating systems, monster/alien gore is considered mild. But when gore involves humans it is much more serious.
    Does it matter? NS2 is a violent game anyway, it deserves violent ratings anyway

  • meatmachinemeatmachine South England Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177858Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Would it be possible to make a mod to add more death animations?
  • -WildCat--WildCat- Cape Town, South Africa Join Date: 2008-07-19 Member: 64664Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I'd like to see gore added.

    Marines losing chunks(or limbs) when being killed via bite, or getting a deep cut when being slashed by a fade, or having a hole in their chest when being killed by an onos.
    Programming systems and building art assets to support detailed 3D injuries and dismemberment would be a waste of development time and money, which could be better used on creating content for new map themes or adding features that might provide new and varied game-play experiences.

    Additionally, I feel that excessive gore could detract from the "spirit" of the NS experience. I regard NS as more of a gentleman's game than other multiplayer shooter games. There is a sense of sophistication and the objective is to intelligently out-play your opponents rather than simply indulge in an aggressive deathmatch experience.
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