For the love of god SAVE FOR ONOS

StardogStardog Join Date: 2004-10-25 Member: 32448Members
Just do it.

If you go Fade and die, don't go Fade again.

If you go Lerk and die, don't go Lerk/Fade.

If you go Gorge and die, only go Gorge again if you have to.

I can't count how many times in a 16-24 player server when only 1 person saves for Onos. This alone loses you the game.


  • ekrizonekrizon Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 170924Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I see where your coming from but the people who go fade/lerk and die instantly usually do the same with onos.
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    Stardog wrote: »
    Just do it.

    If you go Fade and die, don't go Fade again.

    If you go Lerk and die, don't go Lerk/Fade.

    If you go Gorge and die, only go Gorge again if you have to.

    I can't count how many times in a 16-24 player server when only 1 person saves for Onos. This alone loses you the game.


    PS: Opinions based on 18 person or higher servers are instantly null and void.
    Lerk harassment is essential for MOST of the game, and entirely useful during the second phase of the game. I get that you are most comfortable with the onos due to it's laughable skill requirements and it's the go-to sledgehammer for breaking the marine team, but any respectable marine team with jetpacks will annihilate the onos your team saved for, and then because everyone is broke, clean up and win.

    This exact thing happened to me last night in a game. The aliens had like, zero higher lifeforms for 99% of the game, then oh look 6 onos and 2 gorges are hitting main. We jetpacked over to cargo, killed it, over to pipe, killed it. Game over.
  • OventoastedOventoasted Join Date: 2013-02-03 Member: 182782Members
    haha im always a end game guy. i dont spend a dime on anything unless its a robot with dual mini guns or a onos. =D
  • LunosLunos Join Date: 2009-08-18 Member: 68518Members
    I think the bigger question is why onos is a no brainer pick for all Aliens but the number of Exos must be carefully controlled by the Marine team or they face certain death due to lack of mobility. Both the 75 res picks should either be a double edged sword (Exo type) or low skill, massacre machine (Onos type) for BOTH teams.
  • sotanahtsotanaht Join Date: 2013-01-12 Member: 179215Members
    edited February 2013
    PS: Opinions based on 18 person or higher servers are instantly null and void.

    The game doesn't actually start to get balanced until 18-20. 8 player pub teams are laughable at best and the number one reason the game seems balanced pro-alien. Marines scale better with more players.

    Regardless, 3-4 onos at the same time WILL win the game, jetpacks don't even matter when you have that much going. The only way to stop them is to stick a dual gun exo in a base, but even then if the onos can actually coordinate it won't.
  • kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members
    edited February 2013
    Lunos wrote: »
    I think the bigger question is why onos is a no brainer pick for all Aliens but the number of Exos must be carefully controlled by the Marine team or they face certain death due to lack of mobility. Both the 75 res picks should either be a double edged sword (Exo type) or low skill, massacre machine (Onos type) for BOTH teams.

    I don't agree. the onos may be more versatile mainly due to its movement speed but it's definitively no massacre machine - 1 marine may be no match, even two, but it gets really dangerous when it's faced with (properly upgraded) marines in groups of 3 or more (who don't stand tight together to be stomped down, who strafe while shooting and who pursue it, when it retreats). and playing onos is not a no brainer: many players believe them to be massacre machines (that's what they seem to think, and that's what they seem to think of exos too) so they run in packed bases against 8 marines and die after the first marine is fallen.

    OP: 10 onos may end a game, but so could 10 exos. for any amount of onos, it gets easier when you are paired with support lifeforms (bile/medic gorge, spore/umbra lerk, marine killer/harass fade, cannon fodder skulk). so all players saving up to go onos is not the key to winning games. in midgame, you can't be aggressive enough with only gorges and skulks, so some players must go lerk or fade. when they die quickly, it's bad, I agree.
    but most of the times, lerks and fades (and even gorges) tend to live much longer (best way: retreat from time to time to get your health back up, don't face marines with only some hp left) than the average skulk which gives them a crapload of pres to go onos - sometimes even around the same time as the skulks who saved from the beginning and died over and over again until they can.
  • derWalterderWalter Join Date: 2008-10-29 Member: 65323Members
    onos is the most hard lifeform to play.
    especially because its so expensive
    and depended on the rest of the team.
  • WillzZzWillzZz Join Date: 2013-01-31 Member: 182667Members
    Nah. Bad players in an Onos are still bad players. They should learn to gorge, lerk and fade. Giving up on the mid-game is a pretty easy way to guarantee a loss. Especially since it's so easy to kill an Onos or Exo.

