
shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
I know Fade is supposed to have a high skill cap... but don't you think it's a bit too high? It's 50 res and it's far more dangerous than an onos in most situations. A good fade player can easily dominate the match, even more importantly they ruin the fun for everyone else. A really good fade is extremely difficult to kill while they can dispatch you with ease. I'm not saying they need a huge nerf, but it's just not fun playing against them. Their res cost doesn't seem to really reflect their value. Balance is incredibly difficult and UWE is trying to balance competitive and casual, large and small games. I understand that. Balance is likely the most difficult part of multiplayer game development. Reading through the game development lens book has done a good job of opening my eyes to the difficulties of the subject, among others. Anyways, thank you for your time. :)


  • NeokenNeoken Bruges, Belgium Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27447Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Playtester
    edited February 2013
    You can kill a fade with two shotgun blasts. For a 50 res lifeform, the fade is actually pretty fragile. Yes, there are people who can get very good at playing fade, and these people can go on mad killing streaks. But there are people who can get very good at playing marines as well, and completely dominate the game. That doesn't mean we should nerf marines. You have to judge balance when looking at equally skilled match ups.
  • UzverUzver Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172632Members, Reinforced - Silver
    edited February 2013
    0 res marine can't simply defeat 50 res fade or 30 res lerk. You should buy a shotgun, don't panic and only shoot if you sure that you will hit target.
  • suttysutty Join Date: 2010-08-01 Member: 73403Members
    Good fade or not, he will lose health in fights, you need to look at your mini map (should be doing this all the time) see where he is engaging and then head to cut off his route back.
  • SquishpokePOOPFACESquishpokePOOPFACE -21,248 posts (ignore below) Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165262Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I usually buy jetpack/shotgun, shoot the wall five times and die. But sometimes I get lucky and kill the Fade, so re-buying equipment usually gets me burning 30-60 RES on killing a Fade. Fair enough I suppose.
  • shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
    Well, maybe I have the mistfortune of playing really good fades. Try playing All In Colt. Then come back and tell me that it's not too difficult to kill a fade. :)

    I just think they should find a way to lower the skill cap. Lerk for 30 res is pretty deadly, but they are very easy to kill because the margin for error is very small due to the health and more importantly, movement style. I think it just needs a little attention. It's super easy to take these posts like a rage, so I'm being careful not to let it come across like that. Having a ace up your sleeve with super clutch lifeform adds a lot to the match as well. So maybe its good to have a concept like this.
  • FarrenFarren Join Date: 2005-03-13 Member: 45065Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    Squishpoke wrote: »
    I usually buy jetpack/shotgun, shoot the wall five times and die. But sometimes I get lucky and kill the Fade, so re-buying equipment usually gets me burning 30-60 RES on killing a Fade. Fair enough I suppose.

    Fade is meant to just barely be able to defeat two shotgun-weilding (but not jetpack) marines of equal skill, in other words 50 res just barely > 40 res. If they've got jetpacks and are well co-ordinated, 60 res on the marine side is just barely > 50 res for the fade. So if you're taking them on alone, expect to die once or twice before you get lucky and manage to put him down.
    I just think they should find a way to lower the skill cap. Lerk for 30 res is pretty deadly, but they are very easy to kill because the margin for error is very small due to the health and more importantly, movement style. I think it just needs a little attention.

    Devs are considering ideas to make fades more viable against L3 shotguns/armor yet not overpowered against L0/L1 weapons. So feel free to make suggestions, I'm sure they're listening!
  • EesuEesu Join Date: 2012-08-08 Member: 155099Members
    Level 2 weapons, shotguns, 2 marines vs fade, fade should have some fear (since latest SG buff). The obvious solution is the less skill the marine players have, the bigger groups you should move around in.

    A scaling solution for fade and all aliens ( and I believe i've mentioned this before, if not in the forums somewhere, then to some influential people in-game). Would be to put a small damage scaling factor based on the number of hives the aliens currently have built. Keep standard fade damage to 2 hive aliens, multiply by a fraction (no real idea for actual scaling factor numbers) maybe 0.8 for 1 hive, 1 for 2 hive, then maybe 1.2 for 3 hive, 1.5 for 4 hive.

    The other option is , or at the same time, a carapace scaling factor, on the same line.

    This solution would also help in late game marine turtle situations, such as veil, when the third alien hive doesn't mean much for aliens, except commander provided onos eggs.

