Benchmark Demo Thread
Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165986Members

So I recorded a game as aliens (I'm pretty bad) and wanted to know if you guys could play the demo and also record your benchmarks. No reason in particular just curious about performance across different PCs when it's the same game.
Anywhos, just drop the demo in C:/Users/(Your username)/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/
Then just open up ns2 and use the tilde key "~' to open up console and type "play demo1"
Of course have fraps open before you start ns2 and make sure you have a benchmarking hotkey. Then once the demo loads, and you are no longer in the ready room just hit the benchmark key and then hit it again when the game ends and you are in ready room. Then just graph your fps.csv in exel and post it here along with the frapslog info and system specs. PLEASE post a graph because that tells the most about performance as the game goes on. If you do not have excel just upload the fps.csv and I'll make it into a graph if you need it:
i7 920 @ 4.2 gHz, Gtx 480 Oc'd
1920x1200, Please leave all graphical settings on minimal/low. You can add a test on high if you feel like it.
The demo is about 25 minutes so just a warning. Use whatever settings you normally play with. It's pretty boring so just set fraps to record 25 or so minutes and then come back.
2013-02-08 17:19:56 - NS2
Frames: 82599 - Time: 1392917ms - Avg: 59.299 - Min: 32 - Max: 108

Anywhos, just drop the demo in C:/Users/(Your username)/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/
Then just open up ns2 and use the tilde key "~' to open up console and type "play demo1"
Of course have fraps open before you start ns2 and make sure you have a benchmarking hotkey. Then once the demo loads, and you are no longer in the ready room just hit the benchmark key and then hit it again when the game ends and you are in ready room. Then just graph your fps.csv in exel and post it here along with the frapslog info and system specs. PLEASE post a graph because that tells the most about performance as the game goes on. If you do not have excel just upload the fps.csv and I'll make it into a graph if you need it:
i7 920 @ 4.2 gHz, Gtx 480 Oc'd
1920x1200, Please leave all graphical settings on minimal/low. You can add a test on high if you feel like it.
The demo is about 25 minutes so just a warning. Use whatever settings you normally play with. It's pretty boring so just set fraps to record 25 or so minutes and then come back.
2013-02-08 17:19:56 - NS2
Frames: 82599 - Time: 1392917ms - Avg: 59.299 - Min: 32 - Max: 108

i5 3570k @3.8
gtx 680
8gb ram
everything maxed, texture streaming off, 1920x1080
please post your settings
(All off except for Textures, which are on high)
Time: 1606452ms (26 minutes, 46.45 seconds)
Avg: 51.621
Min: 28
Max: 99
(Ambient Occlusion, Infestation, Atmospherics, everything, except VSync)
Time: 2798752ms (46 minutes, 46.45 seconds)
Avg: 29.709
Min: 0
Max: 46
***Interesting to note, the demo was running in slow motion! My poor baby couldn't handle the graphics.
CPU: Intel i5-3450 @ 3.10 GHz unclocked
GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 460 v2
Display: BenQ XL2420T @ 1920x1080 resolution and 120hz
Would you mind posting a fraps graph? I'm interested since you have a pretty strong rig there.
I usually get 3 other files with the text file. Do you have the FPS checked under benchmark settings? You just open up the file that ends in fps.csv in excel and highlight the number values and then make a line graph. I could make a graph for you if you upload the fps.csv.
1) Done "play demo", it failed with saying "Couldn't download mod" or something like this - can't remember exactly.
2) Restart, turn-off all mods on my side. After "play demo" game freeze on "Downloading mods..."
3) Unsubscribed all mods, deleted every mod in Workshop folder. Game downloads mods but "play demo" fails with info "Server mod is out of date"
Game log attached.
Seems like you need to record one more demo without mods?
Did a mod just get updated or something? Because I was able to play your demo fine on Monday night. Sorry haven't been able to post my results.
Yea a mod did update. I liked the first one a lot better but I uploaded a second one from an un modded server if anyone wants to benchmark. Only Squishpoke posted a graph anyways so I figure it does not really need a new thread.
Oh cool I already removed the first demo since no one else can use it since the mods were updated so I replaced it with one that does not include any. But here are all the 3 graphs from the people that benchmarked the first test. Thanks in advance Squish for redoing it.
Sharp Shooter:
Avg: 53.908 i5 3570k @ 3.8 GHz gtx 680 8gb ram
Everything maxed, texture streaming off, 1920x1080
Avg: 51.453 Intel i5-3450 @ 3.1 GHz GTX 460 v2 8 GB ram
1920x1080 All settings low with the exception of textures on high
Avg: 53.906 i7 920 @ 4.2 GHz HT on (Dunno if it does anything) gtx 480
1920x1200 Everything on except ambient occlusion, texture streaming, and atmospherics.
AMD HD 6950
1920x1080, windowed fullscreen, all graphics options to their minimum
Did the benchmark again with all options on their highest settings
Benchmarks by nature are based on some standard, like this demo and settings, becoming the baseline. This allows you to compare rigs and is the purpose behind a benchmark.
Everyone should test with the same settings.
I'll do both low and high settings.
EDIT: Done!
ATI HD5770
1440x900, all settings LOW in game, texture streaming off, multicore rendering on
Frames: 82551 - Time: 1939873ms - Avg: 42.555 - Min: 21 - Max: 82
Geforce GTX 680 stock clocks
Settings on low except for:
Textures: High
Anti-aliasing: On
Anisotropic filtering: On
1920x1080, 120 Hz
Frames: 82685 - Time: 1305619 ms - Min 34, Max 152, Avg 63.333
I'm confused by your graph.
Your min says 34 yet the graph clearly shows you dipping under 20 at times. What's up with that?
Radeon HD-7870
Win 7 64 bit
Atmospherics OFF
Bloom OFF
Infestation Minimal
Textures High
Particle Low
REst is ON
Frames: 82243 - Time: 1268803ms - Avg: 64.819 - Min: 20 - Max: 142
There are 3 files created by fraps, and the biggest one only has one columm with many lines.
And there's no fps there. just frame and time (ms)
Frame, Time (ms)
1, 0.000
2, 4.487
3, 9.847
Those are the first three lines
This is how I do it:
Of course I use printscreen to cap the image and paint because idk how to extract the graph as an image in excel.
Indeed, that doesn't make much sense.
I just used Google docs, did a new spreadsheet, CTRL + A then a new Diagram. Rightklick (or button on top?) save as picture. So the lazyies way to do it, didn't even put infos for x-y-axis and title :-P