    Unsure what the troll above me is getting at.
  • LunosLunos Join Date: 2009-08-18 Member: 68518Members
    Lunos wrote: »
    I think the bigger question is why onos is a no brainer pick for all Aliens but the number of Exos must be carefully controlled by the Marine team or they face certain death due to lack of mobility. Both the 75 res picks should either be a double edged sword (Exo type) or low skill, massacre machine (Onos type) for BOTH teams.

    I don't agree. the onos may be more versatile mainly due to its movement speed but it's definitively no massacre machine - 1 marine may be no match, even two, but it gets really dangerous when it's faced with (properly upgraded) marines in groups of 3 or more (who don't stand tight together to be stomped down, who strafe while shooting and who pursue it, when it retreats). and playing onos is not a no brainer: many players believe them to be massacre machines (that's what they seem to think, and that's what they seem to think of exos too) so they run in packed bases against 8 marines and die after the first marine is fallen.

    You should see how a GOOD Onos does it, what you mention are baddies who suicide. Good Onos harass marines, killing a few, running out to harass res nodes, run back, kill more marines and constantly jump around the map. It is UNKILLABLE. I've gotten over 50 kills without dying as an Onos and singlehandedly turned the game for my team. Trying doing that as a single Exo with no support. A pack of Onos is even worse, three rush a base and whack the power node in seconds basically ending that base for Marines. Exos can certainly kill a hive but have no form of retreat in case things turn for the worse and are easily cut off with forced beacons and harassed with bile bombs. It IS the no brainer pick for Aliens.
  • kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members
    @Lunos You can get the same 50 kills as a GOOD fade or a VERY GOOD lerk so saving for onos might be not the best strategy for every player. and bad/new players who the OP had in mind are usually the worse ones (who don't retreat). But I agree, a single onos attack can do more damage than a single exo one. I think mainly because they differ in speed (onos are very fast, exos may be even slower than arcs) and healing rate (onos seems to heal quicker at hives/gorges, exo welding seems kind of slow).
    And when 1 onos can change the output of the round marines are usually not that good upgraded/organized/in onos killing.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Onos is by far the easiest lifeform in the game, and it's relatively easy to get to if your team isn't getting entirely stomped economy-wise. So yeah, saving for it is probably a good idea, though supposedly players are encouraged to make that decision entirely on their own, else we wouldn't have the whole p.res scheme.
  • rockypockyteriyakirockypockyteriyaki Join Date: 2013-01-11 Member: 178937Members
    I go gorge all day everyday hell yeahs lol
  • UzverUzver Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172632Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Onos is not a panacea that solves all problems. Also who will stop a good jetpack marine who tries to kill the almost died onos?
  • BeerTentBeerTent Join Date: 2012-11-11 Member: 169639Members
    The way I see it, Aliens are more independent, wheras Marines require someone to cover their backs. Both teams are crafted to be as such. Of course, it's a team based game, so one single alien is not as powerful of a threat it can be when it's alone.

    Actually, this is by far the most basic thing about NS. Failure to grasp this ends in nothing but consistent failure in-game. This is how it was in NS1, and how it is in NS2. I say this because of the statement above that both team's 75Res should be more equal. It's not consistent with either team to have a "Alien DE Sword" or a "Marine Murder Machine."

    Furthermore, this is the new-player forum, which tells me the OP was likely playing random servers. Dictating a single strategy is asinine for this, as the random, non-comp player is completely unpredictable. Your wave of 6+ Onos with hallucinations may work one game, but it will likely never work again. As others have stated, don't forget about early and mid-game. :3
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