    And if Colt is the best fade you've played against, be thankful lol (sorry colt, but there is better).
  • MinimumMinimum Join Date: 2012-12-27 Member: 176382Members
    If you're taking a Fade on with just your assault rifle prepare to die. If you're taking a Fade on with a level 3 shotgun both of you are on pretty equal footing. If you're taking a Fade on with a level 3 shotgun and jetpack things should be pretty easy for you.

    A skilled Fade will be more difficult to kill, but still not impossible. I'm not at all a great shot and I managed to kill a Fade that was clearing house yesterday. I hit them with a ~220 damage shot and then shot them in the back with my pistol as they were fleeing. This was a totally 1v1 (Fade vs Jetpack Shotgunner) situation in the courtyard area of Docking. This isn't an isolated incident either. It's pretty easy to take down a Fade with a shotgun, especially when you have a jetpack. You just have to predict where they're going to go and calmly take your shots.

    On the contrary, Fades need to either be buffed or the shotguns need to be nerfed. The shotgun is an effective meatgrinder against a Fade right now.
  • sotanahtsotanaht Join Date: 2013-01-12 Member: 179215Members
    edited February 2013
    Minimum wrote: »
    If you're taking a Fade on with just your assault rifle prepare to die. If you're taking a Fade on with a level 3 shotgun both of you are on pretty equal footing. If you're taking a Fade on with a level 3 shotgun and jetpack things should be pretty easy for you.

    A skilled Fade will be more difficult to kill, but still not impossible. I'm not at all a great shot and I managed to kill a Fade that was clearing house yesterday. I hit them with a ~220 damage shot and then shot them in the back with my pistol as they were fleeing. This was a totally 1v1 (Fade vs Jetpack Shotgunner) situation in the courtyard area of Docking. This isn't an isolated incident either. It's pretty easy to take down a Fade with a shotgun, especially when you have a jetpack. You just have to predict where they're going to go and calmly take your shots.

    On the contrary, Fades need to either be buffed or the shotguns need to be nerfed. The shotgun is an effective meatgrinder against a Fade right now.

    It's easy to chase the fade off, but not so easy to kill him with that shotgun. A good fade can escape almost anything, the trick is to recognize a bad situation BEFORE it goes bad. Even your example, you get one shotgun blast (probably not 100% damage), and by the time you weapon switch a good fade will already be around a corner, they are just that fast.

    Also, if it's late enough in the game for W3 the fade should also have all three upgrades, which means silence, which means he should have a surprise attack or two against the jetpacker. So you chase him off by turning on him with that shotgun after the first attack, but he has done damage to you as well. Either you turn and run also and the fade being much faster gains ground, or you risk dying when he comes back again at full health for another surprise attack.
  • shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
    The last post seems to be most of my experiences. I'm a pretty good shot, not the best, but I'm pretty good. It doesn't seem to matter though, because like Sotan said: the trick to being a good fade (or alien) is to recognize a bad situation before you're in it. I play lerk, skulk and gorge a lot. The same applies to them. Recognize when and when not to engage. Retreat if you feel even relatively threatened. Use your speed to return to hive and harass regularly. It's not much of a competition between a single gun exo and a fade or even two jp shotgunners and a fade, assuming equal skill. The fade can always retreat and return 30 seconds later if the fight gets rough. Maybe tweaking adren pool would do the trick.
  • MiniH0wieMiniH0wie Join Date: 2007-11-25 Member: 63013Members
    Well, maybe I have the mistfortune of playing really good fades. Try playing All In Colt. Then come back and tell me that it's not too difficult to kill a fade. :)

    Ah yes, Colt is very much a PITA to kill (and not just as a fade either).

  • shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
    I've seen others play just as well. Not many, but some. |bin. is a beast. If these fellas can do it, as well as others, then given a decent amount of time there will be many more. I don't think that's much fun for anyone, let alone new players. Skulks, lerks and onos are all comprehensible for a new player. Small, fast and relatively easy to kill, skulks shouldn't be too discouraging to fight against. Lerks are a bit tougher, but are still manageable and predictable. Onos are not hard to aim at, somewhat easier to avoid and give you some considerable notice to their arrival. Fades have reasonable health, move incredibly fast and unpredictably, have an ability that makes the difficult to understand and they can engage and avoid you with relative ease. A good fade doesn't leave you with a much of a chance to fight back. That's very discouraging.
  • SeahuntsSeahunts Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151973Members
    Farren wrote: »
    Devs are considering ideas to make fades more viable against L3 shotguns/armor yet not overpowered against L0/L1 weapons. So feel free to make suggestions, I'm sure they're listening!

    This is good news. Even before the shotty update, late game fades needed some attention to be more viable. I hope that there is a 3rd hive carapace scaling personally. That or some kind of ranged attack.

    Early game fades can be a pain if they come out before you have shotguns though.
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    edited February 2013
    If you dont have anything nice to say.... GISP
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    edited February 2013
    I've seen others play just as well. Not many, but some. |bin. is a beast. If these fellas can do it, as well as others, then given a decent amount of time there will be many more. I don't think that's much fun for anyone, let alone new players. Skulks, lerks and onos are all comprehensible for a new player. Small, fast and relatively easy to kill, skulks shouldn't be too discouraging to fight against. Lerks are a bit tougher, but are still manageable and predictable. Onos are not hard to aim at, somewhat easier to avoid and give you some considerable notice to their arrival. Fades have reasonable health, move incredibly fast and unpredictably, have an ability that makes the difficult to understand and they can engage and avoid you with relative ease. A good fade doesn't leave you with a much of a chance to fight back. That's very discouraging.

    did u whinge that u couldnt shoot a ct due to the ak47 having higer recoil then m4?
    did u whinge that u couldnt no scope from 600m away with a awp?
    do u ever just play the game and get good at something? or do u whinge that ur bad and don't understand basic movement techniques and use them to ur advantage?

    if the answer is yes, then the answer is stfu
    if the answer is no, answer still stfu

    Stop your whinging and learn the game. how many hours u played 100? di

    did u play ns1? probably no. so you have no idea how easy it is to kill a fade. also have no idea about how much a fade can influence a game.

    This game isnt just a fps. u need to use ur brains to kill good fades. do u bait them? do you block them? do you use a shotgun? do you stay in a team? if no. then ur bads.
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    Well, maybe I have the mistfortune of playing really good fades. Try playing All In Colt. Then come back and tell me that it's not too difficult to kill a fade. :)

    I just think they should find a way to lower the skill cap. Lerk for 30 res is pretty deadly, but they are very easy to kill because the margin for error is very small due to the health and more importantly, movement style. I think it just needs a little attention. It's super easy to take these posts like a rage, so I'm being careful not to let it come across like that. Having a ace up your sleeve with super clutch lifeform adds a lot to the match as well. So maybe its good to have a concept like this.

    A good lerk is just as hard to kill.

    Aus has probably one of the best lerks in the world. Scatter, Extremely hard to kill. literally impossible to solo. Should we now nerf them becuase there so good at it? or just realise that some people are very good at aspects of this game. WE SHOULDN'T NERF LIFEFORMS BECAUSE A MINORITY ARE AMAZING AT IT!
  • OutSiDeR_OutSiDeR_ Join Date: 2013-02-12 Member: 183008Members
    edited February 2013
    lol., I dont think uwe takes this guy seriously anyway nezz
  • shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
    They may not take me seriously, but I'm just trying to point out that a good fade can be virtually impossible to kill early and mid game. Granted, later in the game they don't dominate, but they only cost 50 res. Single gun exos are the same cost, require more t res, are seen later in the game and are generally regarded as worthless. They are also the only exo a comm can drop. A jp/sg is somewhat competitive, if you get 2 or 3 really lucky/skilled shotgun blasts, but a good fade can easily escape after that first painful blast. A good lerk can be easier, as they move less deceptively and have much less health. I'm definitely afraid of a good lerk, but I think they're balanced very well right now.

    There are lots of factors that go into game balance. Nezz didn't even introduce a productive argument. He was just rude his entire post.

    If a few people can dominate now, then it's only a matter of time before more people can reproduce similar results with practice. I don't think they need to be nerfed into the ground, I think they just need to be changed to maybe dominate less early and mid game and somehow come on stronger later. Part of the problem is people don't use the third hive ability much, which is powerful, but doesn't get you kills.
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    edited February 2013
    If you dont have anything nice to say.... GISP
  • shaq_mobileshaq_mobile Join Date: 2009-12-10 Member: 69575Members
    I apologize if what I said upset you, nezz. That was not my intention. If you disagree with me, please feel free to but if you could formulate it in a way where it could be a discussion I think that would be most productive. You sound like you have an extensive gaming history, I'm sure you have lots of valid input and I'd really like to hear your side of the story.

    Also, I agree that you shouldn't nerf things into the ground just because a minority can excel with it. I just think fades should be adjusted so that perhaps they could be more practical late game and less unreasonable early game. UWE has to walk a fine line between balancing for large and small games and comp/non competitive play. That's not easy!
  • marios_drmarios_dr Join Date: 2013-02-27 Member: 183384Members
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